Click and drag the top left health buff năm 2024

1.Needs a function to dismount automatically upon using an ability on an enemy, we already can dismount automatically when talking to an NPC.

2. Are able to turn off party members damage numbers and debuffs so you only see your own.

3. Make it easily visible or noticeable when you have a debuff on yourself without having to randomly look for my debuffs and hovering over them. (Many times dieing to doom cause I didn't know I had it)

3b. When your healing knowing when a party has a debuff that you can dispell.

4. Changing the color of health bars of your party frames so it doesn't match the color of the casting bar.

5. Showing enemy hit points not just %

6. And the big controversial thing an ingame damage meters. I know about "ACT" and the pros and cons to the system. But I'm sure tons of people would like to know how much damage there outputting and know if there performing well or poorly and where they could improve.

  • 02-02-2022 03:38 PM
    Welcome to Eorzea!

1. This has been requested a lot for a long time but sadly SE has never responded to it as as I was aware (from what I can gather, the reason you cannot autodismount to use an ability is more for technical reasons rather than behavioural - to try and reign in the amount of server-side processing the game has to handle by breaking things down into 'steps' it can do one at a time). So alas I do not see them implementing it.

2. As far as I knew this is a setting in the Character Settings menu.

3. Unfortunately all you can really do for this is move your GUI windows around so that your HP and status bar (NOT the Party window which also lists some, but not all, buffs and debuffs on you) to a more prominent position.

3b. Actually, the interface already does this to an extent - a debuff that can be dispelled will have a coloured bar (blue or grey as I recall) beneath it's icon in the status bar. This unfortunately also means buffs that have a gauge to show their consistancy (like shields such as Divine Veil) also have a similar bar and can cause confusion.

4. Not really possible I'm afraid as it seems HP bars have a default colour which cannot be changed - the casting gauge states the name of the spell or ability being charged at it's start anyway so there really shouldn't be too much confusion (that and most spells are quickly cast anyway so there shouldn't any confusion between the two).

5. This is already possible, it's an option in Character settings.

6. This is something that the development team have already made clear their feelings on and why they do not support it, they do not want players getting harrassed for 'low damage output' after duties, and thus from a literal and legal standpoint, parsers or anything like them are explicitly banned under the game's ToS. As someone who does not raid I do not see the reason or need for such a thing anyway (as my way of thinking is "if you passed the fight you did good"), but as SE's policy has been quite explicit on the subject it's really not something that should be discussed here. They're simply not going to implement any direct or third party support for such a thing. Last edited by Enkidoh; 02-02-2022 at 03:42 PM.

  • 02-02-2022 05:07 PM 3 - You can make the debuff bar bigger and move it to somewhere more easily visible to you.

3b - Things you can esuna have a white bar above the debuff icon. It's pretty easy to tell at a glance when looking at the party list.

6 - The devs have a very strong stance on this matter and have made their position clear many times. Unless something drastically changes this will basically never happen ever.

- 02-02-2022 07:07 PM


Click and drag the top left health buff năm 2024

Click and drag the top left health buff năm 2024


CharacterA'gia Banhi WorldLamia Main Class Monk Lv 90 1. I just learned in another thread that you can use the "unsheath" action to do this. The person who said it reported that the default on keyboards is "x".

  • 02-02-2022 07:29 PM

    1. No but it's easy to dismount and then attack in the same moment if you get used to your keybinds. 2. You can toggle flying text in Character Configuration, UI Settings then HUD. I'm not certain but it may change what displays if you alter the battle log in Log Window Settings, which allows you to reduce what displays all the way down to just yourself. 3. You can go to System then HUD Layout and drag "Status Effects" from the top to the bottom above your health bar. Click it and then the gear icon for "UI Element Settings" and you can choose "Display as Single Element" and "Left Justified I". This will show debuffs first and useful buffs second, so Doom will be right above your health bar. 3b. If there is a white line on the debuff, you can dispell it with Esuna. 4. I think the party frame and cast bar is all one color, but you get used to it because what else is that bar going to be? The first one is health. 5. You can't see enemy hit points but you can enable % as you obviously have. The % is what really matters. 6. In order to see if you are performing well, you can unlock Stone, Sky, Sea and the similar versions of it for each expansion. There is a timed striking dummy for each extreme, savage and ultimate fight and if you don't beat it within the time limit, there may be a problem with your rotation, gear or other preparations. You will also know if there is a problem when doing an extreme, savage or ultimate fight by if you die to the enrage cast or other DPS check. You can measure it in dungeons as well by looking at the party list. The person with aggro of the enemy has a bright red line under their name (this will normally be the tank). The person second in the aggro list has a partial yellow line under their name (this is usually the highest DPS but a healer that heals a lot might get it, but healing a lot is unnecessary in dungeons).

    How to get health bars above enemies in wow?

    Go to options, interface, scroll down to Nameplates, and then make sure to check “Always show nameplates”, and “Enemy units”. Ok, by default, nameplates do show up when you're in combat, so it's something on your end, somehow.

    How to show health numbers in wow classic?

    Options - write status in the search bar you will see - Interface - Status text where you can choose : Numeric value, Percentage, Both or none.

    What addon is used to see enemy health in classic wow?

    RealMobHealth is the best option for players to see HP for enemy mobs. This addon records damage taken by a mob which is used to estimate its max health when in combat and stores it for better accuracy in the future.