Mothers maiden name trong bản khai lý lịch là gì năm 2024

The right of a woman to retain her maiden name in marriage was not conceded until 1976.

Women were permitted to keep their maiden name after marriage, or to add the name to their husband's patronymic.

In each case the wife's maiden name and the approximate date of the marriage was recorded, but the place was not.

I do not believe that it is necessary if a person appears on the register under her maiden name.

Especially in this age, there are many women who continue to exercise the right, after marriage, to use their maiden name.

If the lady's name on the register is her maiden name, no query will arise about her identity.

What is more, it would be possible for a married woman in those circumstances to apply for a medical card, which could be issued in her maiden name.

I can think of ladies who have made a reputation under their maiden name and, even after marriage, have continued to be known by that name.

A woman chiropractor who wishes to practise under both her maiden name and her married name may have that fact reflected in the published version of the register.

If we have the basic information to enable us to check the files—date of birth, national insurance number, maiden name and so on—we will check every case submitted to us.

She continued to publish journals under her maiden name because most of her recognition was under that name.



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Holly left to pursue her career with their two children, and uses her maiden name.



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She has since returned to using her maiden name.



Ví dụ này từ Wikipedia và có thể được sử dụng lại theo giấy phép của CC BY-SA.

She continues to use her maiden name professionally.



Ví dụ này từ Wikipedia và có thể được sử dụng lại theo giấy phép của CC BY-SA.

Later, to avoid confusion, she chose her maiden name as her professional name.



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