Abstain from là gì

Abstain from là gì
Vote hay không là lựa chọn ở bạn. Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

"Abstain from voting" nghĩa từ chối không bỏ phiếu, bỏ phiếu trắng.

Ví dụ
Another factor that made Japan stand out as an Afro-Asian state in terms of voting patterns at the UNGA was its marked tendency to abstain from voting.

This adversary (kẻ địch) cannot succeed in issuing receipts (receipt-freeness), threatening voters to abstain from voting, revealing private data, or even casting random votes.

In large party groups the Communists elect a vote-count commission (ban kiểm phiếu). May a Communist abstain from voting in a meeting? The voting involved in adopting a decision is an important concluding act of a meeting.

Trying to decide if I should vote for John McCain leaves me with that kind of conflicted feeling. But of course there is another option, and that is, I could abstain from voting and avoid this whole decision conflict thing altogether.

Thu Phương

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