What are three types of clinical decision support systems?

Throughout this book, we have used the terms precise medicine and personalized medicine interchangeably because they do in fact have very similar meanings, both implying a type of patient care that takes into account an individual’s unique characteristics, including genetic makeup, psychosocial influences, exposure to environmental toxins, and so on. But there is another connotation to the word precision. Precision also implies exactness or accuracy, and it is this accuracy that CDS systems seek to achieve.

There is little doubt that clinicians need better CDS. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IoM), entitled Improving Diagnosis in Health Care, concluded that at least 5% of US adults experience a diagnostic error annually in an outpatient setting. Postmortem examination has also revealed diagnostic errors in about one in 10 patients, according to IoM, and diagnostic mistakes cause as many of 17% of hospital adverse events. The report concludes that “Diagnostic errors are the leading type of paid medical malpractice claims, are almost twice as likely to have resulted in the patient’s death compared to other claims, and represent the highest proportion of total payments.” [32] (Fig. 5.2).

Figure 5.2. Medical diagnoses remain a major concern for hospitals and clinicians, a problem that clinical decision support systems are designed to address.

Reprinted with permission from VisualDx.

Diagnostic mistakes occur for a variety of reasons, including the short duration of the typical office visit, the rapid pace at which clinicians are forced to perform, the complex differential diagnostic reasoning process required to detect uncommon diseases, and the massive amounts of data in the scientific literature that one must master to detect these less common disorders. (The latter problem is partially solved by CDS programs such as Watson Health, discussed later.)

Another potential obstacle to solving the misdiagnosis dilemma is the normal functioning of the human brain. Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002, postulates that the brain uses two systems during the reasoning process. System 1 is fast and initiative, relying on pattern recognition and memory, while System 2 is slower and more deliberate. The former is typically used by clinicians when routine decisions and familiar disorders present themselves. System 2 should take precedence when unexpected, challenging cases surface. But the shift from System 1 to System 2 analysis takes much more mental effort and time, which is why clinicians do not always make the necessary shift. A well-designed clinical decision support system (CDSS) can facilitate the switch from System 1 to System 2.

CDS software also has an important role in precision medicine because physicians are prone to several cognitive errors during the diagnostic process, including availability bias and attribution errors, to name a few. An analysis by Mark Graber and associates in JAMA Internal Medicine, for example, suggests that approximately three out of four diagnostic errors that occur in internal medicine are the result of cognitive errors. They concluded that: “Premature closure, i.e., the failure to continue considering reasonable alternatives after an initial diagnosis was reached, was the single most common cause. Other common causes included faulty context generation, misjudging the salience of findings, faulty perception, and errors arising from the use of heuristics.” [33]

CDS systems come in a variety of configurations, some primitive and some quite sophisticated, some for specialized audiences and some for general practitioners. Ideally these decision-making tools should help practitioners circumnavigate some of the aforementioned cognitive errors and allow them to switch back and forth between System 1 and System 2 thinking. US Department of Health and Human Services has been supporting the use of CDS systems for several years. Its guide to integrating these tools into EHRs provides a blueprint for developers and end users to help judge their effectiveness. Based on the work initially done by Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, it has categorized the components of existing CDS tools into six categories [34]:


Documentation forms and templates


Relevant data presentation


Order and prescription facilitators


Protocol pathway support


Reference information and guidance


Alerts and reminders

Some of these categories work well for clinicians in fast thinking mode, whereas others are useful when they must slow down. For fast thinking situations, chart note templates often work well. A simple condition such as uncomplicated upper respiratory infections, for example, does not require complex diagnostic reasoning or extensive narrative notes.

Feature 2, presenting relevant data in a way that clinicians can easily use, is more challenging, and when designed properly can facilitate slow and fast thinking situations. When CDS programs have the ability to present this data visually in charts, dashboards, and flow sheets, it can make diagnostic and treatment decisions more precise. These visualization tools often make clinical problems and troubling patterns easy to detect. Fig. 5.3 shows a simple example of how data-generated graphs in a CDS tool can make patient management more effective. By charting a patient’s weight from 2001 to 2013, one can easily spot clinically relevant trends. In this case, the chart quickly tells a practitioner that from December 2002 to February 2009, the patient has gone from about 183 pounds to about 217 pounds, reason for concern, especially if the CDS tool can link that weight gain to increases in serum glucose readings, suggesting the onset of prediabetes. Granted, a clinician could have detected the same weight issues if the data were a list of numbers, but it would have taken more “cognitive energy.”

