White flower that smells like vanilla

There are many things to consider when you're planning a garden. What types of flowers would you like feature? You'll have to consider a host of colors and textures and foliage and decide on just the right mix. And are you more interested in enjoying the best perennial plants and flowers year after year or do you want to enjoy the immediate benefits of the best annuals? You should probably educate yourself on the different kinds of roses and choose a variety or two. And there there's those flowers that attract hummingbirds and flowers that attract butterflies. Both kinds of flying beauties will add another layer of lovely to your outdoor space.

But a garden is not just about sight, as you well know. "Texture, color and seasonality are all important concepts, but scent often is overlooked when designing a garden," says Boyce Tankersley, director of living plant documentation at the Chicago Botanic Garden. "Fragrance adds an extra layer of richness to the landscape." Even if you don't have a yard that's acres and acres large, you still can indulge in the luxury of scented plants. Place them where they will be most appreciated most—think pots and containers places by your front door, along walkways where you'll brush by them and release their sweetness, or near windows where you can pick up their scents on the breeze.

As evidenced by this photo, this perennial plant comes in a number of bright, beautiful colors and does best in USDA Hardiness zones 4-8. The abundant, fragrant flowers bloom in spring and last for about two weeks, and because they are so large, they may require support in order to avoid flopping.


Delft Blue

:This award-winner sports light blue flowers that tower above bright green stems

Pink Surprise:
Both the sweet smell and delightful soft pink petals add much to a garden

There's nothing sweeter than the smell of these large flowers, which bloom in spring and summer, depending on variety. Plant your tree in well-draining, rich soil in full-sun spots. Make sure you give them plenty of room to expand—some can grow up to 40 feet wide.


Southern Magnolia: Con: it's a slow grower (up to 10 years from seed); Pro: it's evergreen

Bigleaf Magnolia: The name says it all—leaves may grow up to 32 inches long

You get a lot of bang for your buck with this shrub thanks to fragrant flowers that bloom in late spring to early summer and then again in late summer and early fall. Plant in moist, well-draining soil; gardenias thrive in zones 6-11.


Make a statement by growing this vining plant on a pergola or lattice wall. Flowers in shades of blue and purple bloom in spring and late summer. Wisteria likes full sun but will grow in part shade; depending on variety, the fragrance can be faint to overpowering.


Tubular flowers come in a variety of shades including white, orange, red, blue, yellow, and lavender that bloom in summer. They are winter hardy in zone 9-10, and are known for the sweet, sweet scent they add to your outdoor oasis.


Tiny blooms on this delicate annual beckon to pollinators. Sweet alyssum looks lovely cascading from containers, window boxes, and hanging baskets or tucked into a rock garden as a flowering ground cover. This plant likes full to part sun.


Snow Princess: Profuse white blooms all season long without deadheading

Dark Knight: Deep purple blooms pair well with other annuals in containers

This showy, vigorous perennial vine spills beautifully over a trellis or fence-line, and pollinators love it, says Tankersley. Look for the native or newer types, which are not invasive like Japanese honeysuckle; prefers full sun.


Yellow honeysuckle: Native variety which tolerates a variety of soils

Scentsation: Flowers from mid-spring to late summer, followed by bright red berries

"Every garden should have at least one rose," says Tankersley. "They're not as fussy as many people believe, and many newer roses also are highly selected for insect and disease resistance." When selecting a plant, read the tags and look for those that specifically state that they're scented, as some types have been bred more for form than fragrance. Blooms best in full sun.


Mr. Lincoln: An old favorite in a striking scarlet red color with incredible scent

Princesse Charlene de Monaco: A new scented rose with light apricot to pink double flowers

Phlox come in shades of pink, white, salmon, purple, red, and bi-colors. Plant as part of a mixed border or in large swaths for impact, suggests Tankersley. Many types self-seed, so they'll come back on their own next year. Give them plenty of air circulation so they won't get powdery mildew. Most prefer full sun but will tolerate some shade in hotter climates.


David: a pure white tall variety that's especially fragrant

Flame Pink: a compact hot pink type with an extra-long bloom time

Sometimes called summer lilac, this sturdy little shrub in shades of white, pink, or purple withstands drought, blooms all season long, and attracts pollinators. It's now available in dwarf varieties, so it won't overtake your garden, and newer types are not invasive. Set in borders or as mass plantings. Likes full sun.


Lo & Behold Blue Chip Jr.: Grows just 18 to 30 inches tall to fit in smaller spaces

Asian Moon: Larger size with deep purple flowers that have orange throats

This spring-flowering tree is a showy addition to the landscape with small crabapples and attractive fall color. Newer types are more disease-resistant. Likes full sun.


Prairie Fire: Dense, rounded shape with pinkish-red buds and good disease resistance

Royal Raindrops: Magenta flowers and striking deep purple foliage all season long

This shrubby perennial plant with glossy dark green foliage may require staking to keep its heavy blooms from drooping, but their lush, exuberant flowers are worth a tiny bit of extra work. Don't plant too deep or they won't bloom. The ants that visit the flowers aren't pests; they're simply sipping the nectar, says Tankersley. Prefers full sun.


Festiva Maxima: Classic for generations thanks pure white blooms with crimson flecks

Sarah Bernhardt: Heirloom with gorgeous medium-pink double blooms

Dianthus is a low-growing perennial with a spicy or vanilla-like scent. It's often called "pinks" due to the fringed flower petals that appear to have been cut with pinking shears. Works well as edging or in containers. Likes full sun.


Fruit Punch Sweetie Pie: Pink flowers dance above silvery-blue mounds of grass-like foliage

Itsaul White: Pretty white double flowers with lots of fringe

This spicy-sweet smelling annual in shades of pink, purple, and white thrives in cool temperatures, so plant it as soon as the weather breaks in spring. Makes beautiful bouquets. Prefers sun to part shade.


Quartet Pink: Creamy yellow centers with pink edges and clove scent

Katz Ruby: Striking wine-red blooms on nice long stems for cutting

Viburnums are tough as nails, and these spring-blooming shrubs offer pretty pinkish-white flowers with a distinctively spicy scent. Generally deer-resistant, too. Likes part sun to sun.


Spice Girl: Pinkish flowers on a sturdy shrub with good fall color

Spice Baby: White flowers on a more compact plant

Arricca SanSone Arricca SanSone writes for CountryLiving.com, WomansDay.com, Family Circle, MarthaStewart.com, Cooking Light, Parents.com, and many others.

What is a white sweet smelling flower?

Gardenia. A favorite in the perfume world, gardenia smells even better in the garden. These milky-white flowers bring a strong, exotic scent to your landscape.

Which white flower smells the best?

The 19 Most Fragrant White Flowers.
1) Jasmine..
2) Honeysuckle..
3) Mock Orange..
4) Summersweet “Vanilla Spice”.
5) Sweet Alyssum..
6) Lily of the Valley..
7) White Roses..
8) Freesia..

What plant has vanilla scent?

This week's mystery plant — Trilisa odoratissima, also known as the “vanilla plant" or "deer-tongue" — is a resident of the low-country, one with an interesting smell of its own.

Does vanilla have white flowers?

Vanilla is a climbing orchid vine that produces a pod that looks like a string bean. The vanilla orchid flowers are white, tinged with a bit of green.

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