Cách unfollow trên Vlive

Sooooooo Vlive updated and its atrocious but their worst offense is making it so that theres no clear way to follow or unfollow channels. If anyone has figured out how to do this that would be great because I accidentally followed a channel a few days ago and now Im getting notifs for it and I WANT IT TO STOP. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


Yeah this update is pretty stupid, like 1 step forward 100 steps back. I hope they move some things around in the interface because it's not clear at all where anything is.

Anyway, to follow a group:

  • On desktop: go to the group's page, in the left-side sidebar there is a button that says "join"
  • On mobile: go to the group's page, there should just be a button near the top that says "join"

To unfollow a group:

  • On desktop: go to the group's page, in the left-side sidebar click "My", on that page there should be a 3-dot menu, from the menu click "leave channel"
  • On mobile: go to the group's page, in the bottom bar there is a button that looks like a person's head and shoulders, tap that and then in the top right tap the gear icon. Scroll down to the bottom and tap "leave channel"10Reply
Cách unfollow trên Vlive



Cách unfollow trên Vlive


thank you so much for this! life saver indeed

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


Oh man thank you for this!! There was no way I would've been able to figure this out myself lol.2 more replies

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


  • Open VLive app
  • Click on "More" (the three dots at the bottom right)
  • Click "Joined Channels" and open the channel you don't want
  • Click the person icon at the bottom (the fourth icon)
  • Click the hexagon at the top right to open channel settings
  • At the bottom click "Leave Channel"

This is for iOS. I had to dig through to find it... wild.6Reply

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


Its seriously so strange that they decided to hide that option... Anyway thank you!1Reply

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


Piggybacking off if that - is it possible to save favorites but not be notified? I only want notifications from one or two groups but want to be able to open the app and see at a glance if my other faves updated.1Reply

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


Yup! Not sure if you can change notification settings from desktop at all, but on mobile, in the same gear menu as the "leave channel" button, the first few options are related to notifications.

First setting is to turn on/off all notifications from that group entirely, next 3 let you choose if you only want notifications for select things.1Reply1 more reply

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


Ah I was looking for it the other day on desktop, Ill try on the app - thanks!

Cách unfollow trên Vlive


I didn't get it lmfao1Reply