Hướng dẫn tải playerunknowns battlegrounds Informational năm 2024

This is a multiplayer action game in which players can participate in "last-man-standing"-style shootouts while collecting supplies/weapons/armor around an island. From a third-person perspective, players parachute onto an island and search for items, vehicles, and supplies that they must defend from other players; characters can engage in fistfights, and use weapons (e.g., machine guns, rifles) to shoot and kill opponents. Successful hits are accompanied by brief splashes of blood; characters fall to the ground when killed, as their items become available to other players. Players can also use vehicles (e.g., motorcycles, trucks) to run over opponents.

The enormity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' success will have surprised even its developers. This is a shooter that didn't invent the Battle Royale genre in gaming, but which certainly perfected it to the point that it found a massive, massive audience. With more than 30 million copies sold, PUBG is a bona fide phenomenon with an influence that will be felt in the industry for years to come.

The whole madness around PUBG is well-deserved. This is the best possible praise for this great battle-royale-genre shooter. What a pity there are so many bugs, mad vehicle physics and occasional cheaters, but it bothers you only for a while. When you frantically get into the hectic, slightly frightening struggle for life and death you’ll forget anything else.

" التقييم و المراجعة تخص الاصدار ما قبل الاطلاق الرسمي و حتى اصدار الاطلاق و التحديثات الى النهاية السنة2017” بوبجي جلبت المعنى الحقيقي و المثالي و المجنون لمصطلح الباتل رويال التجربة لن تكون مملة ولا اعتيادية و دائماً في تحدي مستمر و ممتع و غير قابل للتنبؤ بشكل دائم رح تكون على يقضة لمجرد فكرة ان كل جولة لها ظروف مختلفة باسلحة مختلفة ب اماكن هبوط مختلفة بالتحرك وفق ظروف اللاعبين , العتاد , و تضاريس خريطة صممت و غطت تنوع تضاريسي بيئي رائع ممتاز و متنوع العب كل جولة بمليون سيناريو مختلف بمليون طريقة لعب مختلفة أفضل لعبة باتل رويال لعبتها اناملي و بالتاكيد هي مرة بالعمر

I think it's the fundamental game of Battle Royale! It's so much fun and money is not a waste! I really recommend it!

A unique and exciting multiplayer experience in which every run is different from the next.

PUBG has managed to create experiences you can't find anywhere else (or at least, you couldn't). It needs to improve some aspects and polish some things to become a legend, but the foundations are already very, very good.

One thing is for sure, as we look to the future for this powerhouse of a game, the sky is the limit.

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a superb example of adapting the battle royale gameplay model. This is a true phenomenon and an event of the year but it's far too soon to call it "game of the year". PUBG is more of a late early access - tons of things got better over time but that's only the beginning.

I have faith that with such a large following (and cash flow) the PUBG team will eventually get things squared away, but for now, this game still feels like it's in early access. However, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is an absolute blast to play and has a broad appeal that few other games can match. As long as you temper your expectations (and make sure you have a decent PC), then this is one of the top games of 2017 to check out.

This is the only game i've needed to play in the last 5 years, say what you want about things that are common to ALL games such as bugs and desync and the torturous learning curve. Truth is, once you learn to play, you'll not need to buy any other game, I have 3000Hrs on this game and headed seriously to keep on playing. That's worth a 10 in my book.

un des premiers BR, c'est un super jeu mais la concurrence l'a dépassée. De plus, le jeu est visuellement moyen.

Game is alright, could ve been way better optimized considering that time, but its alright, fkn review bomb

Para ser sincero me siento decepcionado.. PUBG en su momento me llego a parecer el mejor Battle Royale porque gráficamente es muy bonito, muy realista y no solo en como luce, sino también en su jugabilidad haciendo mucho hincapié en el retroceso de las armas, el sigilo y muchos otros puntos que te hacen sentir que si realmente llegaras a estar en un enfrentamiento de la vida real... pues esta experiencia seria la mas acertada. Sin embargo, no me han gustado para nada sus ultimas decisiones, en un principio cuando el juego paso al formato Free To Play me pareció una gran idea, pero llego con el inconveniente de que para poder jugar Rankeds tenias que pagar el PLUS, cosa que el 90% de los que han llegado desde que cambio su formato de pago no han hecho y eso a provocado que el modo Competitivo del PUBG actualmente este mas que muerto!, si te quedas unos 10 o 15 minutos buscando partida nunca encontraras. El rendimiento en PC lo eh sentido como otro gran problema ya que a pesar de contar una PC Gamer el juego me da tirones o me empieza a sobrecalentar el PC con tan solo 1 hora jugando!. Retomando el tema de las decisiones, no me a gustado el contenido que han metido, ya que, se siente mas como si PUBG estuviera realizando intentos desesperados por competir contra los otros del genero en lugar de ser original... haciendo colaboraciones con juegos como Street Fighter pero donde solo meten algunas Skins y Bailes a un precio exagerado de g-coins que suelen conseguirse con dinero real!. Por ultimo la gota que derramo el baso y me hizo dejar este titulo fue su traspaso a la tienda de Epic Games... si bien el titulo continua disponible en Steam y es donde mas jugadores tiene, me parece algo muy hipócrita y desesperado tomando en cuenta que en 2018 hasta demandaron a Fortnite por plagio... todo esto me hace sentir que PUBG ya no tiene dignidad, originalidad... NADA!!.

Too much **** players that proning in the blue zone and wait until sombody cross their pass. Non sense non fun gameplay. Pubg should change its priciples about blue zone. People picking up a huge amount of meds and jammer pack and camping in the blue. It must got a faster movement that campers cannot one shot players

Summary PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a massive 8x8 km island to be the lone survivor. This is BATTLE ROYALE.