Start the ball rolling nghĩa là gì

Start the ball rolling nghĩa là gì

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash
"Get the ball rolling" = làm bóng lăn -> bắt đầu một việc hay một dự án nào đó.
Ví dụPeople living in one Austin neighborhood say they're frustrated (chán nản) it's taken two years to get the ball rolling.
We are told this is a slow process, but depending on lawmakers (nhà lập pháp), they hope to get the ball rolling on production of CBD oils here in Albany sometime next year.
Looking ahead to the major events Richards said, I am not sure about the other athletes (mindset), but for me (I) definitely want to get the ball rolling. I want to get some wins underneath my belt (kinh nghiệm đạt được), just stay consistent (kiên định) and stay healthy...
Starting today, victims of the massive Equifax data breach (vi phạm dữ liệu)  and chances are if youre reading this, youre one of them since 147 million people were affected  can finally get the ball rolling on filing a claim (đơn yêu cầu) and collecting their share of the $700 million settlement (tài sản) with the credit reporting (báo cáo tín dụng) agency.
Thu Phương
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