Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


Ca Department of Insurance Insurers Bulletins Notices Commissioners Opinions ca gov


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There are two candidates on the Nov. 8 ballot for a four-year term as California’s insurance commissioner: Democratic incumbent Ricardo Lara and Republican cybersecurity equipment manufacturer Robert Howell. Here are the answers to a seven-question survey that The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board emailed Lara.

Q: What in your background makes you the best candidate for this job?

A: I’m proud of the work I have done on behalf of consumers in the state of California, and I believe that what we’ve done on the ground at the Department of Insurance has been transformative, especially for wildfire survivors.

I’m honored to be the first Latino and LGBTQ person to hold this position because I believe that representation matters, but I know that it’s what you do with the role that is most important. That’s why I’m engaging with the public and using my legislative experience and executive authority to protect consumers. Helping people is what I do, and it’s what motivates me to get out of bed in the morning.

Nothing can substitute for the experience I have in this position. Since 2019, my staff and I have participated in over 60 town halls and community events, many in partnership with members of the state Legislature, listening to tens of thousands of homeowners and business owners about the growing threat of wildfires to lives and property.

Because of what I heard at these meetings, I’ve worked to expand home safety incentives: At my urging, insurance companies have significantly expanded premium discounts now available to 2 out of every 5 consumers. And I am pursuing the nation’s first regulations that will require wildfire safety discounts for all insurance companies. And I am pursuing the nation’s first regulations that will require wildfire safety discounts for all insurance companies.

I’m running for reelection to insurance commissioner to finish the job I started for the consumers of California.

Q: You have several controversies and allegations of unethical behavior in your political career, before and during your term as insurance commissioner. How can you address concerns that such controversies are behind you?

A: I have addressed allegations, apologized for mistakes, and focused my time and energy on serving the consumers of California. At this point, I’m not going to allow mudslinging from an opponent who is no longer in this race and the dark money group who supported him to set the agenda — voters rejected him and his political attacks for a reason. There is real work to be done for the consumers of California, and that continues to be my focus.

Q: How would you ensure that homeowners, only starting with those in high-risk wildfire zones, know what steps are necessary to maintain eligibility for private insurance and are treated fairly by insurance companies when seeking coverage?

A: I am pursuing regulations that will drive down the cost of insurance for those who make their homes safer from wildfires. If you do the work, you should see the reward in your insurance. That is why I created the first-ever Safer from Wildfires framework with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration, creating consistent and achievable wildfire safety measures for homes and communities.

I have also implemented a new law to protect homeowners’ insurance following state-declared wildfire emergencies — a law I authored when I was in the Legislature. My actions have protected more than 4 million policyholders since 2019.

I am working to improve coverage options for homeowners. I ordered the FAIR Plan — California’s insurance safety net — to increase homeowners’ coverage limits, and to offer a comprehensive homeowners’ insurance coverage option in addition to its current limited coverage. While the FAIR Plan has attempted to block it, a judge ruled in July that I have the existing authority to order the FAIR Plan to provide enhanced coverage options benefiting consumers and I am taking action to implement this once the lawsuit is resolved.

Q: What would you do to ensure property owners are able to maintain insurance eligibility amid increasing wildfire, drought, sea level rise and other threats caused by the climate emergency?

A: Climate change is a threat to the health and safety of all Californians, and I am taking urgent action to make people safer from climate change-related disasters while giving consumers more choices.

I initiated a first-ever partnership with the emergency readiness and response agencies in the governor’s administration, namely with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, and the California Public Utilities Commission, to create “Safer from Wildfires” and give consistent and achievable wildfire safety measures for homes and communities with input from consumer groups, fire chiefs and insurance representatives.

My actions apply equally to business and to homeowners. On top of ordering the FAIR Plan to do more to help homeowners, I also ordered the FAIR Plan to increase its commercial coverage limits, which have not been raised in at least 24 years. The department is taking additional steps to secure a competitive commercial insurance market for family farmers, vintners, ranchers and other outdoor and rural businesses.

