Labels and legends on a chart should indicate

The legend is a side section of the chart that gives a small text description of each series. You can specify the text associated with each series in this legend, and specify where on the chart it should appear.

A Note on String Values

Only URL-safe characters are permitted in label strings. To be safe, you should URL-encode any strings containing characters not in the character set 0-9a-zA-Z.


chdl=<data_series_1_label>|...|<data_series_n_label> chdlp=<opt_position>|<opt_label_order> chdls=<color>,<size>

chdl - The text for each series, to display in the legend.

  • chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 0 The text for the legend entries. Each label applies to the corresponding series in the chd array. Use a + mark for a space. If you do not specify this parameter, the chart will not get a legend. There is no way to specify a line break in a label. The legend will typically expand to hold your legend text, and the chart area will shrink to accommodate the legend.

chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 1 [Optional] The position of the legend, and order of the legend entries. You can specify chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 2 and/or chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 3. If you specify both, separate them with a bar character. You can add an 's' to any value if you want empty legend entries in chdl to be skipped in the legend. Examples: chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 5, chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 6, chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 7, chdl=NASDAQ|FTSE100|DOW chco=FF0000,00FF00,0000FF 8

Is there a way to make the reverse value of axis order dynamic? Thanks to all these great blog entries, I have a dynamic chart that displays different data based on a pulldown option (counts or amounts). Counts display in the helper table as positive integers, and amounts display as negative decimals, with custom format to display as currency.

When I graph the data, the vertical axis shows proper logical stacking (0 upward to high value) for the counts, but amounts descend from the top (0) down to the low maximum (-$1M). If I choose inverse order when graphing the amounts, switching back to counts now shows the counts descending from the top of the chart.

I'd like to only invert the order when the pulldown reads "amounts" (or values are negative). Negating the helper table values can be troublesome, since I use the negative amount to format the vertical axis (positives display as integers, negatives display as currency).

This article shows you how to add a chart legend in Office 2016, and also how to customize the appearance of the legend, including the font, the border, and the background.


Add a chart legend

  1. Click the chart to which you want to add a legend, click the Chart Elements button

    , and then click Legend.

  2. To change the location of the legend, click the arrow next to Legend and then click the location that you want.


  • By default, a legend does not overlap the chart. If you have space constraints, you may be able to reduce the size of the chart by clicking More Options and then clearing the Show the legend without overlapping the chart check box.

  • To remove a legend, right-click it, and then click Delete.

Format a chart legend

Once you add the chart legend, there are many things that you can do to change how it looks.

Change font or font size

  1. Right-click the legend, and then click Font.

  2. On the Font tab, make the changes that you want to the font or font size.

Change legend border or background

  1. Right-click the legend, and then click Format Legend.

  2. In the Format Legend task pane, pick the options that you want.

Tip: You can really make your legend stand out by adding an effect. Click Effects and then pick the effect that you want. A wide variety of effects is available, including shadows, glows, and soft edges. (Just be careful not to go overboard: you probably don't want to clutter the presentation of your data.)

Customize a legend (Office 2016 for Mac)

A legend can make your chart easier to read because it positions the labels for the data series outside the plot area of the chart. You can change the position of the legend and customize its colors and fonts. You can also edit the text in the legend and change the order of the entries in the legend.

  1. This step applies to Word 2016 for Mac only: On the View menu, click Print Layout.

  2. Click the chart, and then click the Chart Design tab.

  3. Click Add Chart Element > Legend.

  4. To change the position of the legend, choose Right, Top, Left, or Bottom. To change the format of the legend, under Labels, click Legend, click Legend Options, and then make the format changes that you want.

    What does the legend show in a chart?

    A chart legend appears by default when you first create a chart. For most charts, legends show the names and colors of each series of data. The legend text is taken from the chart's data range.

    When should your chart have a legend?

    Your chart doesn't need a legend if it only presents one data category. Only use a legend if you can't safely assume there will be enough space to apply labels directly. Use clear language and avoid acronyms in legends. This also applies to titles and axis labels.

    What are the labels on a chart?

    Labels are integral to any chart. They showcase the relationship between the axes and the data plots. Labels are displayed along the x-axis of the chart. In this example, the x-axis labels are the name of the countries for which the oil reserves are shown.

    What is legend in label?

    Legend is a broad label used for a group of objects. Label is used for labeling specific elements.

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