What do the 4 States in which the minority population is now the majority have in common Quizlet

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If the what? on which public relations practitioner focuses there messages were a monolithic whole, their work would be far easier- and far less stimulating. The audience in fact is just the opposite: a complex intermingling of groups with diverse cultural, ethnic, religious, and economic attributes that public relations professionals must understand and deal with everyday.
(Diversity)- is the most significant aspect of the mass audience in the U.S. population, and the U.S. Census Bureau projects that they will constitute the majority of the total population by 2042. There are also major differences in geography, history, and economy among regions of the sprawling country; rural populations in the midwest have different attitudes than residents that reside by the eastern seaboard. However, the people do have a common interest about national issues. Ethnicity, generational differences and socioeconomics help shape segments that PR practitioners must address when planning an program or campaign
EX.) American Heart Association (AHA) provides resources aimed at African American and Latino populations that reflect differences in culture for each that impact compliance with diet and lifestyle to ensure a heathy heart. The Power to End Stroke movement targets African Americans with a strategy to increase a sense of self- efficacy or personal empowerment over one's own health outcomes. Soul food recipes and healthy eating habits can reduce this.
(Technology)- Practitioners use technology to segment the mass audience and compile information about target audiences. PR campaigns are also designed to reach a specific audience that are defined by age, gender, income, and lifestyle. Also compiled related valuable information about target audiences. Geographic and social statistics found in the Census Bureau reports provide a rich foundation. Much of this data can be broken down by census track and zip code. Data on car registrations, voter registrations, sales figures, mailing lists, and church and organization membership also can merged into computer databases.

The united states normally has welcomed millions of migrants and put them into the cultural mainstream. They bring a bubbling mixture of personal values, habits, and perceptions that are absorbed slowly and sometimes reluctantly. The question of assimilation sometimes pertains to immigrants they could be from Ireland, Poland, Cuba or the Philippines. It also pertains to two minorities such as African Americans and Native Americans. This diversity is a great strength of the United States but also is a source of stereotyping

The easily identifiable groups are Hispanics, Africans Americans, and Asian Americans. These have been growing faster than the general population with nonwhite ethnic groups now comprising a majority in some states including Cali, Texas, Hawaii, New Mexico, and DC

Hispanics and African Americans now constitute about 16 percent and 13 percent of the U.S. population, respectively, for a total of 28 percent. The population of Asian Americans is also experiencing major growth to a record 18.2 million in (2012) Today 1 out of every 4 babies born in United States are hispanic that helps accounts for the projection that hispanics comprise nearly 30 percent of the U.S. population in future years. Hispanics are growing at such a high rate from immigration that the white and African American population is staying stagnant and not growing at a higher rate.

Such statistics place a strong focus on diversity and multiculturalism in the workplace (internal publics) as well as how PR and marketing experts communicate with these groups as citizens and consumers. The stakes are high. In terms of buying power significant amounts of money. Hispanics will reach 1.5 trillion, African Americans will reach 1.1 trillion. Asian Americans with a buying power in buying power of 725$ for college grads. Nielsen researches projects it could be at least 1 trillion by 2017, which is equal to the 18th largest economy in the world.

Minorities Assure Obama's Election- Within the voting Obama got most of the minorities during the voting process.

The largest racial minority in the U.S. is African Americans because Hispanics are considered an ethnic group. There are now more than 43 million African Americans according to a 2012 research report by Nielsen, which is 13.7 % of the American population, and they have the longest history in the United States as a minority group. Some don't associate with homogenous some would rather specific by geographical origin. Some like to be called black Hispanics while others prefer Caribbean origin, who tend to identify more hispanic. Two terms African American and black are often used. Nielsen research found that 44% preferred black and 43% preferred African American and 11% did not care
African American families that have a household income of 75,000+ are more likely to spend money on fashionable clothing, toiletries, cosmetics, and cruise vacations.
PR professionals need to ensure that programs and product packaging do not ask for stereotyping. A good example of racial insensitivity was the traditional figure "Aunt Jemima on packages of Quaker Oats food products. Her image widely regarded the black community as a patronizing stereotype. To change the perception, Quaker Oats cooperated with the National Council of Negro Women to honor outstanding African American women in local communities, who then competed for a national award. At the local award breakfasts, all served was Quaker Oats the Aunt Jemima new logo.
The black media is less extensive than the Hispanic media. Two possible reasons are the African Americans have a longer history in the united states and that english is their native language. Currently there are only about 175 black newspapers in the united states, but Black entertainment television networks have a larger national audience, as do such magazines as Ebony and Essence. "Black PR Wire" lists more than a thousands black- owned publications and journalists. Nielsen also notes that African Americans are heaviest TV consumers, watching almost 7 a day and 5 for other U.S. households. They also use more voice minutes on their phones than other group, about 1,300 minutes a month.

