Why does Audible stop when my phone locks

Audible App: Display does not turn off in the playback mode

  • Dec 08, 2021
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The Audible App no longer allows you to configure the Display turns off in the playback mode. How you make this setting for the iOS and Android variant of the radio - play App, we will explain in this practical tip.

To disable the Auto-Lock mode in the iPhone App

On the iPhone and iPad, you disable the automatic lock, especially quickly:
  1. First open your Audible App and tap in the bottom toolbar, click "library".
  2. In the top left, select the Gear Icon.
  3. Scroll down in the settings a bit down and slide to disable the Slider in the "Auto Lock" to the right.
  4. Your Display is not turned off in playback mode now.
Why does Audible stop when my phone locks
iOS: Auto-Lock-mode off

Android: Display not turn off

Also in the Android Version you can have a Auto-Lock for the playback mode disable:
  1. Tap on the menu button of your Android Smartphones.
  2. Select "settings".
  3. In the section "General settings" find the Option "Auto-Lock disable". Put a check mark in the selection, the display to turn off lock.
Why does Audible stop when my phone locks
Android-App: Display enable
Listen to the Audible books to fall Asleep, you should make sure to sleep mode in the Android App.
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Why does Audible stop when my phone locks

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