john kerrys là gì - Nghĩa của từ john kerrys

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the man who should have won the election...


man george dubya sucks.....we need JOHN KERRY!

john kerrys có nghĩa là

John Kerry enlisted in the Navy in 1966. He began his first tour of duty on a guided-missile frigate off the cost of Vietnam. In 1968, John Kerry began his second tour of duty, and volunteered to serve on a Swift Boat, one of the most dangerous assignments of the war. Swift Boats patrolled the narrow inlets and canals around the Mekong Delta to draw fire and smoke out the enemy. Lt. John Kerry's leadership, courage, and sacrifice earned him a Silver Star, the Navy's fifth highest medal, a Bronze Star with Combat V, and three Purple Hearts, awarded for wounds received in combat.

After he returned home he decided he had a responsibility to his friends still serving, the friends he had lost, and his country, to help restore responsible leadership in America. He became a spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

After graduating from Law School in 1976, John Kerry went to work as a top prosecutor in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He took on organized crime and fought for victims' rights.

John Kerry was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1982. In that office, he organized the nation's Governors to combat acid rain that was polluting lakes, rivers, and the nation's water supply. Two years later, he was elected to the United States Senate and he has won reelection three-times since. He is now serving his fourth term, after winning again in 2002.

During his two decades of service, he has fought for fiscal discipline, fought to put 100,000 more cops on America's streets, and fought to modernize and strengthen America's military. He worked with Senator John McCain to investigate American POW/MIAs. He helped provide health insurance for millions of low-income children. He has fought to improve public education, protect our natural environment, strengthen our economy, and increase in the minimum wage. John Kerry has been a tireless champion of funding for veterans' health care.

He ran for president in 2004. He lost only because George Bush stole the election with the help of his friends at Diebold, and other private companies that count the American people's votes.


John Kerry is an American Hero.

john kerrys có nghĩa là

A man who would have brought America out of the complete clusterfuck that has become our country, a la George W. Bush. Republicans feel the need to pick on him, because it's the best defense they can come up with when Democrats point out the obvious shortcomings of the current president, creating an effect similar to the phenomena of when a chimpanzee observes humans using tools, and then tries to use tools in a similar manner.


How the fuck was John Kerry kept out of office?

john kerrys có nghĩa là

A truly presidential, inspirational, intelligent,prudent, wise,experienced, and upstanding individual---John Kerry 2008


"I know something about aircraft carriers for real."
John F. Kerry

"I will never conduct a war or start a war because we want to; the United States of America should only go to war because we have to. And if you live by that guidance, you'll never have veterans throwing away their medals or standing up in protest.
John F. Kerry "

"No one is going to question my commitment to the defence of our nation. I don't know what it is these Republicans, who didn't serve in any war, have against those of us who are Democrats who did.
John F. Kerry "

"President Clinton was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second.
John F. Kerry "

"America now stands as the world's foremost power. We should be proud: Not since the age of the Romans have one people achieved such preeminence. But we are not Romans; we do not seek an empire.
John F. Kerry "

"I believe America's best days are ahead of us because I believe that the future belongs to freedom, not to fear.
John F. Kerry "

john kerrys có nghĩa là

John Kerry is a decorated Vietnam veteran, former prosecutor, United States Senator and 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate, who lost to a sitting President during a time of war by a close margin. John Kerry has been in service of others all his life.

Kerry served on a Swift Boat in Vietnam during a period when these boats were used for very dangerous patrols. Kerry saved the life of Jim Rasmussen on one occasion, the lives of his crew on another, and was also responsible for rescuing a number of Vietnamese villagers. Critics who generated partisan attacks on Kerry's military service in 2004, have been largely discredited because of their ties to right-wing groups and acceptance of neocon funding. This kind of dirty politics is now referred to swiftboating, after the group that attacked Kerry.

After Vietnam, Kerry became an anti-war activist. The rancor and division over Vietnam carries into the present. Many Vietnam vets see Kerry as a hero for speaking out, but others retain a bitter hatred toward him because they feel dissent was unpatriotic and that it somehow diminished their service. When Kerry, in his 1971 testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, spoke about the torture and atrocities American soldiers claimed to have committed, he was clear in that he was retelling the stories of other veterans. It is a testament to the extreme polarization over Vietnam that, to this day, that fact escapes the attention of those who inaccurately berate Kerry for accusing our military of atrocities.

