windows vista là gì - Nghĩa của từ windows vista

windows vista có nghĩa là

The best selling product that nobody ever wanted.


1:"Can I get my new PC without windows vista?"


windows vista có nghĩa là

The next piece of shit from Redmond, WA. Beta testing is going on now and release is looking at Christmas 2006


"Hey, dude! I just downloaded Windows Vista Beta 1 and it rocks! Every time I try to boot it I get a different error message!"

windows vista có nghĩa là

The OS from hell that promises to make your life miserable and wish you can throw your previously fine computer out the window.


My computer is a f*@#$ mess since I changed to Windows Vista.

windows vista có nghĩa là

Microsoft's newest Operating System, the successor to windows XP. Windows Vista takes all the worst features of Windows XP, and makes them worse, moves them around to new, hard to find locations, and adds a ton of new features. Some of these new features are:

*Explorer windows that regularly freeze up
*A proprietary web browser, Internet Explorer 7, that comes packaged with the system and cannot be uninstalled or deleted.
*400+ MB RAM usage right off the bat.
*Built-in DRM to restrict a users ability to do most anything.
*UAC (User Account Control), a wonderful feature that questions the intelligence of its users by asking if they're sure they want to do what they're trying to do, then double-checking that they didn't accidentally press "Yes" when they meant "No."
*Shadow-copy, and other similar hidden processes, that keep hidden backups of your data files to ensure that your privacy is always compromised.
*Little backwards-compatibility.
*New versions of old familiar tools that remove all those pesky progress displays and status indicators, so you have no idea whether the program is actually doing anything or not (because that's none of your business). For example, the new checkdisk and defrag.
*A complete new set of security holes for virusus, adware, trojans, etc to exploit.
*The new "aero" interface, which is incompatible with almost everything non-Microsoft.

Windows Vista is also known as Microsoft's latest attempt to create a product worse than windows ME.


Bob: "Fucking Windows Vista!"
Joe: "That's like the 10th time you've said that in the last hour!"

windows vista có nghĩa là

A shoddy mock-up of Apple Computer's own Os X.


'Gee golly Bob. I can't wait to get windows vista!'
'They already have that. It's called Macintosh Osx.'
'O rly?'
'Ya rly. now stfu.'

windows vista có nghĩa là

Windows Vista is Microsoft's upcoming operating system (OS), due to be released in December of 2006. It will be the most powerful and most technologically advanced system in history, and will integrate web security into it's core (unlike all other Microsoft Products).

It will be the first system using DirectX 10, which is supposedly a big step forward in graphics technology. Halo 2 will be released ONLY for Vista, as an incentive. Also, Flight Simulator 2006 (aka FSX) will be released, and will unleash the next generation of simulated flight.

Microsoft has received much criticism due to excessive focus on visual features, rather than performance, within Windows Vista. Also, the price of Vista Ultimate is expected to be in the appauling $200-400 range, which may possibly worsen Microsoft's low sales (due to the XBOX 360).

Recently, they have received immense criticism for Microsoft's security and privacy settings, and have been accused of making spyware, known as the WGA (Windows Genuine Notification). Unfortunately, this technology will be integrated and unremovable from Vista, which also may decrease their popularity and sales.

System requirements also pose an issue to many consumers, due to their lack of the latest technology, which is QUITE out of reach to most, due to price. Microsoft recommends Vista users to have Dual-Core 64-bit Processors, and at LEAST 1GB Dual-Channel DDR2 Memory, and PCI-Express Motherboards. These features are still extremely expensive at this time, and with people not having access to it, Vista will have dramatically less copies sold.

Pirated copies of Windows Vista will not function, due to "genuine-technology", so millions of users from third-world countries may be stuck with Windows XP or earlier versions.

Last, but certainly not least, Internet Explorer 7 will be released with Windows Vista, and is said to be "much improved, secure and optimized", however many users will not be using it due to IE's history and lack of trust for Microsoft's browser.


Tom: ...and you know how bad IE is-
Joe: IE 7 is supposed to be really good!
Tom: I don't give a s**t, Firefox is better-
Joe: BUT-
Tom: Shut up!
Joe: Ok.... (sad) Anyway, I can't wait for FS2006, FS2004 Sucked!
Tom: I know, but your computer isn't good enough, and you can't afford Windows Vista.
Joe: Ok.... (crying) What about Halo 2?
Tom: Nope
Joe: Ok.... (weeping)

windows vista có nghĩa là

the most hated os of all time. the mass opinion is: its slow, has bani bugs, always 1 gb of ram to run, is unsave agains viruses, mac osx leopard is better. this mass opinion are not 100% true. intelligent people dont go with the flow and support the mass oppinions, they make their own opinion. for example, if you have a crappy pc, dont buy vista, vista needs a proper pc than you have. some people with crappy pcs bought vista, it diddnt work, they startet bitching around and now everybody belives vista sucks. or, vista is so unsave... ähhh install a proper anti virus programm and dont watch so much porn you idiot. or, oh god the driver problems!!! ok thats true, i admit it. or, everything looks different i cant navigate trough. yes it sucks, but be happy! you have your task bar, you can press ctrl+alt+del and the taskmanager will come up, you can press windowskey+e and the explorer will come up. with vista on your pc you are way better of navigating than on a mac. (if you have used xp before) if we remeber the xp realese... it was the same story, everybody hatet it and said they dont want to use it. now after some sevice packs everybody beleves xp is the best os ever. wow... the coolest thing about vista haters is that most of them dont even run vista. they just heard it sucks so they dont give it a try. well thats ok but stop bitching around you dumb fucks. god damn -.-


troll: hey what os do you run? guy: windows vista ultimate, it runs good troll: omg stfu vista n00b! xp ownz j00!! guy: wow... wtf was that? troll: stfu you and your vista suck ass. vista is epic fail! guy: have you ever even tried it you failtroll? troll: no cuz my friends sayd it sucks, and it does guy: >_> EPIC FAIL TROLL IS FAIL!!!

windows vista có nghĩa là

The next Windows OS that will succeed XP as the most powerful, innovative and secure OS Microsoft have ever released... or in non-bullshit terms, powerful because it will require astronomical hardware requirements for all the extra bloat, by innovative they assume that you have never heard of this thing called Mac OS X which they have shamelessly ripped off and by secure they mean for the first nanosecond it is released before it is picked apart by hackers and crackers.

It will feature several exclusive products which are only available because of it's unique and advanced features... or again in plain English - M$ have intentionally crippled their stuff to only work on this OS and thus alienating their own users. No wait, sorry, this is an *incentive* to upgrade!

Last but not least it is a huge DRM update, supporting crap like TPM (Trusted Platform Module) and HDCP where even if you are legit but didn't fork over the dough for a HDCP compliant graphics card, CD drive and monitor you'll get no movie. Hey, that's a nice 32" widescreen plasma display you have there... wait, no HDCP? No movie for you chump! Oh, did I forget to mention that it will also have a "black box" feature? But don't worry, it's only for collecting data for quality feedback to make the next product even better - would they lie to you?


Hasta la Vista baby!

User: I just upgradede to Windows Vista! I love it's new features! They're awesome!
Linux/Mac user: Duh...
M$/RIAA/MPAA/FBI: Yes, it has some very nice features indeed.

windows vista có nghĩa là

microsofts new software. ive heard that its better thought because it looks better and only crashes once an hour instead of twice. worst of all, they removed microsoft sam!!!!!



windows vista có nghĩa là

piece of shit that should have never happened, cost the microsoft more than it cost you


that is just a windows vista(a.k.a crap and/or shit)

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