What is the likely reason adolescents rely on their peers rather than their parents for social comparison quizlet?

Trustworthiness, which includes honesty, integrity, reliability, and loyalty

Respect, which includes treating others with dignity, civility, courtesy, and tolerance

Responsibility, which assumes that one is accountable for one's actions, perseveres, is diligent, and shows self-restraint

Fairness, which involves following due process, being impartial, and refusing to take unfair advantage of others

Caring, or the concern for others' welfare

Citizenship, or giving to the community and obeying its rules

•Cognitive empathy: Ability to understand other people's perspective; plays a role in avoiding conflict

•Affective empathy: Understanding what others are feeling; helps us to respond to others appropriately

•In girls, cognitive empathy begins around 13; in boys, around 15

•In girls, affective empathy remains constant in girls; shows decline in boys from 13 to 16

•Changes may be due to testosterone levels/dominance.

High Status Category: Popular kids, they are the most liked. Controversial kids, who are liked by some and disliked by others.
-Have more close friends, engage in more activities with peers, disclose more about themselves, involved in extra activities, well aware of popularity, and less lonely.

Low Status Category: Rejected teens, who are uniformly disliked. and Neglected teens, who are neither liked nor disliked.
-Have fewer friends, Engage in social activities less frequent, have less contact with opposite gender, see themselves as less popular, are more likely to feel lonely.

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What is the likely reason adolescents rely on their peers rather than their parents for social comparison quizlet?



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