Art Connects Cruise Ship Line with African Americans Free live art auction series held on docked cruise ships in LA, Baltimore, and Miami it showcased art donated by nationally acclaimed
African American artist, and all proceeds supported summer art programs for African American teens in those cities.

There are now more than 18 million Asian Americans in the United States, according to a 2012 Nielsen report title was "The State of the Asian American Consumer". In addition, they are most affluent and well educated multicultural group. The median family income for example is 66,000- 28 % higher than the total media U.S. income. In terms of higher education 50 % of Asian Americans over age 25 have undergraduate degrees compared to only 28 % of the U.S. population.
Asian Americans, however, are just as diverse as Hispanics. There are 17 major Asian groups in the United States, but 4 major groups are the Chinese (22%), Asian Indian (19%), Filipino (18%), and Vietnamese (11%) each group of course has its own language and culture. There are generational differences in each group. The lifestyles, values, and interests of fourth-generation Korean Americans in LA are dramatically different than first generation Koreans who have recently arrived in the U.S.
The PR practitioner must take particular care and sensitivity, taking into account with cultural and ethnic self identity of many target audiences. Citizens of Indian prefer to be called Indo Americans because of the major history of the civilization.
The Asian American media, because of language diversity and culture, has dramatically increased in recent years. According to Nielson, there are more than 400 print publications, 136 TV Channels, 140 radio stations, and 550 digital platforms catering to Asian Americans. Cantonese every night has an audience of 23,000. Using such media is important for conducting marketing and PR campaigns because Nielson reports "It is imperative tp utilize the Again language and or Asian culture media to convey culturally tailored messages that can resonate with the Asian American audience."
EX.) KTSF-TV is there news channel
Asian Americans can be reached via digital media
- 80 hours a month on internet and view 3,600 web pages that is 1,000 pages higher than any other demographic
- 70% smartphone penetration and highest usage of any group
- Accessibility to broadband at home
- visit consumer and computer electronic sites often than any other group
- Most active on social media
- Most likely to make online purchases than any other demographic
- Stream more vids on youtube and Hulu than any other racial or ethnic group

Asian consumes both Asian tele and mainstream channels. The Asian channels are valued for providing info about their lifestyles and delivering culturally relevant entertainment. Korean Dramas in particular appeal to a broad base of Asian audiences.

Asian Americans and white Americans make the most household median income as well as obtain a bachelors degree or more

Individuals born between 1980 and 1995 are these? many of them have entered the workforce and at the start of the 21st century. in 2013, for example, the oldest in this generation was 33 and many of them had already become parents with established careers. At the youngest age of college level. This diverse group constitutes for about 20% of the U.S. population. Because they love the digital media so much they are labeled as the E-Generation- 1/3 of life online. They were the first to grow up with technology. such as cellphones, computers, the internet , and social networking sites.
A number of research studies have been done to figure out the attitudes and characteristics of the generation to gain insight that would help PR and marketing professionals better understand the audience. One study was done by Scarborough, a consumer research and lifestyle firm. Titled "Millennials. OMG: Getting Inside the Millennial Mind" Some of its findings included.
- 80% wants brands to entertain them
- 65% compare prices across different sites before purchasing something online
- 62% recycle glass, plastic, or paper
- 40% agree that a celebrity endorsement influences them to buy a product
-46% agree that they are more likely to buy a brand that supports a charity
- 53% are more likely than all U.S. adults to believe that social media sites are very important for finding information
- 44% get their news via internet, comprised to only 24% who read a newspaper
- 49% are more likely than all generations to identify as hispanic
- 51% use their mobile phones to do social media networking on Facebook, Twitter etc..
- 90% text

