Culture fit là gì

Cultural Fit is defined as the individual’s attitudes, values and beliefs being in line with the core values and culture of an organisation.

Culture fit là gì
Culture fit là gì



Cultural Fit

Hiring for Cultural Fit

The world of recruitment is changing. Current trends, such as the digitalisation, predictive analytics and newly developed recruitment technologies do not only affect the job market structures but also raise the expectations of the job seekers. Nowadays, it is more relevant for candidates that their values, beliefs and personality match those of the company. Cultural Fit is becoming one of the most important criteria in the process of applying for a new job.

Culture fit là gì
Culture fit là gì

Culture fit là gì
Culture fit là gì

It is possible to integrate the CompanyMatch matching technology into the application process. Job seekers will have the opportunity to apply for a position submitting their motivational letter, CV and their individual CompanyMatch results giving the recruiter a deeper insight in the applicant’s values and standards as well as their Cultural Fit.

The CompanyMatch solution enables organisations to add the Cultural Fit to their recruitment process and enrich their employer brand. CompanyMatch has received a lot of positive feedback from both companies and candidates in the last couple of years and conducted several case studies, proving the success of a hire based on a strong Cultural Fit.

CompanyMatch strongly believes that happy employees are not only more motivated but also work harder. A high Cultural Fit contributes to the overall well-being in personal and professional life and increases the employee’s happiness at work.

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