heart break là gì - Nghĩa của từ heart break

heart break có nghĩa là

(noun/verb) The feeling of complete devestation and sadness after a break-up in a relationship or dissapointment of that sort. When you feel like you're watching life go by on fast forward, and you're sitting on pause. And you have to keep moving. No matter what. Just keep moving, trying to catch up with people...because if you stop for just a second, you will forever be behind. It's the feeling you get when you have finally trusted someone, and they let you down. To fully understand the meaning, you must have gone through it at some point in your life.


(noun): The heart break she went through after he broke up with her was unbearable, and she became reluctant to love again.

(verb): He was heartbroken after he did not recieve the part in the play.

heart break có nghĩa là

It means that u can't come out of a bad or worrying situation that bother's you currently (or) which breaks Ur head and bogs u down.You have no other choice than going through a bad phase in your life.


His girl-friend ditched him and so he felt like it was a one-way ticket to heart-break city.

heart break có nghĩa là

when your heart brakes you dumb shit. but people say this when they are dumped by the one the love.


i keep getting dumped you should take a heart break

heart break có nghĩa là

There's a social situation and everyone wants to do something, but nobody wants to be the first person. The first person that does so is breaking hearts.
Derived from the card game Hearts.


Everyone wanted some candy from the communal bowl, but we were all waiting until someone else would break hearts.

heart break có nghĩa là

A nigga that just wants to break your heart and use you for who you are.


That nigga only used me for my pussy, he don’t like me. He’s a heart break nigga.

heart break có nghĩa là

Heart break is when your heart feels like its been riped out and crushed in front of your eyes and its usually caused by a fuck boy or a hoe or just any asshole that messes with your feelins. Heart break makes you really sad and depressed and it hurts like hell too. It can last forever or just a few months depending on how much you fell for that bitch that broke ya heart. Almost everyone will get heart broken in rheir life but sadly some never get over it. The only way to prevent it is to stay linely but even then your heart will ache for that guy or person that you have wanted so desperately but could never get. Really sad. Hope no one has to hurt for a long time. Fuck feelins.


Me: "fuck man i felt my Heart Break. I cant believe i though he would love me like i love him...." My friend: "damn she liked him for 3 years and they never even dated but she keeps letting her heart break cuz of him."

heart break có nghĩa là

It may be different for everybody. Most commonly people feel their heart ache and can't stop crying.
I felt numb and didn't let myself cry. If I started crying I would do everything to stop it. So you really don't get a good cry. You start to feel extremely sad. Possibly have a hard time talking to your friends about it. Feel a lot of self doubt like feeling embarrassed and stupid for falling in love. A lot of regret comes in. Then something may happen, like them saying hi to you (and/or) something related happened. All of the sudden that built up sadness, anger, heart break makes you breakdown. Your friends may start to notice your distance. Don't do what I did. Otherwise you're stuck. Don't ignore your feelings. Don't be ashamed to cry, just don't. It feels like a very sticky wax being pulled off slowly on your skin. I chose to not reflect the situation, the memories, the relationship, and myself. I distracted my thoughts and kept my mind busy instead. If you can relate to this I would feel a great relief because this feels like it isn't normal. If you went through a break up and looked this up just know your a bad bitch ;) and I know you can get through this <3< p>


i dont know what to write here. ANyways thanks For readinG my trUE feelings of my heart break bc my bitch ass decided to write it here instead of talkiNG to a reAl human about it.

heart break có nghĩa là

Someone who continuously helps someone get through something ...expecting to get something out of it and never does....but it is in their soul to always help but they always get fucked over


Damn it I was such a heart break soldier to her

heart break có nghĩa là

When you have a crush on someone and they break your heart by:
•playing you
ignoring you It can also occur when your crush has a girlfriend or boyfriend or is interested in someone else.


I just had the worst crush heart break. I feel like dying.

heart break có nghĩa là

When you are a girl and you have a new friend that's non binary but was born with female parts and you text them asking for help on a math question and then you think your flirting but then after a bit of texting and then the friend says something like yea I do that especially with my friends and your listening to music the whole time this is happening and then when the friend says that a few seconds later Heather's by Conan Grey comes on and you just had a mini heart break because they said the word friends when you thought you where flirting 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Mini heart break victim: Yea I was just texting with Dannie( not real person) and I thought we were flirting by they said no im just really affectionate with my friends when I said did I make you uncomfortable and now I'm sad as hell 💔 Random friend listening: yea it sounds like you are a mini heart break victim my friend