The age group that was born between 1947 and 1964, represents the tidal wave ofAmericans born after WW2, when thousands of GI's returned home and starting raising families. Today, as a large percentage of these men and women begin to add a "6" to their birthdays they comprise a market of 78 million people or about 24% of the U.S. population. They have about 3 trillion in buying power, include many of the country's current business and political leaders, and are active users of the internet. Baby boomers, particularly those born in the 1960s, grew up in an age of prosperity and continue to have a few qualms about spending on consumer goods instead of saving for retirement, although the economic recession of 2009 changed some of their spending habits. Despite such setbacks, the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that by 2015, Boomers will control almost 60% of the actions net worth and about 40% of the nations products and services. Because of there wealth and numbers, many corporations and nonprofit groups have taken a keen interest in reaching this market. Toyota, for example, has promoted its Highlander by tailoring communications to baby boomers who now have "empty nest" because their children are in college or have established careers of there own. One example ad says "For your newfound freedom"

The oldest boomers turned 65 in 2011 for the next 20 years 19,000 people a day will turn 65 according to the Pew Research center. Seniors are worried and caring more about Health care, insurance, retirement planning, personal savings, and other issues. But it should also be remembered that about 60% of the beer and carbonated drinks in the country are purchased by boomers. Companies such as Procter and Gamble and L'Oreal Pairs are also seeing a high demand for new products that cater to mature adults who lead active lifestyles and want to look vibrant and healthy not old.

They also tend to be more interested in social issues since they group up during the 1960-1970s, also tend to be more involved in social causes. Catherine Welker of Strauss Radio Strategies told PRWeek "Many are parents, voters, retirees, and potentially have disposable income. This generation most likely are to get involved in a cause.

This group are older than age 65. Most of the time they don't see themselves as there actual age. Medical advances have improved life expectancy to the point that almost 36.3 million Americans are age 65 or older. (12% of the population), according to the U.S. Census bureau. Most of the people starting turning 65 or older after 2011 due to the baby boomers. When appealing to this age group a PR professional should avoid the term "old folks". A large percentage of this age group work out, volunteer, attend cultural events, and do extensive traveling. The older generation is just as diverse due to their interests, financial status, and lifestyle. A PR practitioner should look out for these characteristics.
- With perspective of long experience, they often are less easily convinced than younger adults, demand value in things they buy and pay little attention to fads.
- They vote in greater numbers than their juniors and are more intense readers of newspaper and magazines. Retirees also watch television heavily.
- They form an excellent source of volunteers for social, health, and cultural organizations because they have time and often are looking for something to do.
- They are extremely conscious about health, out of self-interest, and want to know about medical developments. A Census Bureau study showed that most people over age 65 say they are in good health; not until their mid 80s.

-Early bird dinner- Do not want to be in traffic or out in the dark
-Senior citizens hold 70% of assets

Ages 65 to 74 have more discretionary income than any other group, with median assets of 108,885. A large percentage of them own their own homes without a mortgage they hold 70% of the countrys assets. They eat out frequently and do much gift buying. Travel frequently that 80% of commercial vacation travel, especially cruises. PR personell should know how to communicate with them. In media consumption seniors do spend 30% more time watching TV and 25% more time reading a daily newspaper than the average us citizen. According to the Center for Media Research seniors are becoming more active on the internet almost 20 million go online to check email, download maps, check the weather, and pay bills, Facebook even reports that the fastest growing demographic for new members is the over 55 group, as seniors connect with their children and grandchildren.

Todays women make 80% of household purchase decisions. According to Nielsen report in 2013, estimates on female purchasing power varies from 5 trillion annually and trends indicate that women will control two-thirds of the consumer wealth in the united states over the next decade. Women are also emerging "influentials" in a variety of campaigns for a large number of companies.

