Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

There are many reasons why the Windows error "Remote device or resource won't accept the connection" might arise, a common issue being the remote device won't accept the connection windows includes improper Internet Explorer settings, an activated proxy server, or improperly configured network settings. This error often happens when a user attempts to utilize the network troubleshooter to resolve the "web page cannot be displayed" issue.

Part 1. Causes of "The Remote Device or Resource Won't Accept the Connection" Error in Windows 11/10

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

When you see the error message "The remote device or resource won't accept the connection" on your screen, it can be a problem for you if you are a Windows 11/10 user. This error often appears when attempting to connect to a website or other network resource. Gaining insight into the issue's root causes will enable you to troubleshoot it more successfully. The following are some of the leading causes of this error:

Incorrect Proxy Settings

Misconfigured proxy configurations are often the source of this issue, leading to the remote device or resource won't accept the connection error. Your computer and the internet are connected via a proxy server. This connection problem may arise if your system is set up to utilize a proxy server that is unavailable or incorrectly configured. You may have connected to a new network with a different proxy configuration, or a recent software update may have changed the settings. In any case, the incorrect setup may make it impossible for your computer to connect to the required resource.

Firewall Restrictions

Firewalls are designed to prevent unwanted users from accessing your computer. They may, however, sometimes be too restrictive, preventing access to essential and safe supplies. Your firewall may be configured with high protection, avoiding all outgoing and incoming connections, and causing the remote device won't accept the connection windows error. This may cause the error blocking you from visiting websites or using network services that you ought to be able to connect to.

Outdated Network Drivers

Network drivers facilitate the connection between your operating system and your network hardware. Mismatched or faulty network drivers may be the source of the remote device won't accept the connection error message, along with other connection problems. Manufacturers provide updates to address security flaws or enhance performance over time. Error warnings and poor connection might arise from outdated network drivers.

Network Configuration Issues

Problems with network settings may be the source of the remote device or resource won't accept the connection issue. This might include IP address problems or misconfigured DNS settings. DNS settings are essential for computer-understandable IP addresses to be converted from human-friendly domain names. The issue might occur if your DNS settings are off, preventing your computer from resolving the domain name. Similarly, if many devices on the same network are given the same IP address, it may lead to IP address disputes and poor network connections.

Server-side Issues

Sometimes, the remote device won't accept the connection error message arises because the distant resource you are attempting to access is the issue—not your computer or network. The resource's hosting server may be unable to handle more connections if it is down, undergoing maintenance, or overloaded. In these situations, you do not influence the problem and will see the error notice until the server-side problem is fixed.

Part 2: 5 Methods to Fix "The Remote Device Won't Accept the Connection"

After understanding the potential causes behind the "The remote device won't accept the connection" error, it's time to delve into the solutions. The following section outlines five effective methods to resolve this issue. Each method targets a different aspect of your system's network settings or security protocols. Whether dealing with antivirus interference or proxy settings, these methods offer a comprehensive guide to restoring your connection. Follow the steps carefully to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

Method 1: Disable Antivirus Software & Firewall Protection

Disabling your antivirus software and firewall protection can be a quick way to identify if these security measures are the root cause of the remote device won't accept the connection windows issue. Both antivirus programs and firewalls are designed to block potentially harmful incoming and outgoing data packets, but sometimes they can be overly restrictive.

Steps to Disable Antivirus Software & Firewall:

  • Antivirus: Open your antivirus software and look for an option to disable real-time protection. This is usually found in the settings or dashboard.
  • Firewall: Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall, then click "Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off" and disable it for public and private networks.

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

Method 2: Disable Proxy Settings

Proxy settings can interfere with your internet connectivity. If you're not intentionally using a proxy or suspect the proxy settings are incorrect, disabling them might resolve the issue.

Steps to Disable Proxy Settings:

  • Open "Internet Options" via the Start menu.
  • Go to the "Connections" tab and click "LAN settings."
  • Uncheck the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" box and click "OK."

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

Method 3: Reset the Web Browser

Sometimes, the issue might be with your web browser's settings. Resetting your web browser to its default settings can often resolve any conflicts or issues that prevent you from connecting to remote devices or resources.

Steps to Reset Web Browser:

  • For Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced > System > "Restore settings to their original defaults" and click "Reset settings."
  • For Internet Explorer, open the browser, go to Settings > Internet Options > Advanced tab, and click "Reset."

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

Method 4: Reset Your IP Address

Resetting your IP address can resolve conflicts preventing you from connecting to a remote device. This involves releasing your IP address and obtaining a new one from your DHCP server.

Steps to Reset IP Address:

  • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Then type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
  • After the command executes, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

Method 5: Force Update Your Group Policies

If your network administrator has recently updated group policies, you should manually update them to resolve connection issues. This is especially relevant in corporate environments.

Steps to Force Update Group Policies:

  • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Type gpupdate /force and press Enter.

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

By following these methods, you should be able to resolve the "The remote device won't accept the connection" error and restore your network connectivity. Each method targets a different potential cause, so you may need to try more than one to find the solution that works for you.

Bonus tips: An easier way to access device remotely

If you're looking for an alternative solution that bypasses the need for intricate system settings adjustments, Avica Remote Desktop Software could be your answer. Avica offers a user-friendly interface, end-to-end AES-256 encryption, and a patented streaming protocol for low latency. It's designed for various use cases, including remote work, IT support, and gaming.

Features of Avica Remote Desktop Software

  • Security: Your data is secure during transmission through end-to-end encryption of AES-256.
  • Low Latency: Its streaming protocol is patented and guarantees a stable connection.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The software has been designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind.
  • Multiple Connections: Avica enables multiple simultaneous connections, providing versatility for various requirements.
  • High-Quality Graphics: The system provides support for 4K resolution, 4:4:4 color, and multi-monitor configurations.

How to Use the Software Avica Remote Desktop

Feel free to download Avica products by clicking the button below. If you're seeking additional information about Avica product downloads, you can visit the Avica download page. Rest assured, Avica guarantees the safety and virus-free nature of all products obtained from their official website or app store.

Below, we'll walk you through how to use Avica step-by-step:

Step 1: Download and Install

Download Avica which works with your operating system (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android). Set up the program on your device by following the installation instructions.

Step 2: Establish a Connection

Open Avica and log in to your account. Use the interface to connect to the remote device you wish to access by entering the Avica ID and Password.

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

Step 3: Configure Display Settings

Adjust the display settings to suit your needs, including resolution and color settings.

Step 4: Start the Remote Session

With everything configured, you are ready to begin your remote session. You can work, play games, or help IT, according to your requirements.

Lỗi the remote device or resource wont accept the connection năm 2024

Step 5: Additional Features

Investigate more features to improve your remote access experience, such as voice sync, drag-and-drop file transfer, and clipboard support.

Following these instructions, you may quickly install and use Avica for your remote desktop requirements. Whether you work as an engineer, designer, or gamer, Avica provides a quick and safe remote connection solution.


There are several potential causes of the "The remote device won't accept the connection" error, such as out-of-date network drivers, firewall limitations, server-side difficulties, improper proxy settings, and network setup problems. However, you can easily diagnose and fix the remote device won't accept the connection error using the techniques described in this tutorial. Every solution targets a different possible source of the issue: deactivating firewall and antivirus software, changing proxy settings, restarting your web browser, renewing your IP address, or changing group policies.

Additionally, for those seeking a safe and effective method of connecting remotely without having to make complex changes to their system settings, Avica Remote Desktop Software offers an alternate answer. By knowing the fundamental reasons and implementing suitable solutions, you may regain your network connection and continue your online activities without disruptions.