Which of the following are common reasons for establishing virtual teams quizlet?

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Mcgraw Hill.

Terms in this set (109)

Which of the following statements are true of teams?

- some teams are formal and permanent
- teams perform better when they communicate effectively.

Teams rapidly develop shared perceptions, goals, and commitments, or a team culture, during their ______ stage.


Self-disclosure involves which of the following?

- explaining your experiences
- defining your views
-sharing your goals

Which of the following are true about effective meetings?

- they can help teams work more productively.
- they help teams organize their efforts

Setting up an effective nonroutine meeting begins with


Which of the following is the biggest barrier to team effectiveness according to business professionals?

ineffective communication

True or false: It is more likely that your meeting objectives will be met if the meeting is well-planned.


Groups constantly attempt to foster ______, a set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values, norms, roles, responsibilities, and goals.

team culture

In order to make sure that action items are completed, which of the following are often included in the meeting minutes?

- the names of the people responsible for each action item
- the date by which each action item must be completed

Which of the following is a key use of self-disclosure for teams?

building trust

Which of the following are common reasons for establishing virtual teams?

- they are convenient
-experts who are not in the same location can be brought together
- they are cost effecitve

Which of the following are true about ineffective meetings?

- they are generally a waste of time
- they may form divisions between team members

Compared to traditional teams, it is generally a greater challenge for virtual teams to

retain trust during the period its members work together.

Thirty to sixty minutes is the recommended amount of time you should spend preparing for ______ meetings.


Which of the following is the most important reason why long-term virtual teams should meet in person at the beginning of a project?

to facilitate the building of a relationship between team members

Which of the following should you do to effectively carry out your meeting objectives?

-inform participants about the meeting's content
- let participants know how long the meeting will be
- tell participants what they need to do before the meeting

Which of the following should be included in meeting minutes?

- key discussion points
- action items to be completed

In comparison to traditional teams, members of virtual teams are more likely to experience which of the following challenges?

- an inability to read nonverbal cues
- feelings of isolation
- communication technology issues

Which of the following are good ways for virtual team members to get to know one another?

- Members should find ways to communicate spontaneously.
- Members should socialize in virtual environments.

Which of the following characteristics are the most important for building trust among virtual team members?

- being willing to share information
- being proactively engaged

Which of the following statements about collaborative technologies are true?

- They can help virtual teams communicate and collaborate more efficiently.
- Some virtual team members may need training so they do not feel overwhelmed by the technologies.

Which of the following are more likely to occur when virtual teams meet in person at the beginning of a project?

- Goals and objectives will be clearly defined.
- Communication protocol will be determined.

The primary obstacle to virtual team performance that a team leader can help overcome is the

lack of regular communication

Which of the following are advantages to using video during virtual team meetings?

- It facilitates the interpretation of verbal and nonverbal cues.
- It can lead to faster decision making.
- It keeps members more present and focused.

Which of the following statements about virtual teams is true?


Which of the following statements about group writing are true?

-the emphasis on teams in today's workplace has made it more prevalent
- it can be a challenging process

Which collaborative technologies have been most commonly used by virtual teams over the past 25 years?

- teleconferences
- email
- phone calls

The strategy of periodically rotating virtual team leaders accomplishes which of the following?

- It helps team members develop leadership skills.
- It prevents burnout among leaders.
- it helps enliven the team

Once you have been assigned a group writing project, when is the best time to start on it?

right away

Which of the following are tips for making virtual meetings more productive?

- Begin meetings with a few minutes to socialize.
- Make sure every member of the team takes part.

Which of the following should be done during the planning stage of group writing?

- The group should establish definitive purposes and goals.
- The group should work together to determine the basic problems and issues.
- The group should assign roles for researching and writing.

Latrice, Jorge, Francesca, and Seamus are on a team tasked with producing a document on educational assessment. Each of them will contribute to the document as they work collaboratively. This is a process known as

group writing

Which of the following are ways to ensure fairness in the member roles and contributions in a group writing project?

- The group members should talk about the roles and expectations they have for each other.
- The group members should consider using a team charter to state the expectations for each member.
- The group members should equally divide their contributions and time commitments.

During the course of a group writing project, it is important to

remain adaptable and open.