The Ketchum research conducted by USC Annenberg Strategic PR Centre also found that women aged 25 to 54 are not only "super consumers" but are much faster than men to embrace some new media, such as social networking sites, and also to use corporate websites. Also found out that women use social media more than men do. 75% vs. 63% Women spend an average of 12 hours per week on social media due to a study. Tell the men to go to the doctors, watch the kids

Other research studies have identified a segment called "supermoms" in terms of opinion leadership and word of mouth influence. These women spend about 5% of mothers, such as characteristics as
1.) At least 75 friends with whom they keep in touch
2.) Regularly give their friends advice on what to buy and restaurants to try
3.) Participate in online chats and discussion.
Given this data companies such as Procter and Gamble have used these supermoms to find out there opinions and also have them sample new products, with the idea of word of mouth influence will motivate other women to buy the product

Companies have also been paying attention to what have been called "mommy bloggers" Campbell Soup company, for example invited 11 mom bloggers to corporate headquarters to start a dialogue about the company's polices and products. Other companies, such as Graco, have also engaged in dialogue with mom bloggers and even started their own mommy blogs and twitter accounts.

Potty Humor for moms when they are on the toilet and need privacy (we spend 4% of our days spent on a toilet) (75% of Americans use their mobile devices while sitting on the toilet) this is humorous pics, infographics on potty-related topics, and conversations between consumers on such topics as the merits of toilet seat covers.

The LGBT community is a successfully community looking for places to live and is a diverse community it is estimated to be 9 to 16 million Americans. It estimates that purchasing power is about 750 billion according to packaged facts so companies have begun to offer domestic partnerships benefits and reach out to gay online sites and various publications. The internet is a good way to reach this audience. Some studies indicted that they are the most wired and technologically oriented groups in the country with about 80% regularly use the Internet

General Motors was a leader in such programs, but such corporations as Marriott, Disney, and Starbucks have also been active in promoting same sex employee benefits and reaching out to the LGBT community. Starbucks, for example endorsed gay marriage legislation in Washington State despite an effort by the National Organization for Marriage urging a boycott.

Media targets have grown in the last two decades. Magazines such as out and Advocate, and the cable networking logo focuses on gay themes. Some mainstream television shows could be Modern Family and Brokeback mountain.

Gays are also in mainstream commercials. For example, a company hired three actors to play a girls gay best friend in a campaign to introduce Sunsilk shampoo to the U.S.

It is important to realize that the LGBT market is not "one size fits all" Laurie Phillips, writing in PR tactics, points out that the "population is composed of individuals representing all ages, gender identities and expressions, racial and ethnic categories and various abilities." She adds, "Therefore, messages used to reach 18-34 gay males should vary from message used to reach 35-54 lesbians.

Ben and Jerrys celebrates same sex marriage

The united states has the most diverse Muslim population in world, which now numbers more than 6 million individual. There is a stereotype that all Muslims come from the Middle East, but the reality is that Muslims represent a variety of ethnic groups and come from a variety nations, including those in Asia, Europe, and parts of Africa. In fact, Indonesia's 242 million population makes it the largest Muslim country in the world.

American Muslims are an attractive market because their purchasing powers estimated between 125 billion and more than 200 billion. In addition, research by the American Islamic Conference shows that the percentage of affluent American Muslim household earning more than 100,000 annually is nearly equal to general population households.

Best buy for example, now wishes its customers "Happy Eid- al- Adha" in stores displays and promotions, whole foods now regularly stocks Halal- certified products.

Lowes Stumbles on Sponsorships of All-American Muslim

Which minority group in the United States is growing the fastest quizlet?

Asian Americans recorded the fastest population growth rate among all racial and ethnic groups in the United States between 2000 and 2019.

Which of the following is the largest minority category within the U.S. population?

The minority population is comprised of nearly as many Hispanics as blacks, surging numbers of Asians, and a small but growing American Indian population. By the middle of the 21st century, non-Hispanic whites will make up a slim and fading majority of Americans.

What is the minority breakdown in the United States?

White alone, percent
 75.8%
Black or African American alone, percent(a)
 13.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a)
 1.3%
Asian alone, percent(a)
 6.1%
United States - U.S. Census Bureau QuickFactswww.census.gov › quickfacts › fact › table › PST045221null

What is the largest minority group in the U.S. today quizlet?

Hispanics constitute the largest ethnic minority group, accounting for more than 16% of the total U.S. population.