Chicken and egg situation là gì

Chicken and egg situation là gì

chicken egg yolk

chicken egg incubator

chicken egg production

golden egg chicken

egg laying chicken

raw chicken egg

Câu thành ngữ "a chicken and egg situation/problem" một câu hỏi do Aristotle đề xuất vào thế kỷ thứ tư trước Công nguyên vẫn còn được thảo luận cho đến ngày nay: Cái nào đến trước, con gà hay quả trứng? Một con gà được yêu cầu phải đẻ một quả trứng, nhưng con gà đó phải được nở từ một quả trứng để trở thành con gà. Tình huống khó xử này bắt nguồn từ việc quan sát rằng tất cả gà nở ra từ trứng và tất cả trứng gà đều do gà đẻ ra.

bring about victory or success,esp.when defeat is likely 反败为胜;转危为安The forest fire was nearly out of control when suddenly it rained heavily and saved the day.森林火灾几乎无法控制,但一场瓢泼大雨,把它浇灭了。

They were ready to retreat,but re inforcements arrived in time and saved the situation.他们正准备撤退时,增援部队及时赶到,一下扭转了局势。

bring about victory or success,esp.when defeat is likely 反败为胜;转危为安The forest fire was nearly out of control when suddenly it rained heavily and saved the day.森林火灾几乎无法控制,但一场瓢泼大雨,把它浇灭了。

They were ready to retreat,but re inforcements arrived in time and saved the situation.他们正准备撤退时,增援部队及时赶到,一下扭转了局势。

Idiom(s): no-win situation


a situation where there is no correct or satisfactory solution.• The general was too weak to fight and too proud to surrender. It was a no-win situation.• The huge dog my father gave us as a gift eats too much. If we get rid of the dog, my father will be insulted. If we keep it, we will go broke buying food for it. This is a classic no-win situation. when you (us) are opposed to "them": "The atmosphere between the two departments is terrible. There's a real them and us situation."situation
see no-win situation.

A bearings in which it is alien what happened, or what needs to happen, first. You charge acquaintance to get a job, but you charge a job to get experience. It's a craven and egg situation.Learn more: and, chicken, egg, problem, situation
a bearings in which you do not apperceive which of two affiliated contest is the account of the other: Is she black because she gets into debt, or does she get into debt because she’s unhappy? I accept it’s a chicken-and-egg situation.This comes from the catechism ‘Which came aboriginal — the craven or the egg?’.Learn more: situation
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Chicken and egg situation là gì

Thế rồi trứng có trước hay gà có trước hả các bồ? Photo by Idella Maeland on Unsplash 

"A chicken-and-egg situation" = trứng có trước hay gà có trước -> tình huống trong đó bạn không biết sự kiện nào trong hai sự kiện được nói đến là nguyên nhân của sự kiện kia. 

Ví dụ 

Like many other areas, Barrow faces a real chicken and egg situation. 

One of the more daunting aspects (mặt đáng sợ) of the mystery has to do with peptides and enzymes, which fall into something of a “chicken and egg” situation. 

Until existing technology works smoothly, stakeholders (bên liên quan) can be cynical (hoài nghi, chỉ trích) – unwilling to explore future developments. This creates a chicken and egg situation. 

If a man experiences difficulties due to organic causes (nguyên nhân bên trong cơ thể), he also has a psychological burden (gánh nặng tâm lý) on him for performance, and vice versa (ngược lại) if there is a psychological issue that affects the electrical system. This is a chicken-and-egg situation — whichever comes first is actually not important. 

Thu Phương 

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