Facebook Messenger contacts list order

There are 6 or more friends on top and the other people are invisible or below them. What does that mean, do you know?

They are mutual friends that are common between you and that person and the rest people are listed below.

Ever wondered that when you surf through your Facebook you will find that there will always be these friends whose posts and updates will be given priority over others!

The same way there will be these friends suggestions that keep coming in between your surfs. Certain people being able to make their way into it though you have no friends in common.

Also, in your friend list, now that it is updated you get a synchronized list of alphabetical names but it actually isnt so.

Facebook Messenger contacts list order

Facebook actually does identify the people who have some kind of one-sided association with you. You just need to understand the signs.

Order of friend list depends on how many mutual friend matching your profile has.

Thats not only the case. You have more to know.

Here, well tell you thealgorithms which Facebook use to order Facebook friends list on someones profile.

How does Facebook order your friends in Messenger?

If you are looking for the algorithm that Facebook uses to order friends on Messenger, this is more consistently you chat with someone will be on the top of the Messenger list.

That cannot be changed just in a single day chatting with someone else to replace the top position. Facebook understands if someone is consistently chatting over years even with fewer hours with person A Vs with someone person B for fewer weeks, this algorithm takes the person A on the top of the Messenger Active friends list.

How Does Facebook Decide to Show Friends on Chat or Profile?

The top six friends on the Facebook timeline/ someones profile will be determined as per:

  1. Interactions on Facebook: Recent interactions play a large role in the ranking process.
  2. Added Most Recent Friends: The most recently added friends are shown on top on friend list as per new Facebook algorithm.
  3. Profile Views: How many times a profile is viewed and such.
  4. Tagged Photos: If you have photos in common.
  5. Wall Posts: What you have posted on your wall and if the person has been on your wall recently.

Here are the more to know about this below

i) About people who are present in your network:

1) Facebook kind of rates your interaction with your friends and in that way they highlight and give a certain priority to their posts. This way you get to know about your social interactions and activity too.

2) Facebook allows you to arrange friends in your contacts too. Though, whenever you make a search you can find that not more than ten people are shown in an alphabetical search. If you happen to be a very friendly and social person this might be a problem.

3) Facebook has introduced this feature of close friends wherein you yourself can add people to that list. This way you can easily have management and access to your dear ones.

ii) About people who arent a part of your network:

They keep popping in your friends suggestions anyway. Though you maybe not have even one friend in common or anything you still find them on your page.

1) It is observed that there is this group of 9 people, these suggestions that might be totally random at times that tends to creep people out. After much discussion and speculation about the same it was agreed upon that most of these people are the ones who stalk your profileone-sidedly and hence Facebook gives you a loop point to know about it.

2) If you are into the habit of using Facebook for some light stalking here and there then this is your cue to limit your activities otherwise your crush will know what youre up to!

Many more factors are taken into account all with all these. Stalkers beware, Facebook is watching.

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