YouTube playlist symbols

A washing machine with an illuminated symbol.

In recent years, there has been a proliferation of devices that use media symbols in order to represent the Run/Stop/Pause functions. Likewise, user interface programing pertaining to these functions has also been influenced by that of media players. For example, some washers and dryers with a common illuminated play/pause button are programmed so that when the appliance is off, the play/pause light stays off. When the device is running the light stays on, and when the washer/dryer is in a paused state, the button flashes. This type of programing is similar to that of earlier CD players, which are also set to flash in this manner in the pause state.[6]

Aside from appliances, there are many other instances when run/stop/pause functionality is needed and media symbols could theoretically be used instead of or in addition to words. In recent years, some exercise machine manufactures have chosen to do this. A notable difference in the use of these symbols on exercise equipment is that these machines usually contain an emergency stop button. Typically, this function is denoted with a red octagonal stop sign symbol, as opposed to a square, when the button may also be used for emergencies.