Prior to becoming a Senator in Massachusetts, John Kerry earned a law degree, served as an assistant prosecutor and Lt. Governor in Mass. He maintains a critical eye towards crime and authored a book about crime and terrorism called The New War in 1997. Kerry's investigative skills were instrumental in breaking the Iran-Contra and BCCI scandal and, in his law enforcement approach to issues of government corruption and terrorism, Kerry remains ahead of the pack in speaking out on issues before they become popular.

John Kerry is a strong Democrat and he votes for liberal issues such as environmental protections, human rights, civil liberties, social security and lowering taxes for the middle class (but not for the upper class). However, Kerry is a fiscal conservative on the budget and has argued for a pay as you go strategy to government spending. Kerry supports maintaining a strong military and has proposed a wealth of legislation to protect and support veterans, but he does not support engaging in unilateral wars or nation building. Kerry voted to give George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq as a last resort, multilateral effort. This vote was based on lies about non-existent WMD that were presented to Congress as fact. In light of the truth being exposed about Iraq and WMD, Kerry has recanted his vote and has been fighting for a plan to withdraw our forces from Iraq by 2007. He also voted for the war in Afghanistan and maintains that this war was necessary for our security. Kerry has publically accused the Bush Administration of cuttting and running in Afghanistan and in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.

Senator Kerry has been campaigning and raising money for Democrats running in 2006, particularly for veterans who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Through his PAC, Keeping Americas Promise, Kerry leads in fundraising for Democrats this election cycle. His e-mail list has grown since 2004 and he is still hugely popular at fundraising and speaking events across the country. People are often surprised when the meet the senator because he is very warm, funny and attractive, contrary to the erroneous impression that was perpetuated in 2004.

Senator Kerry is considering another run for President in 2008. The Senator maintains, however, that the 2006 battle for Congress is the watershed event that will determine the direction of our country and that this year, not 2008, is the priority until after the elections in November.


John Kerry is one of the most personable, down-to-earth, intellectually curious, knowledgeable and compassionate human being I have ever met and there isn't anyone in the world more qualified to be President of the United States of America.

"No American President should be for torture before he's against it." - John Kerry 9/9/06

john kerrys có nghĩa là

John Kerry: a political hero, a brave and a decent man. THis man could have been the one to save our country, to save our freedom, to save our peace and too save countries overall well-being. It is interesting how not one person has mentioned a nice thing about this hero. And how use of dramtization has come to defend in Bush's honor. I dont think anyone reading, or writing on this woould enjoy serving four months in vietnam. He did not leave due to 3 minor injuries, thats malarky. He had no one to defend for him, and there wasnt a way for him to take a shortcut(unlike some) through this war. He had 3 wounds resulting in him having to leave. Now on to the hero part, he has earned Purple hearts, which no matter how you want to say it he earned by risking his life for some one esles, mock that how you want, but its the truth. He then came back to fight for what he had beleived in, peace and he isnt to blame after being in the war, he saw what no man should see: ruthless killing. He fought for something from his heart, and went out of his way to stop it. Once possible to run for congress he did, throughout his career he continued to fight for all those years. He did not just barely "slip" through college, he was a great student, and a leader(in college he learned to speak, also unlike some others). He is in no way a bad person and anyone willing to mock him too partisan and has to make up things to get to a point. In many of you being republicans, as I can see, dont look at someone as a bad person for what they beleive, give them a chance.


"Too bad john kerry didnt win"
"Ya, I like presidents that can speak"

john kerrys có nghĩa là

John Kerry has spent a lifetime both fighting corruption and being targeted by the corrupt.

After his service in Vietnam, Kerry took a stance against the war and Richard Nixon targeted him for his Vietnam protest activities. President Nixon, (aka Tricky Dick) can be heard in taped conversations ordering that his staff to "take down the young demagogue" (aka John Kerry). The individual they chose to lead their attack dog was another Vietnam veteran. This same individual, although unsuccessful in thwarting Kerry and the Vietnam protest in 1971, reemerged during the 2004 presidential election to once again attack Kerry, this time with a lot of conservative money behind him. Sam Fox, recent recess apointment by George W. Bush, personally gave 50K to the "swifties". The trail of the swift-boating campaign was thinly veiled and led back to the GOP and even to White House "Rasputin" Karl Rove, who sent a letter thanking the "swift-boaters" for their help during the election.

