Pay differentials là gì

pay differential nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm pay differential giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của pay differential.

Từ điển Anh Việt - Chuyên ngành

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    * kinh tế

    mức chênh lệch lương

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Syrian national who cut a bloody path through the ranks in Afghanistan for the past decade before settling back here. cứu, câu lày trong ngữ cảnh quân đội đang làm 1 nhiệm vụ và trước câu này là nhắc tới 1 người, họ còn nói là "người của chúng ta" mang quốc tịch syrian, đến đoạn who cut a bloody path through làm em ko hiểu gì, cứu =))

Drive can provide encrypted and secure access to your files. Files shared with you can be proactively scanned and removed when malware, spam, ransomware, or phishing is detected. And Drive is cloud-native, which eliminates the need for local files and can minimize risk to your devices.

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People-first collaboration apps to supercharge teamwork

Drive integrates with Docs, Sheets, and Slides, cloud-native collaboration apps that enable your team to create content and collaborate more effectively in real time.

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Integration with the tools and apps your team is already using

Drive integrates with and complements your team’s existing technology. Collaborate in Microsoft Office files without the need to convert file formats, and edit and store over 100 additional file types, including PDFs, CAD files, images, and more.

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Google’s Search and AI technology helps your team move faster

Google’s powerful search capabilities are embedded in Drive and offer speed, reliability, and collaboration. And features like Drive search chips help your team find files fast by quickly surfacing more relevant results.

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Thousands of teams are already using Drive to revolutionize the way they work

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“I never worry about finding a document. Everything’s in Drive, I can access it anywhere, and that’s been revolutionary.”

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“Most of our team members were already familiar with Drive and found it very intuitive and easy to use, so change management was minimal and we were quickly up and running.”

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“Real-time collaboration with Google Docs and Drive is a must-have...if we ever tried to move employees off it, it would be a torches and pitchforks situation—complete chaos.”

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“Google is revolutionizing collaboration and individual productivity through AI. Employees can focus more on creating value for our customers and less on mundane tasks.”

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Drive integrates with the tools your team is already using

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Find the plan that’s right for you

Google Drive is a part of Google Workspace

Every plan includes

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Try Drive for Work

For Personal (no cost)

Go to Drive

Business Standard

$12 USD


Get started

See more plans

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Secure cloud storage

15 GB per user

2 TB per user

Target audience sharing



Shared drives for your team



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Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms

content creation



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Secure email



Custom business email



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Video and voice conferencing

100 participants

150 participants

Meeting recordings saved to Drive



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Centralized administration



Group-based security policy controls



Customer support

Self-service online and community forums

24/7 online support and community forums

Looking for more storage for your personal account?

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Google One is a subscription plan that gives you more storage to use across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. Plus, with Google One, you get extra benefits and can share your membership with your family.