How to crop a PDF in Revit

From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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View extents and crop regions

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to talk about view extends and cropping. So we're going to focus on cropping first, but view extends is actually a little bit more than just cropping. But we'll start with a cropping example here in the level one floor plan. As you can see, I'm seeing not only the building, but a lot of the surrounding site context that might be appropriate for the site plan, but it's probably not what I want to see in the level one floor plan. So cropping is going to allow me to reduce what this view is showing, and focus in on just the area that I'm interested in. And there's a really practical reason that you want to consider doing that. If we scroll down here to the sheets branch, and then open up the a one floor plan sheet, kind of zoom out a little bit here, you can see that if we don't crop the view, it doesn't fit on the sheet. I'm going to click back here to level one and let's…


How to crop a PDF in Revit
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I always thought Revit should be able to crop images.
It can resize and rotate them, so why not crop?

Sure, Revit is not meant to be used as graphic layout tool in the way we use tools in the Adobe Creative Suite, but most Architecture Sets I have seen have at least a handful of embedded images.

So with the help with a few guys on the Revit API Forum I was able to write a python script that does just what I wanted.

Code is pasted below for reference.
Check the pyRevitPlus repo for latest code base.

[vimeo 180429233 w=638 h=360]

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I made a few renderings and saved them to the project, so they now show up in my view list under "renderings". When I added it to the sheet I realized I need to crop down the sides a bit to fit them.

Ideally these views would just have crop regions like other views, but they dont. And it seems revit just makes them linked images.

UPDATE Some good suggestions here, I realized that in the render dialogue there is an option to adjust the border of the frame your rendering. In the end it was easier to just remake them all and adjust the crop there, which to be clear, is ridiculous but alas.. just in case that helps anyone else

CAD tip # 13131:

How to crop a PDF in Revit
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How to crop a PDF in Revit

How to crop an image or PDF underlay in Revit?

How to crop a PDF in Revit
How to crop a background raster image or attached PDF document in a Revit drawing sheet?

The standard functions for embedded images in Revit and Revit LT do not offer the crop function. However, you can easily help yourself with the view functions.

  1. Use the "Duplicate View" function to create a copy of your view, such as a floor plan.
  2. In this copy, use "Override visibility/display" (see Properties-Graphics) to turn off the visibility of all categories (they may be in multiple tabs), except the "Raster Images" category.
  3. Then, in that copy, use the crop view function to create the desired crop of your image (the view contains only that image). You can use any shape for the crop border, not just rectangular trimming (see the Edit Profile context ribbon).
  4. Then use the cropped raster image (view) on your drawing sheet.
How to crop a PDF in Revit
How to crop a PDF in Revit
*  CAD 
11.11.2021    8015×  

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How to crop a PDF in Revit

How to crop a PDF in Revit
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How to crop a PDF in Revit

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See also:
Tip 12950: Custom installation of Autodesk 2022 CAD/BIM software products.
Tip 12609: Dynamo - how to convert a raster photo to 3D model in Revit?
Tip 11953: How to save PDF/A-1a archive from CAD software AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit?
Tip 11195: How to download and install an update of Autodesk software - e.g. Revit 2017.1?
Tip 10452: Autodesk Accounts offers only "Install Now". Why?
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How to crop a PDF in Revit

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How to crop a PDF in Revit

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Can you crop a PDF image in Revit?

The standard functions for embedded images in Revit and Revit LT do not offer the crop function. However, you can easily help yourself with the view functions. Use the "Duplicate View" function to create a copy of your view, such as a floor plan.

How can I crop a PDF?

Choose “Tools” > “Edit PDF.” Or, select “Edit PDF” from the right pane. In the secondary toolbar, click “Crop Pages.” Drag a rectangle on the page you want to crop. If necessary, drag the corner handles of the cropping rectangle until the page is the size you want.