Prior to his election as Lt. Governor of Massachusetts and his election to the United States Senate, John Kerry served as Assistant District Attorney where he initiated special units to fight organized crime and white-collar crime. He was one of the first victim advocates, starting programs to council rape victims and other crime victims. Kerry put a notorious local mobster behind bars and won convictions in other important cases, including one high profile rape case. "“I always had a prosecutor’s mind and a prosecutor’s bent," Kerry was quoted as saying in a New Yorker interview.

In the Senate, Kerry continued his war on corruption, taking on an investigatory role that led to the exposé of the Iran-Contra scandal, which was a particularly nasty episode in recent history. Accused drug runners, who were shipping guns to the Nicaraguan Contras, claimed they were under orders of the National Security Council. The implication was that the administration, or at least the National Security Council, turned a blind eye to the drug running. There were attempts to derail Kerry’s investigation, but the scandal was ultimately brought to light. President Reagan's military aide, Oliver North was tried on sixteen felony counts, convicted on three and later had all charges dismissed by the Supreme Court. Today he is a conservative commentator on Fox News. The Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America, Elliott Abrams, pleaded guilty to a felony for lying about foreign funding for the Contras. He was later pardoned by the George Bush Sr. and was appointed by George W. Bush in 2005 as National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy.

During the Iran-Contra investigation, Kerry pursued the financing for the South American drug cartels and the investigation led to the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a powerful, international institution that was eventually exposed as a front for drug running, money laundering and terrorism. Kerry faced strong opposition from the Reagan and Bush administrations and also from powerful members of his own party who did not want him to pursue his investigation. The covert goal of the BCCI was to finance the destruction of Western influence and as part of its goal financed numerous Muslim terrorist organizations. There were alleged CIA connections and a vast web of BCCI corruption that may not be entirely known for generations. Kerry probed further and delved into the connection between drug trafficking and terrorism. In "The New War, the Web of Crime that Threatens America's Security", which Kerry wrote in 1997, he warned of the increasing threat from terrorists.

While Kerry did not win the presidency in 2004, he remains in the Senate, fighting with even more vigor, the corruption that has our country in a stranglehold. And the attacks on him continue as one might expect.


John Kerry is one tough hombre who fights for the honor of America and the American people.

"Truth is the American bottom line." - Senator John Kerry 2006

john kerrys có nghĩa là

John Kerry is one of the toughest, smartest senators in Congress. When he's not battling the narrow-minded neocon agenda in the Senate, he's holding the Bush Administration's feet to the fire, championing the rights of the average American, speaking and writing on the environment, pushing for a swift end to the war in Iraq, pushing for extended veterans benefits, social justice, world security, fair trade, worker's rights, Internet freedom, helping small business and other important issues.

Kerry is a strong and loyal Democrat and lifelong environmentalist, who was involved in the first Earth Day in 1971, and who continues to fight for our earth over the interests of big oil. With his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, the senator has just written a book entitled "This Moment on Earth" which tells the stories of ordinary folks who are making a difference by rolling up their sleeves and doing their part to clean and protect our earth.

Kerry has also been one of the first to call for a timeline to withdraw our troops from Iraq. With Senators Feingold and Boxer, he co-authored the Kerry-Feingold Bill in 2006. Kerry has been one of the most outspoken against George W. Bush's failed policy in Iraq and was the first senator to call for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.


John Kerry is a great man and one Hell of a senator.

john kerrys có nghĩa là

A man who has been fighting for truth for over 35 years. He is a patriot and a great American. John Kerry is a hero to many in this country but this isn't widely publicized by the media. Senator Kerry has become a grassroots hero since the election in 2004 because he has continued to fight for American civil liberties and integrity in government.


John Kerry has never been afraid to speak truth to power.

john kerrys có nghĩa là

A man who has been fighting for truth for over 35 years. He is a patriot and a great American. John Kerry is a hero to many in this country but this isn't widely publicized by the media. Senator Kerry has become a grassroots hero since the election in 2004 because he has continued to fight for American civil liberties and integrity in government.


John Kerry isn't afraid to speak truth to power.