Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

Khi cài đặt gói ngôn ngữ bị lỗi và hiện thông báo “ sorry we’re having trouble getting this windows display language installed ” hoặc mã lỗi là 0x80070422 .

Nguyên nhân của lỗi này thường là do máy tính đã tắt windows update. Bạn cần kiểm tra lại Windows Update Service. Dưới đây là cách hướng dẫn bật Windows Update.

B1: Nhập services.msc vào hộp tìm kiếm hoặc hộp thoại Run bằng cách nhấn Win+R và sau đó nhấn Enter.

Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

Hoặc bạn cũng có thể nhấn Services trên thanh công cụ tìm kếm và chạy với quyền administrator

Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

B2: Cuộn xuống để tìm Windows Update Service.

Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

B3: Nhấp chuột phải và chọn Properties.

Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

B4: Trong tab General, trong Startup type, bấm vào menu drop-down. Chọn Automatic rồi bấm OK.

Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

B5: Khởi động lại Services Windows Update bằng cách nhấn chuột phải vào Services và chọn Start.

Cách fix lỗi download packet language window 10 năm 2024

Sau khi bật Windows Update xong bạn có thể tiến hành cài gói ngôn ngữ khác có windows như bình thường.

You'll see language options. Check the box next to "Japanese (Japan)" and any other related options you want, like "Handwriting" or "Speech."

Click the "Install" button.

IME Settings:

Once Japanese is installed, click on it in the "Preferred languages" list.

Click on "Options."

Add a Keyboard:

Under "Keyboards," click the "Add a keyboard" button.

Select "Japanese."

Japanese Keyboard Options:

Click on the added "Japanese" keyboard.

Choose the keyboard layout you prefer. "Microsoft IME" is the default and widely used.

You can also set other preferences like input method and keyboard shortcuts.

Switch Input Methods:

Now, you can switch between input methods using the language bar on your taskbar or by pressing Alt + Shift.

To start typing in Japanese, select the Japanese IME from the language bar or use the keyboard shortcut.

Start Typing in Japanese:

When the Japanese IME is active, you'll see a small "A" icon on the taskbar indicating the language mode.

Start typing using Roman letters. As you type, the IME will offer suggestions for Japanese characters.

Switch Back to English:

To switch back to English or your default language, use the language bar or press Alt + Shift again.

From Software Center (SCCM Users)

Clear Cache from ConfigMgr

Sometimes, when you try to install the Japanese Language Package from Software Center, it will fail and not be able to install. In that case, follow the below steps and try again:

Open Configuration Manager Properties from Control Panel.

Select the Cache tab.

Click the Delete Files button.

Select the Delete persisted cache content, if desired.

Click the Yes button.

Delete SoftwareDistribution Folder

The "SoftwareDistribution" folder on a Windows computer is related to Windows Update. If you're having issues with Windows Update or need to clear this folder, follow these steps:

Stop Windows Update Services:

Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. You can do this by searching for "cmd" in the Start menu, right-clicking on "Command Prompt," and selecting "Run as administrator."

  • Stop the Windows Update services by typing the following commands one by one and pressing Enter after each:

net stop wuauserv net stop cryptSvc net stop bits net stop msiserver

Rename SoftwareDistribution Folder:

Open File Explorer.

Navigate to C:\Windows.

Locate the "SoftwareDistribution" folder and rename it. You can add "_old" to the end of the folder name, for example, "SoftwareDistribution_old".

Start Windows Update Services:

Go back to the Command Prompt that you opened as an administrator.

  • Start the Windows Update services by typing the following commands one by one and pressing Enter after each:

net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver

Check for Windows Updates:

Open the Windows Settings by pressing Win + I.

Go to "Update & Security" > "Windows Update."

Click on "Check for updates" to start the update process. Windows will recreate the SoftwareDistribution folder.

After the recreation of the SoftwareDistribution folder delete the "SoftwareDistribution_old".

Delete Files from “Temp” & “%Temp%”

To delete files from “C:\Windows\Temp”

Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.

Type %Temp% and press Enter. This will open the Temp folder.

Select all files (Ctrl + A) and delete them (Shift + Delete). Some files might be in use and cannot be deleted.

To delete files from “C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Local\Temp”

Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.

Type `Alt + Shift`0 and press Enter. This will open the Temp folder.

Select all files (Ctrl + A) and delete them (Shift + Delete). Some files might be in use and cannot be deleted.

Manual Installation (Thanks to @Monsieur Man )

First, remove Japanese language support on your computer and restart Windows.

After restart, click the Start button, type Command Prompt, and select Run as Administrator. Enter the admin password at the UAC (user access control) prompt if you are not logged in using an admin account. If your Windows login is an admin account, click Yes to proceed.

At the prompt, type: `Alt + Shift`1 You should see at the prompt an installation update showing the percentage of the installation. It can take a while depending on your Internet connection so be patient.