old bridge là gì - Nghĩa của từ old bridge

old bridge có nghĩa là

quoted by howard stern as "the next columbine"

gets 2 bomb threats a month
known for a riot in 2003
gas leak early 2004
the prinicpals name is Mr. Ferry


kid wakes up and feels like having a delayed openning: "hello operator, tell obhs that a bomb will go off tomorrow, kthnxbye"

old bridge có nghĩa là

-A place of Alcoholism, Potheads, E Heads, Shitty Teachers, Bad Lunchs (Maybe not the subs), Sleep, Cutting Class, Constant Hasseling by Authority Figures, and The Most Fights Ever.


A place where you cant go into the bathroom without coming out smelling like a pack of cigarettes./ A place where every girl (If they know of)Mr.Willems sweats him./ A place where there is AT LEAST 1 fight a week./ A place of constant bomb threats and/or riots./ A place where you can walk down the hallways and be asked to buy pot more than once a day./ A place where people walk around with alcohol in there water bottles and drink through out the day./ A place where you can find the hottest chicks./ A place where kids walk down the hallways and smoke cigarettes(Me Class of 03)./ A place where kids cut school and go into the woods and smoke pot./ A place where everyone thought Mr.Korigan took steroids./ A place where you can go to get a good days rest./ Where there was always the ongoing fued between SOB and LHRO./ A place where at least half of the male population at OB wanted to bang Miss Toth./ Mr.Ferry is a dick./ Dr.Bosco and Mr.O'Connell were the best administrators./ In Alt. School you did nothing for 4 hours but smoke cigarettes and talk to your friends./ A place where more than half of your friends had nicknames.

old bridge có nghĩa là

An overcrowded gathering of students due to inaccurate gauging of districts, wherein what was once known as a minority of brown and asian people somehow outnumber the caucasian population. Once noted as the "next Columbine" by Howard Stern, in accordance to the early bomb threats and gas leak scare of school year 2004/2005. Up until the class of 2005 graduated, it was one of the only schools to have two campuses that are two miles apart. The upper-middle class kids all think they're ghetto. Cliques form, but OBHS kids cant relate with the classic groupy classification of high school that you see in the movies. We have groups of all sorts and we hate everyone almost equally. There's still the asians that play DDR, the goth kids that play hackey sack, and the preppy girls that worry about nothing but their appearance, but somehow we manage to get along and tear each other apart at the same time. It's a place of love/hate relationships with everything you come across and a place that you dream of getting out of but never forget once its all over. One of the strangest schools you'll ever stumble into.


this place sucks. its like being back in old bridge high school

old bridge có nghĩa là

A town in Middlesex county New Jersey. Once known as Madison Township, but was renamed to remove confusion.


I live in Old Bridge, NJ!

old bridge có nghĩa là

a place where teachers think "ID tags" will do any good...minimum 2 fights a week...crappy bathrooms...overcrowded school


good place to sleep, get in a fight , and screw up

old bridge có nghĩa là

a piece of crap

a town with 65000 people but absolutely nothing to do

why i go to school far away


do i actually live here

old bridge có nghĩa là

They were a group of the most extreme metal heads (a.k.a. "The Old Bridge Metal Militia") who lived in the town Old Bridge, New Jersey. They would let bands who were touring the area, stay at their houses when they were in town for a gig. Bands like Slayer, Metallica, Motorhead to name a few. They would get these bands to play at parties in their basements.


The Old Bridge Metal Militia were even immortalized in song. The Megaforce compilation Born to Metalize has a track called "One Night in Old Bridge," while Blessed Death had a song called "Knights of Old Bridge."

old bridge có nghĩa là

A town of 60,000 people in Middlesex County, New Jersey, bisected by Route 9, but so dull and devoid of any worth that Bruce Springsteen gave up on writing a song about it around 1978 or so.

The town was formerly known as Madison Township. The name was changed in 1975 because the natives weren't smart enough to tell the difference between themselves and Madison Borough in North Jersey's Morris County.

Arch-rival of neighboring East Brunswick, and their jocks like to head up Route 18 to the Brunswick Square Mall and parade around in their purple-and-black OBHS varsity jackets as if they own the place, wondering why none of the storeclerks have what they want in stock. Then they go out to the parking lot and smoke, and wonder if it can get any better than this. Since they live in Old Bridge, it can't.

You can't spell "SLOB" without "OB."


"What do you know? You're from Sayreville!"
"I know, I know, but at least I'm not from Old Bridge!"

old bridge có nghĩa là

known for crappy fat moms who talk too much smack about shit they don't know about. seriously needs some long underwear. likes ritas ices too much and comfort bagels. has a strip just for fat ppl food. wants to get fatter and shelter everyone in its fatdom because it's scared that white trash will die. aaw. Named Old Bridge because the fatties never got around to building the damn new bridge. actually they lied..there is no bridge in old bridge...just a plethora of crappy educational systems and crappy teaching professionals and many johnny appleseed sports leagues


What?? Where What!! where's Old Bridge??

old bridge có nghĩa là

A part of old bridge with potheads that ride quads, smoke weed and go to parties. The best part of old bridge that raises complete savages that do whatever they want.


"if you grow up in SOB your fit for anything" "Slide to SOB for a wave"
"I live in south old bridge"