Team K must produce a group writing project. Maia wants to start quickly. Darnell thinks it would be better to start closer to the final deadline in order to work under more pressure. Alcina thinks each person should write independently, with the pieces put together at the end. Rob is the strongest writer, so he wants to write everything himself but share the credit with the group. Who has the most effective idea?


As a group writing project progresses and individual writers encounter difficult decisions that need to be made, which of the following should be done?

- The team should have discussions to ensure the writing reflects the views of the group
- The group should meet in real time to discuss the decisions.

True or false: It is more likely that your meeting objectives will be met if the meeting is well-planned.


When revising a group writing project, revisions should focus on which of the following?

- how well and smoothly the sections of the project work together
- the strength of the group's ideas and the audience's needs
- language mechanics, ease of reading, and formatting

Which of the following is the most important stage of group writing?


Which of the following should be done during the final steps of a group writing project to ensure a consistent voice?

Group members should provide input as a single member polishes the final version.

Willow's team has split up the contributions for its group writing project equally, with individual team members committing various amounts of time. Jim's team has decided to let each member decide how much time he or she wants to spend according to individual schedules. Wyatt's team has divided up the contributions and time commitments equally. Jill's team wrote a team charter but then disbanded. Which team has the best approach to group writing?

Wyatt's team

Many business people prefer to avoid difficult conversations because they worry that:

moments of honesty may backfire.

Denise's team has started a group writing project. As the team gathered information and began drafting initial findings and conclusions, it found that its earlier plans and decisions were not accurate. What should the team do?

It should reassess its original plans and make necessary changes.

Which of the following is something successful business people do?

They tackle difficult conversations with tact.

Henry is working on a group writing project. As his writing progresses, he faces some difficult choices. Which of the following is Henry's best choice?

He should meet with his team to discuss the decisions.

How should you approach an emotionally charged conversation?

with a learner mind-set

When editing and working on a group writing project, team members should

- be in agreement about the technologies that will be used.
- be mindful of version control to avoid simultaneous editing.

Massiel and her boss, Marco, are having a difficult conversation about one of her clients, who is refusing to follow through on a contract. Massiel is obviously growing angry. How should Marco respond?

by showing empathy and helping her channel the anger appropriately

Which of the following is the benefit of one group member polishing the final version of a group writing project?

to make sure the project has a consistent voice

Finding common ground in a conversation leads to ______ between you and the other person.

less emotional distance

Which of the following is typically true of those business people who approach difficult conversations in a timely, honest, and caring manner?

They achieve more professionally.

Which of the following statements are true about cultural intelligence?

- It is an assessment of adaptability to working with people from different cultures.
- It can grow over time with experience and focused work.

True or false: Business professionals who are culturally intelligent believe other cultures can possess different yet valid approaches to business-management practices.


Which of the following are benefits of living in another culture?

- It allows you to immerse yourself in a different way of life.
- It enables you to observe firsthand how interpersonal communication is conducted.

Which of the following are advantages of knowing a second language while working in business?

-It provides cultural insight.
- It can facilitate communication.
- It can create goodwill.

Stereotypes can be productive for those working across cultures when they are which of the following?

a starting point
mostly positive

Comprehension of the differences and similarities of various cultures is a sign of ______ intelligence.

high cultural

What are characteristics on which cultural intelligence is built?




Which of the following statements are true about the use of English in international business?

- Different forms of English are spoken in various English-speaking countries.
- Many professionals in global companies speak only limited English.

The best way to gain knowledge about another culture is through

living it

Cultural dimensions are long-standing sets of

norms and values

Worldwide, ______ is the language of business.


Rightly or wrongly, people rely on ______ to better understand the unfamiliar because they offer a generalized starting point for comprehending the values and actions of others.


Individualism and collectivism is a dimension that generally focuses on which of the following cultural characteristics?


Which of the following statements are true about business tasks when working with persons from other cultures?

- It generally takes longer to comprehend each other.
- It sometimes requires having patience.
-It can involve dealing with different conceptions of time

Understanding the eight cultural dimensions allow a person to get a good sense of

basic motivations.
acceptable behaviors.
gender norms.

Which of the following statements about individualism are true?

- It rates individual choice higher than obligation.
-It values independence more than interdependence.
- It values individual over group goals.

According to scholars who study intercultural communication, ______ is the cultural dimension with the greatest impact.

individualism and collectivism

When working with people from different cultures it's often necessary to adjust your conceptions of ______ in order to minimize frustrations and conflict.


