Virtual desktop 5ghz 400Mbps

Virtual desktop 5ghz 400Mbps

Isnt Quest 2 Air Link streaming maxed out at 150Mbps anyway?

Air link and Virtual Desktop can supposedly do up to 200Mbps, and if Im maxing it out then that means if my bandwidth drops below that I might get some issues.

Virtual desktop 5ghz 400Mbps

Wifi5 on 5ghz setup properly will realistically get you around 450Mbps. You can get higher but it isnt likely. Remember this is half duplex and shared bandwidth unless your AP has multiple 5Ghz radios.

So it sounds like I should be able to get some setup that should get closer to 400Mbps instead of the 200Mbps Im getting now? I see a lot of people talking about 300Mbps being realistic too so this seems to add up.

Virtual desktop 5ghz 400Mbps

Thats a good point, if those numbers youre getting from iperf3 are full duplex, then thats pretty much what you get.

What do you mean by this? It appears that almost all wifi networks are half duplex, so iperf wouldnt be able to get me full duplex results.

Virtual desktop 5ghz 400Mbps

I hit about 380 over 5Ghz on my orbi setup, with the router itself being able to hit 578 (I think our Cox service is currently 550 or something) on the speedtest. So losing about 200Mbps over the wifi connection.

Good to have more confirmation that it is possible. Guess I need to figure out how much I want to spend to get this working.

Of course now Ive gone down the rabbit hole and realized my powerline ethernet system is capping my whole office to 60Mbps, which means Im leaving a lot of download speed on the table. I also realized the long premade cables I have for a bunch of devices in my office arent capable of getting past 100mbps so I have a lot of setup to figure out