Chrome Remote Desktop mouse pointer not showing

Anyone else having issues with Chrome Remote Desktop through the browser? I was using the app version of the client but now that it is being discontinued, I've been playing around with the browser version.

However, I have an issue where in the remote session, the mouse cursor is out of alignment by a large margin - basically, the cursor is 50 or so pixels below and to the right of what is actually being selected. No issues at all with the client app version, just the browser. I've tried changing the scaling options but no luck. The issue occurs in both windowed mode and full screen.

Other than playing around with display settings on the remote PC, I also tried adding a mouse as I read elsewhere that this was a fix for similar issues in Windows RDP. Didn't work though. Anything else I can try?

I've caught hints googling my problem that I need a hardwired mouse on my server. Is this true? Anyone find a workaround? Or would I need find a [usb] mouse (as my findings suggest)? (hindsight prob should have kept that box of random old tech)

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Chrome Remote Desktop mouse pointer not showing



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I wrote a blog post a while back about the disappearing mouse cursor in Visual Studio on virtual machines that I’d connect to using remote desktop. It seems the problem is more widespread and affects most input or editing controls across many applications in the remote desktop session. For example the mouse cursor disappears in Notepad, Word, Excel and other applications.

Chrome Remote Desktop mouse pointer not showing

Thankfully the fix is a pretty simple one. On the guest machine (that you are remoting into) simply edit the current Windows theme and change the mouse cursor.

Chrome Remote Desktop mouse pointer not showing

In the Mouse properties window, change the Scheme to Windows Black (system scheme)

Chrome Remote Desktop mouse pointer not showing

Say hello to your cursor when editing text again!

Just moved to Windows 10, love the new look, issue is my NAS is Headless and I use a HDMI emulator so as to activate the display when I connect to it locally/remotely via Chrome Remote Desktop.

The problem is that this worked fine for Windows 7 when connecting to the headless gigabyte brix via chrome remote desktop.

Now there is an additional problem, if I don't add a physical mouse to the brix, when I connect via Chrome Remote Desktop, I cannot see the mouse pointer.

My Query: Is there a software based solution so Windows does not see my brix as a touch screen and hence not show a pointer


Is there a compact hardware based solution something like this which I used for the HDMI solution