Top 3 miss universe 2023 question and answer

Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios was crowned Miss Universe 2023 with her winning answer during the final Question-and-Answer Portion.

Read: Miss Nicaragua crowned Miss Universe 2023; Michelle Dee reaches Top 10

She bested Miss Australia Moraya Wilson and Miss Thailand Anntonia Porsild.

All three of them went through the final round of question and answer portion after they made the cut.

The question was: "If you could live in one year, if you could live one year in another woman's shoes, who would you choose and why?"

Here are their answers:


I would choose Malala Yousafzai because I know the struggles that she had to deal with in order to get to where she is today. She had to fight for women's education and fight for all women to be able to stand strong and be the change and lead by example. If I could choose anyone, that would be her. Thank you.


I would live my mother's year in her birth year because she's a very strong woman. She's tough. She taught me how to work hard. She taught me how to be brave, how to be strong, and I'm forever grateful for those lessons that she taught me.


I would choose Mary Wollstonecraft because she opened the gap and gave an opportunity to many women... And what I would do, I would want that gap, that income gap, would open up so that women could work in any area that they choose to work in because there are no limitations for women. That was 1750. Now, in 2023, we're making history.

Read: Thailand’s Anntonia Porsild on friendship with Michelle Dee: “She understands my sarcasm and my jokes.”


Before the Top 3 candidates were chosen, the Miss Universe 2023 Top 5 finalists were given a taste of the question-and-answer portion.


QUESTION: How would you use the Miss Universe platform to promote global gender equality?

ANSWER: I would use the Miss Universe platform to push a message. I think this community is strong and when we bond together we can create changes. And when it comes to gender equality, when we use our voice and we use our power to make a change, that's when real movement happens. Thank you.


QUESTION: If you win tonight, what would you bring to the Miss Universe brand?

ANSWER: I would use that opportunity to show the world the relevance of beauty queens nowadays. I would use my activism on regarding mental health and telling the world how it is important that if we use our voice, if we take up space, if we are courageous enough to be ourselves in this world, I would use the platform to reach and be that. Thank you so much.


QUESTION: What qualities and values guide you as a leader and role model for others?

ANSWER: The quality that has inspired me and has inspired millions of women and girls, I apologize, today is humility and to be able to appreciate all the little things. Because that's where the most valuable thing is, the essence of being human. Thank you.


QUESTION: If you could speak to a room full of students about online bullying, what would you say?

ANSWER: I would say to not listen to what people have to say because in the end, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is up to us on how we react to it. Use our voice to stand up for what is right and be the change that we want to see in the world by leading by example. Don't listen to the hate because it doesn't shape us, but what shapes us is how we get back up and how we move forward from that. Thank you.


QUESTION: If this was your last day on earth, how would you live it?

ANSWER: I am already living it because I'm here. I'm breaking stereotypes being a woman, being a mother. It's to leave history, a legacy, something that I want to transmit to women, mothers, and children. Thank you.

Read: Michelle Dee after Top 10 finish in Miss Universe 2023: “Thank you so much for raising our flag with me.”

Who do you think gave the best answer among the candidates? Share your personal picks on socials!

This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article.

Top 3 miss universe 2023 question and answer

Thailand, Australia, and Nicaragua all answered the same question: 'If you could live one year in another woman’s shoes, who would you choose and why?'

MANILA, Philippines – The top three candidates of the Miss Universe 2023 pageant revealed who their women role models are and their reasons why during the last Q&A round of the coronation night on Sunday, November 19 (Philippine time) in El Salvador.

Thailand’s Anntonia Porsild, Australia’s Moraya Wilson, and Nicaragua’s Sheynnis Palacios all responded to the same question: “If you could live one year in another woman’s shoes, who would you choose and why?”

Here’s how they answered:

Thailand, Anntonia Porsild

I would choose Malala Yousafzai, because I know the struggles she had to deal with to get where she is today. She had to fight for women’s education and fight for all women to be able to stand strong and be the change and lead by example. If I could choose anyone, that would be her.

Australia, Moraya Wilson

I would live my mother’s. She is a very strong woman, she is tough, she taught me how to work hard, be brave, be strong. And I’m forever grateful for those lessons she taught me.

Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios

I would choose Mary Wollstonecraft, because she opened the gap to give an opportunity to many women. What I would do is to have that income gap would open up so women could work in any area that they choose to work in because there are no limitations for women. That was 1750. Now in 2023 we are making history.

Who are the top 3 Miss Universe 2023?

Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios, Miss Thailand Anntonia Porsild and Miss Australia Moraya Wilson were named the top three Miss Universe 2023 finalists on Saturday in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Who won Miss Universe 2023 tonight?

Sheynnis Palacios of Nicaragua was crowned the 2023 Miss Universe at the culmination of the annual beauty pageant, which took place on Saturday night in El Salvador's capital, San Salvador. Anntonia Porsild of Thailand placed as first runner-up.

What is the issue with Miss Universe 2023?

The complaints cited a "body check", where contestants were instructed to remove their clothes and undergarments in front of half a dozen people, both men and women, inside a cramped room, despite being told that it was a fitting session for their pageant clothing.

How old is the new Miss Universe 2023?

She is the first contestant from her country to win the Miss Universe pageant. The 23-year-old, a TV host and model, beat first runner-up Anntonia Porsild from Thailand and second runner-up Moraya Wilson from Australia.