targaryen là gì - Nghĩa của từ targaryen

targaryen có nghĩa là

a badass queen and mother of dragons,you seriously do not mess with her


Daenerys Targaryen is fabulous,amazing and rules like a boss,she deserves to be the Queen of Westeros.

targaryen có nghĩa là

The conquerers of and longest ruling royal family in the history of Westeros, the continent where George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series and HBO's "Game of Thrones" take place. All around BAMF's that keep dragons as pets and can walk through fire. Fluent in High Valyrian and catchphrases that could burn entire cities to the ground. Also very good at burning actual cities to the ground. Their downfall was incest-induced bat-shit craziness that resulted in feeding each other to dragons, burning down the family vacation home, burning themselves alive, getting stabbed by Lannisters, and drowning in molten gold. Down but not out, Fire and Blood will rain down upon Westeros once again... as soon as their last surviving member figures out which way west is.


“Like their dragons, the Targaryens answered to neither gods nor men.”
- Catelyn Tully
“Every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness.”
- Ser Barristan Selmy

targaryen có nghĩa là

When you spend the most of your adult life being amiable, pleasant , and a champion of human rights, and then in a split-second moment of weakness, you transform into a fire-breathing dragon and obliterate anyone standing in your path.


Did you hear about Alex? He went full Targaryen on his entire family last weekend during their family reunion! I always thought he was a nice boy.

targaryen có nghĩa là

The first lord of the Seven Kingdoms, known as Aegon the Conqueror, the founder of the long lasting Targaryen dynasty and the rider of Balerion the Black Dread.


"Together with his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, and their dragons, Vhagar and Meraxes, Aegon I Targaryen subdued six of the Seven Kingdoms, successfully resisted only by Dorne."

targaryen có nghĩa là

Silver haired, purple eyed crazy incest babies. Not all of Targs are cray cray, but somehow they always find a way to do some questionable shit. Despite all of this, people love them. I blame the dragons, and a prophecy one of them tried to fulfill that resorted in the downfall of this incesteous dynasty prior to Game of Thrones.


To keep the bloodlines pure, Harry, of House Targaryen, is going to marry his sister, Sally.
Hopefully, when they have babies, the gods will flip the coin on greatness.

targaryen có nghĩa là

The lost hot sister of Daenaerys Targaryen.


"Oh my god, that must be Clitoris Targaryen!"

targaryen có nghĩa là

King Viserys of the House Targaryen, First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, the Rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm. He is just the most handsome man in the Universe who had a very traumatic childhood causing his madness and killing him by pouring liquid gold on his head did not help him in any ways. Also known as the Dagon, be very careful not to wake the dragon ( here meaning "be careful not to anger him") or you will end up dead, choked (not that some would mind), and possibly burnt, under a Dothraki horse.
He does not have many fans but those who worship him remain loyal to him till the end of time. Not only does he have a perfect face, but he also has a smokin' hot body too. One look and you shall be sent to the land of fire and dragons, I'm telling you, this man is a snacc.
Then there is his hair, legend says that its royal gleam is enough to blind a continent.
Unfortunately, be did not get much of his royal highness as he was killed in the sixth episode of the first season of Game Of Thrones, infuriating his devoted loyalists all over the globe.
He shall remain forever in our hearts and in the heart of his sister Daenerys too as she named one of her dragons Viserion proving that she did, in fact, care about him regardless the dreadful nightmares he made her suffer because in the end. To be regretted, that dragon died ironically, killed by ice.


slave 1: "look, that's Viserys Targaryen"
slave 2: "be careful not to call him by his name, call him 'your majesty' or else you'll wake the dragon and then consider yourself choked"
slave 1: "well I wouldn't mind being choked by that god, especially if he does it with his thighs. Frankly, he could burn me to death and I would thank him"

targaryen có nghĩa là

Daenerys stormborn of the house Targaryen, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals(, the Rhoynar) and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mhysa, Breaker of Chains, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, sassy queen but also a sweet pie, she could hug you when you’re sad as well as burn you alive with no mercy. Please Dany be my girlfriend I love you.


Dracarys” Daenerys Targaryen said just before burning an entire city alive

targaryen có nghĩa là

A flirting act that consist asking a girl if she wanna see a dragon, if she says yes, show her your fully erected dick while setting your pubes on fire for extra dragon effect.


I made a mad targaryen move at her yesterday, she loved it!

targaryen có nghĩa là



Is name is Aegon Targaryen - Lyanna Stark at her death