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I did look for this answer on the forums - is there a way to do a mega menu? How about database connectivity? Besides coding it using the code editor which is out of my budget range at the moment. It is a nice program.

Do you guys have developer API's? I am building a database backend that is drag and drop any interest in integrating your product with that?
Back in the day, I built a flash CMS that powered dynamically populated menus, it was so easy to move menu items over a column by simply changing a number in the database. I have been missing that ease of functionality, but like the look that your product turns out, notwithstanding the bug issues, but guessing you will get those worked through in time.

Please note that the upper level of a dropdown menu can't use the links, the menu is opened on click, so the link is ignored. What version do you use? What is your OS?

No, it's not available yet. Could you please share more details about your aims, so I'll send your feedback to our developers.

A quick question so one site is up to about 70 pages now, and it has been stalling on publishing. It gets to the exporting stage runs through the pages, more slowly than a week ago, and hangs on the last one and this last few times around hung on the index page for 30 minutes until I stopped it. Any ideas on this? I have rebooted the computer and restarted the program several times to no avail. etc.

On the API piece, I am building a back-end CMS kind of functionality, to use with our other products, but it would be nice to be able to use it with yours, what I am looking for is a file format that could be tied into so that for example menu placement and so on could be programmatically tweaked. Mobirise, must store its block placement data in some kind of format, before exporting.

So the program crashed again, the site disappeared, I reloaded the file from the server, lost a couple pages, but oh Well. Can't find localappdata on my machine and there is nothing in the User folder that looks valid. After loading the project back into the file group from the server I did a right click open mobirise opened, but the site is mostly gone. Only 3 or 4 pages. The site on the server was from my last publish and the site was full and working at the time. I am doing a search on the C drive for project files.
I found the folders in AppData, which does not show up in explorer for some reason but the files did show up in the search. I Opened them but still no luck.

Did the import routine that worked! Thank Goodness.

Please update your Mobirise version to v4.4.1.

Congratulations to you and the team there! What is the best way to do that without losing access to site files?

I think it won't affect your site files. I usually save every Mobirise version to a separate folder (it's useful as sometimes I should check versions, I don't know if it can be useful for you too).