I partnered with the state Legislature on laws increasing payouts and evacuation benefits for wildfire survivors (Senate Bill 872 in 2020) and creating new disclosures and coverage to meet upgraded building codes (Assembly Bill 2756 in 2020).

I’m also implementing a first-of-its-kind Climate Insurance Report. I convened the Climate Insurance Working Group under a law I authored, Senate Bill 30, issuing 40 state and local policy recommendations focused on reducing damage and improving recovery for vulnerable communities following a wildfire, extreme heat wave or floods.

I am working with insurance commissioners from across the country and with the United Nations to create a sustainable insurance sector that will continue to protect Californians through a focus on green investments, fossil fuel disclosures and proactive responses to climate threats.

Q: The insurance commissioner has traditionally not played a central role in health insurance policy decisions. Should that change? Why or why not?

A: I can only speak to the system we currently have and have worked very hard to use my current authority at the California Department of Insurance to make insurers give consumers back their hard-earned money. As insurance commissioner, I directed health insurance companies to return premiums due to reduced use of health care services during the pandemic. I also directed health insurance companies to provide increased telehealth access for consumers.

California law is clear that we protect reproductive freedom and insurance coverage for abortion. Under my leadership, the Department of Insurance will continue to defend the right to choose and enforce all laws requiring insurers to cover abortion.

Q: What is your position on Proposition 1, which would establish the rights for Californians to an abortion and to contraceptives in the state Constitution?

A: I am a vocal advocate and supporter of Proposition 1, the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment. I believe that all health care decisions, including those concerning abortion, should be between individuals and their health care providers.

California is a reproductive freedom state, and I will do my part to make sure it remains that way. This issue shouldn’t be about politics, and fundamental rights should never be stripped away. We must protect the right to essential services like abortion and contraceptives so that no matter what political party is in control, we all have rights over our own bodies. That’s why I encourage all Californians to join me in voting “yes” on Proposition 1.

Q: Why should voters elect you over your opponent?

A: Nothing can substitute for the experience I have in this position, and I want to build on the progress we’ve made. I’m here to fight for consumers and know how to use the tools as insurance commissioner to do so.

For example, I directed insurance companies to provide premium relief to drivers and businesses during the pandemic due to reduced risk of loss, leading to cost savings of $2.4 billion and counting. I will continue to hold these insurance companies accountable to consumers.

I have also championed the environment as insurance commissioner. I believe while California can do a lot on its own, we are more powerful when we work in partnership with others. That’s why I am leading a bipartisan national effort to get all insurance companies to use the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures standards for reporting climate investments, which hundreds of companies use worldwide. I’ve also supported and authored laws promoting innovation and investments in clean air, embracing equity, protecting our coast, repairing the damage of oil drilling and keeping California’s global obligation to combat climate change.

The fact is, I’ve done things that have never been done before: From giving rebates to consumers to making great strides with climate disclosures, to providing incentives to homeowners to protect their homes in wildfire-prone areas to making real change to the FAIR plan and insurance products in California. I’ve innovated since day one, and I’ve only just begun.

How do I file a complaint with the California Department of Insurance?

If your inquiry is time-sensitive and you need immediate assistance, please contact the Consumer Hotline at 800-927-4357. If you want to file a complaint, please complete the Request for Assistance form. If you have already filed a Request for Assistance, please contact the compliance officer assigned to your case.

How do I contact the California insurance commissioner?

Consumers who feel they have been treated unfairly by an insurance company, agent or any licensee, are urged to contact the Department's toll-free Consumer Hotline at (800) 927-4357 or visit our web site:

What does the CA Department of Insurance do?

All of CDI's functions, including overseeing insurer solvency, licensing agents and brokers, conducting market conduct reviews, resolving consumer complaints, and investigating and prosecuting insurance fraud, are to protect consumers.

What is the number one priority of the California Department of Insurance?

Defending all people's right to healthcare is a top priority for me and the Department of Insurance,” said Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara.