What were the 7 major inventions of the second industrial revolution?

When did America emerge on the world stage as a dominant economic power? Many historians attribute America's rise in economic status to the second industrial revolution. This revolution radically changed the social and economic backbone of the country. Mass-produced access to electricity, railroads, the telegraph, the telephone, and other incredible inventions swept through America between 1870 to 1914. The second industrial revolution ushered in the dramatic shift from an agrarian to an industrial society. This drastic shift had several effects that would dramatically change the landscape of America. Read on to find more!

Second Industrial Revolution: Definition

The early beginnings of the second industrial revolution are credited to the Civil War that spurred technological advancements such as the telegraph, which was utilized as communication throughout the war. During the war, in 1862, the transcontinental railroad connected America's eastern and western seaboards, increasing productivity and efficiency and creating mass consumerism.

Workers on Henry Ford's assembly line in 1913. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Second Industrial Revolution: Date

After the Civil War, a massive wave of technological advancement swept through America, ushering in the country's second industrial revolution. Though many characteristics of the revolution were seen even before the Civil War, the agreed date range is 1870 to 1914.

Second Industrial Revolution: Timeline

Henry Bessemer develops a steel-making process that increases production at lower costs.

John Rockefeller begins building his oil refinery in Cleveland.

Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

Alexander Graham Bell publicly demonstrates the telephone.

Thomas Edison successfully demonstrates his incandescent lightbulb in Menlo Park, NJ.

The Wright Brothers make their first flight in North Carolina.

Henry Ford starts producing his Model T automobile.

Fred Wolf invents the first electric fridge.

Supreme Court rules that Congress holds no power to support or enact child labor laws.

Second Industrial Revolution: Inventions

Numerous inventions flooded America throughout the second industrial revolution. These inventions spanned a variety of industries, ranging from the railroad to the teddy bear. The most critical industries impacted during this era were transportation, communication, and technological processes.

Mass Produced Electricity

Bessemer Process (Steel-Making)

Critical Inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution


One of the most important enterprises of the nineteenth century was the Transcontinental Railroad. This group of connected tracks made up almost 40,000 miles and connected America's East and West coasts. The railroad was responsible for facilitating the manufacturing and production of finished goods. Americans could now purchase almost anything and deliver it via rail. The railroad also brought raw materials from the West, shipped them into east coast cities and factories where the materials were processed, and then the finished product was shipped back out all over the country. Standardized time also became an essential railroad product as trains needed to run on schedule. Before the railroad invented the modern time system, regions would decide when noon was based on the sun's position.

Unique Inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution

1849 - Walter Hunt invents the safety pin

1873 - Joseph Glidden creates barbed wire

1880 - British Perforated Paper Company develops a form of toilet paper

1886 - John Pemberton invents Coca Cola

1902 - Birth of the Teddy Bear

1903 - Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invent crayons

1912 - Pep O Mint flavored life savers introduced by Clarence Crane

1916 - Henry Brearly invents stainless steel

1920 - The Band-Aid devised by Earle Dickson

1928 - Walter Diemer concocts bubblegum

Home Insurance Building in Chicago considered to be the world's first skyscraper. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

Steel- Bessemer Process

Another important invention of the industrial revolution was an improved steel-making process that allowed greater quality steel to be produced at a cheaper rate. This new steel process was known as the Bessemer process, accelerating the growth of America's infrastructure. America saw unprecedented growth with new factories, bridges, skyscrapers, and cities throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Portrait of Thomas Edison. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


Thomas Edison is well known for his contributions to the field of electricity. In 1879 he created the first commercial light bulb and the electric utility in the 1880s. At the same time, the electric utility was slow to take off; it greatly impacted factories. Before the introduction of mass-produced electricity, factories had to stay close to rivers for their power source. Electricity provided a cheap, efficient power source for both factories and homes. Electricity reduced the risk of fires and increased the number of hours in factories. Some historians argue that electricity is the most critical change throughout the second industrial revolution.

Probably the most sweeping and complex technological change in American manufacturing over the past century has been electrification."

–Richard B. Du Boff, The Economic History Review, 1967

Did you know?

Before electrification, people slept longer! Before the nation's electrification, people got around nine hours of sleep, which was reduced to about seven hours after electrification.

