Which of the following examples of hacker attacks are you most likely to encounter Quizlet

Loss of Potential Customers: If your website is not available for an extended period of time, customers looking for your service will click on your link, see that it is a dead link, and then move on to one of your competitors for the service. This also may affect some of your current customers with the service not being available to them for an extended period of time which may force them to choose a service that is available. This negatively affects the company because it pushes away customers which makes the company lose revenue.

Productivity Loss: If the company's servers are down and the employee's cannot access the files and data they need, nothing will get done at this company until the problem is resolved.

Discovery: When a company is suffering from failure of availability, new customers trying to access the company via the internet may believe that the company no longer exists or is closed down. If the failure of availability if affecting the company's servers that provide their advertising, the company may lose out on potential customers who may have an interest in the company's product.

Dependability: If a company has issues with frequent loss of service, customers' faith with the company may begin to dwindle overtime. If customers are unable to access the company's services, they may begin to take their interests elsewhere, resulting in a lost customer for the company, and therefore, a loss in sales.

Confidentiality is the aptitude of a system to guarantee that an asset is viewed only by authorized parties. If something is confidential, only authorized people or systems can gain access to the protected data. The term "confidentiality" is often used in relation to data. Examples of breaches in confidentiality are an unauthorized person accesses a data item, a person authorized to access certain data accesses other data not authorized, or an unauthorized person learns the existence of a piece of data. One word that captures most aspects of confidentiality is view: look but do not touch. In computer security, confidentiality typically means finding but not altering.
Integrity is the facility of a system to confirm that an asset is changed only by authorized parties. Integrity is harder to pin down than confidentiality, because integrity means different things in different situations. In general, if something has integrity then it is precise, accurate, modified only in acceptable ways and by only authorized people in an authorized process, consistent, meaningful, and usable.
Availability is the capacity of a system to certify that an asset can be used by any authorized parties. Availability applies both to data and to services, and it can be rather complex at times. In general, an object is available if it is present in a usable form, it has enough capacity to meet the service's needs, it is making clear progress and it has a bounded waiting time.

When beginning the intent phase, the first step is to check the COMMIT-FLAG, if it is not set (it is not interpreted as true), then the DBMS

Checks for the desired seats corresponding to each passenger.

i.e., we assume for the sake of simplicity that TNAME1's seat field was set to the arbitrary value TNAME1-SEAT, and that the respective operation was performed for TNAME2.

Checks to ensure the correct "seat" values for each passenger.

Note that each variable beginning with T signifies that it is a temporary copy variable - properly known as shadow variable. Now, the DBMS initializes the commit phase and,

Sets the value of COMMIT-FLAG.

Sets NAME1's seat field to NAME1-SEAT, and performs the respective operation for NAME2.

Prepares any additional information for the database managers.

Unsets the COMMIT-FLAG.

The database has now been updated securely. If at any step of the intent phase the operation failed, it would have been picked up, and the whole operation would be refreshed.

Brute Force: This is the easiest form of attack method, however is the most inefficient way to check passwords, it iterates through every possible character until it finds the password that matches.

Dictionary Attack: This form of attack takes in a "dictionary" of top most common passwords, and runs and algorithm to compare all these different passwords, to the one entered in the input field. Dictionary's can also inform a user when their password is weak moderate, or strong, since people in general make bad passwords, a dictionary of phrases can be used to compare these bad passwords to the common phrases

Rainbow table: This is a table of most commonly used passwords, along with their values after encryption. so example a password of test, the md5 encryption, the sha1 encryption etc. This type of attack is not always viable, since most attackers don't know which algorithm may have been used, or if multiple were used.

Routers are the means of communication between networks, where packets of information are relayed across units to spread information. At each junction, or router, a table is used to calculate the most efficient route for the package to take towards it's destination. Routers are important devices for directing traffic on the Internet as well as allowing computers and other devices within its vicinity to connect and share information with the Internet.

Cable Modem: The function of the cable modem is to have your computer be able to communicate with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) through a landline connection. It also converts analog signal to a digital signal which then grants access to broadband Internet. Then, by connecting your computer directly to the cable modem through the use of an ethernet cable you can have this wired connection. Alternatively, a wireless router can be connected to the cable modem through an ethernet cable to create a wireless connection. This is one of the core components necessary to have a functional network and have it be usable.

Network Switches. Switches used to sit in between routers and hubs in terms of functionality, but now that hubs effectively don't exist anymore, switches have filled in what hubs used to be used for. Switches do a better, more efficient job anyway. Switches create networks, but typically only in a local sense. Switches can be managed or unmanaged, and handle intra-network communication using a MAC table to route packets between computers. In a home scenario, the small switch (typically 4 port) is bundled in one piece of hardware with the router, access point, and maybe even modem.

Which of the following examples of hacker attacks are you most likely to encounter?

Phishing attacks often arrive in the form of an email pretending to be from a legitimate organization, such as your bank, the tax department, or some other trusted entity. Phishing is probably the most common form of cyber-attack, largely because it is easy to carry out, and surprisingly effective.

Which of the following is the most obvious example of an attack used by hackers to get you to take an action or reveal information?

Phishing attacks are the most common type of attacks leveraging social engineering techniques. Attackers use emails, social media, instant messaging and SMS to trick victims into providing sensitive information or visiting malicious URLs in the attempt to compromise their systems.

Where do hackers often find information to customize their attacks on you and your organization?

Dark Web. The dark web, a hidden corner of the Internet infamous for its illegal activity, is a marketplace for more than just drugs. Sometimes, hackers sell lists of personal information, knowing that the information could be a gold mine for anyone who knows how to exploit it.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) But if the attacker would rather directly target a website's users, they may opt for a cross-site scripting attack. Similar to an SQL injection attack, this attack also involves injecting malicious code into a website, but in this case the website itself is not being attacked.