Jquery scroll to top of div on click năm 2024

Last update on August 19 2022 21:51:35 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

jQuery Practical exercise Part - I : Exercise-2

Scroll to the top of the page with jQuery.

Sample solution :

HTML Code :

`<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Scroll to the top of the page with jQuery</title> </head> <body> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <p>jquery</p> <a href='

top'>Go Top</a>

</body> </html> `

JavaScript Code :


top']").click(function() {

$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"); return false; }); `

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❮ jQuery HTML/CSS Methods


Return the vertical scrollbar position for a <div> element:

$("button").click(function(){ alert($("div").scrollTop()); });

Try it Yourself »

Definition and Usage

The scrollTop() method sets or returns the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements.

Tip: When the scrollbar is on the top, the position is 0.

When used to return the position: This method returns the vertical position of the scrollbar for the FIRST matched element.

When used to set the position: This method sets the vertical position of the scrollbar for ALL matched elements.


Return vertical scrollbar position:

Set vertical scrollbar position:


Parameter Description position Specifies the vertical scrollbar position in pixels

Try it Yourself - Examples

Set the vertical scrollbar position How to set the vertical scrollbar position for an element.

Toggle between classes on different scroll positions How to toggle between classes on different scroll positions.

Add smooth scrolling to page anchors Using animate() together with scrollTop() to add smooth scrolling to links.

❮ jQuery HTML/CSS Methods

★ +1

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Description: Get the current vertical position of the scroll bar for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the vertical position of the scroll bar for every matched element.

  • version added: 1.2.6

    • This method does not accept any arguments.

The vertical scroll position is the same as the number of pixels that are hidden from view above the scrollable area. Setting the scrollTop positions the vertical scroll of each matched element.

You want to scroll to an element when a certain event occurs. A common use case is when you want to add a “scroll back to top” button to your website. How do you do this using jQuery?

The Solution

Let’s say that you have a button with an id of “scrollBtn” that you want to use to scroll to the header with an id of “header1” when the button is clicked. Using jQuery, you can get the button and header element, attach a “click” event listener to the button and then use the jQuery animate() method to scroll the page to the header when the button is clicked:

import $ from 'jquery'; const scrollToBtn = $('


const scrollToEl = $('


scrollToBtn.click(() => { $('html').animate({ scrollTop: scrollToEl.offset().top, }, 800 //speed ); });

The animate() method takes in four arguments: properties, duration,

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

0, and

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

1. The properties argument is the only required argument. It’s an object of CSS properties, as well as some non-CSS style properties such as

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

3 and

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

4, as well as custom properties, and their values that will be animated. The animate() method will change these properties and animate the transition. The duration argument is a string or number that determines how long the animation will run in milliseconds. The

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

0 argument is a string that determines the easing function to use for the animation. The default easing is “swing”, which has a slower transition at the start and end of the animation than in the middle of the animation. The other easing is “linear”, which has a consistent transition speed. You can use other transitions using jQuery plugins such as jQuery UI.


const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

3 property of the HTML element is used to set the number of pixels that the page is scrolled vertically. We call the jQuery

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

9 method on the header to get its

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

0 property. This is the distance between the header and the top of the page. This is where we scroll to.

You can also scroll to an element using vanilla JavaScript:

const scrollToBtn = document.getElementById('scrollBtn'); const scrollToEl = document.getElementById('header1'); scrollToBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { scrollToEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', }); });

The easy-to-read

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

1 method is used to scroll to an element so that it’s visible. It has an optional argument that can be a boolean or an object. The optional

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

2 argument is a boolean. If set to

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

3, the top of the element to scroll to will be aligned with the top of the visible area of the scrollable ancestor. This is the default value. If set to

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

4, the bottom of the element to scroll to will be aligned to the bottom of the visible area of the scrollable ancestor.

The optional

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

5 argument is an object with the following properties:

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>


<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

7, and

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

8. The

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

6 property defines the transition animation. The value can be

Sentry.init({ dsn: '//<key>@sentry.io/<project>' });

0 or

Sentry.init({ dsn: '//<key>@sentry.io/<project>' });

1. The default value is

Sentry.init({ dsn: '//<key>@sentry.io/<project>' });


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  1. Create a free Sentry account
  2. Create a JavaScript project and note your DSN
  3. Grab the Sentry JavaScript SDK

<script src="//browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>

  1. Configure your DSN

Sentry.init({ dsn: '//<key>@sentry.io/<project>' });

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How to scroll top on click in jQuery?

In jQuery, the scrollTo() method is used to set or return the vertical scrollbar position for a selected element. This behavior can be used to scroll to the top of the page by applying this method on the window property. Setting the position parameter to 0 scrolls the page to the top.

How do I scrollTo the top of a div?

To scroll to an element inside a div using JavaScript, you can use the `scrollTop` property of the parent div, setting it to the target element's `offsetTop`. This adjustment allows you to smoothly navigate to a specific element within a scrollable container without using a full-page scroll.

How to scrollTo top when a button is clicked in JavaScript?

Solution 1: Using the scrollTo() Method This method allows you to scroll to a specific coordinate on the page. To scroll to the top, we need to set the x and y coordinates to 0. method to scroll to the top of the page. By setting the x and y coordinates to 0, we ensure that the page scrolls to the top-left corner.

How to scrollTo a div using jQuery?

Approach 1: Using the scrollTop() Method In this approach, the scrollTop() method is used to set the vertical scrollbar position for the selected element which is further used in scrolling to a specific element simply by setting its scrollTop property to the top position of the element.

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