Similarities and Differences between the first and second industrial revolution

Both of America's industrial revolutions strongly mimicked the industrial revolutions in Britain. The first industrial revolution in both countries ramped up around 1800. It relied heavily on steam power, trains, and manufacturing. At the same time, the second industrial revolution began roughly in the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries and was fueled by access to electricity and mass manufacturing. The second industrial revolution relied heavily on electrical, transportation, and communication technologies that would create a substantial economic impact on the country. The first and second industrial revolutions had significant economic effects on the nation.

First Industrial Revolution

Second Industrial Revolution

From the 1700s to the 1860s

Coal and Steam power, iron, textile

Electricity, steel, railroads, petroleum (oil and gas)

Availability of printed materials

Mass communication technologies: telegraph, telephone, radio

The transition from handmade items to small factories

Assembly Line production and Larger factories

Factories/Machines were powered by steam-factories needed to be near significant water sources for power.

Factories/Machines were powered by electricity

Many people migrated from rural to urban areas

Brought by rapid urbanization, 40% of Americans lived in cities by 1900

Overcrowding of urban areas

Cities were redesigned to accommodate large populations

Poor and Unsanitary Living Conditions

Improved Living Conditions

Labor Unions in Second Industrial Revolution

Leaders of the Knights of Labor. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Labor Unions rose in the nineteenth century due to many Americans' employment in mills and factories and the booming industrial economy. While the second industrial revolution saw great prosperity and wealth, conflict grew between laborers and factory owners. Often workers attempted to negotiate better working conditions with their bosses and managers only to be largely ignored. As a result, workers banned together to create labor unions which made better leverage against factory owners. These labor unions were groups or associations of workers designed to protect workers' rights. Many unions negotiated better working hours, improved conditions, and fair wages.

Impact of Second Industrial Revolution

In just a few short decades, the Second Industrial Revolution had created sweeping social and economic changes throughout the country. Previously an agricultural society, America shifted to large factories in urban areas. Lower consumer prices and better living conditions led to dramatic social and economic shifts.

Industrial Economy

Carnegie Steel Works 1903. Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Second Industrial Revolution spurred rapid economic growth in America between 1870 and 1914. As America expanded west, abundant natural resources such as coal, iron, copper, lead, timber, and oil became available. America also saw an explosion of immigrant workers (14 million) that helped fuel the large industrial factories throughout this period. Therefore, due to the increased production of goods America became the largest market for industrial goods.

Social Impact of the Second Industrial Revolution

The unprecedented growth and innovation of the era led to massive wealth for some and forced poverty onto others. The deep social divide between the classes was most prominent between the wealthy industrialists and the middle class. This social divide was fueled by Social Darwinism which stated the wealthy had won a natural competition and owed nothing to the poor. Providing services to the poor would interfere with the "organic" process.

Social Darwinism:

The application of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to social aspects of human living.

Children at Luna Park in 1907. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Class Structure

The class structure of nineteenth-century America generally focuses on two specific classes, the wealthy elite, and the labor class. Yet, the second industrial revolution saw the rise of the middle class. The middle class fueled America's industrial machine through the consumption of products. This class saw increased free time and access to previously unthinkable luxuries. People would go to amusement parks, play golf, and bicycle. However, throughout this era, the wealth gap between the social classes only widened as 10% of the population would come to own 90% of the nation's wealth.

Young boys working in a glasswork factory in Indiana, 1908. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

Child Labor

While the Second Industrial Revolution had sweeping positive impacts, one negative consequence was the attitude toward child labor. Like many other business practices, unregulated child labor grew in the factories during this era. Poverty-stricken families often forced to send children to work to help with financial burdens. Children, as young as eight and sometimes younger, worked for little pay in treacherous working conditions. At the turn of the century, it is estimated that over one million children were employed in factories.

What were the 4 major products of the Second Industrial Revolution?

New Innovations While the First Industrial Revolution caused the growth of industries, such as coal, iron, railroads and textiles, the Second Industrial Revolution witnessed the expansion of electricity, petroleum and steel.

What was the most important invention of the Second Industrial Revolution?

The telephone was the most important invention of the Second Industrial Revolution because it allowed for instant communication, communication by voice, and it paved the way for future inovations in telephone technology.

What elements were a major part of the Second Industrial Revolution?

A synergy between iron and steel, railroads and coal developed at the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution. Railroads allowed cheap transportation of materials and products, which in turn led to cheap rails to build more roads.

Which are 2nd Industrial Revolution technologies?

Major Technological Advances of the Second Industrial Revolution. 1870s. Automatic signals, air brakes, and knuckle couplers on the railroads; the Bessemer and then the open-hearth process in the steel mills; the telephone, electric light, and typewriter.

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