Which statement explains how communication technology has changed the presidents relationship with the national constituency?

It's almost too much communication....

Article II, Section 3 of the US Constitution establishes the president as Chief Legislator.  The president has the power to shape policy and influence which bills Congress attempts to pass.

Advances in communication technology have changed the president’s relationship both with other branches and with the people.  The president is now more powerful in creating and shaping legislation.

How technology has changed presidential communication
Technology allows presidents to go directly to the people.  FDR did fireside chats on the radio to reassure people about the economy.  Think of how powerful his radio broadcast after Pearl Harbor was bombed.  "Today is a day that will live in infamy..." are words that will be heard for many generations to come.

Today Presidents can take over all major tv stations in times of emergencies.  Annually, the POTUS addresses the nation with the State of the Union, a Constitutionally required speech that gives the president a change to outline major concerns, possible policy directives, and reflect on the economy.  The State of the Union and other publicized appearances on television and social media allow the president to have a "bully pulpit".  The president garners more attention than members of Congress and he can utilize that influence to push Congress to work on his goals and convince the electorate to support his agenda.

 Starting in the mid 2000s, social media because increasing important.  Obama used social media to recruit and energize many portions of the electorate that had felt disenfranchised.  Later Trump used social media, particularly twitter to directly vent and promise policy, often at odds with what his administration officials were communicating.

Which statement explains how communication technology has changed the presidents relationship with the national constituency?

  • School Scottsdale Community College
  • Course Title MAT 212
  • Pages 5

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(03.03 LC)Which statement describes an expressed power of the president? (5 points)2.(03.03 LC)Legislative presidential powers include the informal power to (5 points)The president can inform Congress of his interpretations of passed legislation.The president can secure congressional action with bargaining and persuasion.The president has the power to confirm appointments to the Cabinet.The president has the power to influence relations with foreign nations.

3.(03.03 LC)Which statement describes how executive orders can lead to conflict with the legislativebranch? (5 points)command the militarygrant reprieves and pardonspropose policy initiativesrecognize other countries

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4.(03.03 MC)Which statement explains how communication technology has changed the president'srelationship with the national constituency? (5 points)

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President of the United States, expressed power of the president

  • School Blake High School-magnet
  • Course Title AP WORLD HISTORY 332
  • Pages 2
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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1.Legislative presidential powers include the informal power to

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2.Which choice describes a constitutional check the president has over the power of Congress?

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3.Which statement describes the artist's point about judicial nominations shown in this politicalcartoon?

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4.Which statement describes an expressed power of the president?

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5.A senator put a hold on confirmation of three of President Obama's ambassador appointmentsin retaliation for a Secret Service leak regarding a Republican congressman.This scenario represents an example of

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6.Which statement explains how communication technology has changed the president'srelationship with the national constituency?

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President of the United States

What is one example of how a president can use modern technology?

Speeches are televised and posted on social media. Other modern technologies like Facebook and Twitter make presidential movement and statements ubiquitous. All of these communication outlets allow the president to become a first responder.

Which of the following is the best example of a president using technology to communicate and obtain public support for a public policy agenda?

Which of the following is the best example of a president using technology to communicate and obtain public support for a public policy agenda? President Theodore Roosevelt took his case directly to the American people to gain public support for his progressive reform initiatives by appearing in a movie newsreel.

Which explains how mass media has changed the role of the presidency?

granting pardons. Which explains how mass media has changed the role of the presidency? The president uses mass media to speak to people all over the world. The president uses mass media to veto bills passed by Congress.

Which form of presidential communication with Congress is mandated by the Constitution?

The constitutionally mandated presidential message has gone through a few name changes: It was formally known as the Annual Message from 1790 to 1946. It began to be informally called the "state of the Union" message/address from 1942 to 1946. Since 1947 it has officially been known as the State of the Union Address.