Individualists will exit friendships and relationships for which of the following reasons?

- They are not beneficial.
- They have become inconvenient.
- They lack mutual satisfaction.

Collectivism includes which of the following characteristics?

- It values group over individual goals.
- It emphasizes interdependence over independence.
- It emphasizes obligation over choice.

The identities of collectivists are typically based on which of the following?

select groups
their friends
their family

The most family-focused organizational cultures are often found in


Whose goals do individualists primarily focus on?

their own goals

Which of the following are general characteristics of hierarchical cultures?

- People are expected to follow leaders without questioning them.
- People in power have more privileges than others.

Performance orientation emphasizes the importance of which of the following?

high standards

Which of the following are characteristics of members of a collectivist society?

- They follow group decisions.
- They see themselves as interdependent.
- They give up their own ambitions for group goals.

Which of the following are characteristics of high future-oriented cultures?

- possessing the ability to plan to achieve future goals
- looking to the future with imagination

Companies and organizations that emphasize ______ often also have a culture that is family centered.


Which two of the following countries have cultures that are considered to be highly assertive?

the United States

Which of the following are general characteristics of egalitarian cultures?

- Power is distributed and split evenly.
- Differences in status are played down.

High-humane orientation cultures value

compassion and concern

Which one of the following is the highest in performance orientation?

hong kong

Which of the following describe qualities of a culture that is high in uncertainty avoidance?

resisting change
emphasizing consistency
valuing clear expectations

True or false: Future orientation can be defined as a readiness to forego current desires in order to achieve future goals and desires.


True or false: The cultural dimension of gender egalitarianism refers to how a society views the division of male and female roles.


In terms of culture, assertiveness focuses on the level of appropriate


Qualities measured by humane orientation include which of the following?


Of the following cultural traits, nearly all cultures value ______ the least.


Uncertainty avoidance describes the way people handle

unexpected events.

Which of the following are qualities that can be expressed to establish credibility in cross-cultural work relationships?


In cultures with high gender egalitarianism, professional jobs and leadership roles are available

evenly to men and women.

Which of the following are characteristics of ethnocentrism?

It is harmful to cross-cultural relationships.
It is a belief in the superiority of one's culture.

To develop a co-culture successfully in a cross-cultural business relationship, ______ mind-set is important.

an open

Which two of the following countries have cultures that are considered to be highly assertive

the United States

Practicing another culture's rules of etiquette has which of the following effects?

It leads to a favorable first impression.
It demonstrates respect.

Which of the following common cultural traits is the most highly valued by the majority of businesses around the world?

performance orientation

Which of the following impacts how people are socialized?

The way they talked to other children as children.
Conversations held with adults as adults.
The societal expectations they learned as children.

When establishing trust and credibility in cross-cultural business relationships, which of the following guidelines are key to success?

Understand that it can take more time to establish your credibility when working across cultures.
Establishing trust should be a goal from the beginning of the relationship.
Be attentive to how credibility is earned in other cultures.

Which of the following describes a major reason why professionals work across generations now more than in the past?

the rise of flat workplace structures

In cross-cultural working relationships, ethnocentrism is also known as the ______ mind-set.


What is a major challenge related to working across generations?

different ways of working

A co-culture is formed when people working across cultures develop which of the following?

communication systems
collaboration routines

In the workplace, traditionalists are generally viewed as being which of the following?


Which of the following statements about visiting persons in another culture are accurate?

Meals and banquets provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate knowledge of the other culture's etiquette.
Following proper etiquette in another culture is a way you can make a good first impression.

In the workplace, Baby Boomers possess a

strong sense of loyalty to their employers.
strong desire to work.

The manner in which members of a generational group were socialized directly affects which of the following?

shared identities
communication norms
shared values

In business, workplaces often feature up to five distinct generations because

changes in technology have broadened access to businesspeople.
flat structures that feature teams are more common.
people are putting off their retirements.

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What is a reason in favor of using virtual teams quizlet?

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When managing virtual teams, use these best practices to build a strong and effective remote workforce..
Choose the Right Team Members. ... .
Choose Effective Technologies. ... .
Establish Operating Procedures. ... .
Define a Communication Plan. ... .
Create a Regular Team Meeting Schedule. ... .
Provide Regular Feedback. ... .
Set Clear Expectations..

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