Figure 5.3. Visualizing numerical patient data can help spot worrisome trends more quickly that a list of numbers.

The somewhat cryptic term “protocol pathway support,” feature 4, refers to the use of evidence-based protocols, decision trees, algorithms, and the like. These resources, along with reference materials, are most valuable when clinicians need to slow down. But they are especially useful when they are incorporated into the EHR in a way that makes them easily available. The more mouse clicks needed to reach these resources, the less likely clinicians will use them.

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The road to interoperability: openEHR modelling and implementation

Lu Xudong, ... Min Lingtong, in Roadmap to Successful Digital Health Ecosystems, 2022

Using openEHR GDL for computerised guidelines

Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) are computer-based programs that provide evidence-based prompts and reminders to help caregivers improve the quality of care [17]. In a CDSS, computerised guidelines (CGs) are developed to formalise the guideline knowledge in a machine-interpretable way [18]. Computerised guidelines are mostly represented as production rules in the form of ‘IF conditions TEHN actions’. Many efforts, such as Ardern Syntax, EON, GLIF, Asbru, Gaston, and SAGE, have been proposed and validated in the past decades [19]. While these efforts have been proposed for decades, the interoperability issue still hinders the wide adoption of the CDSS. The interoperability issue in the CDSS domain is also known as the ‘curly braces problem’ [20]. The ‘curly braces problem’ refers to using nonstandard site-specific information models in CG. Nonstandard site-specific information models cannot be easily shared among organisation and therefore hampers the shareability of CGs.

It would be helpful if there is an approach that can standardise the input and output of CG and leverage existing resources. OpenEHR has such potential. From the technology point of view, openEHR aims to facilitate the interoperability between information systems. The openEHR archetype provides a standard information model that can be shared among organisations so that the ‘curly braces problem’ can be avoided. While from the domain knowledge perspective, it aims to bring informaticists and medical specialists together. Specifically, openEHR uses the archetype to capture the detailed and domain-specific clinical concepts that are modelled by clinical specialists.

The Guideline Definition Language (GDL) has been proposed by the openEHR community to facilitate using openEHR archetypes to author CIGs [21]. Recently, GDL has been upgraded to its second major version, known as GDL2. GDL improves the shareability of encoded CIGs to be shared among organisations cross-border [22].

This section briefly introduces the basic notion of GDL and the methodology of applying GDL for CG authoring. A case study of using GDL to capture the guideline knowledge of COVID-19 has been introduced subsequently.

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Biomedical Informatics

Linda A. Winters-Miner PhD, ... Gary D. Miner PhD, in Practical Predictive Analytics and Decisioning Systems for Medicine, 2015

Clinical Decision Support Systems

CDSSs are integrated analysis and deployment systems designed to facilitate decision-making in patient health care. They combine information about the current patients with information about past diagnoses and treatments stored in a database to provide feedback or recommendations that will aid in decision-making process at the point of care. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) expands this definition to include patients as recipients of information, to permit patients to be active participants in their care. The definition of clinical decision support according to the HIMSS is:

a process for enhancing health-related decisions and actions with pertinent, organized clinical knowledge and patient information to improve health and healthcare delivery. Information recipients can include patients, clinicians and others involved in patient care delivery; information delivered can include general clinical knowledge and guidance, intelligently processed patient data, or a mixture of both; and information delivery formats can be drawn from a rich palette of options that includes data and order entry facilitators, filtered data displays, reference information, alerts, and others.


Therefore, CDSSs and HIMMS represent alternate expressions of translational biomedical informatics, which takes the results of scientific research to the bedside, to directly impact patient care.

CDSSs are separated by Plato’s Problem; the gap between knowledge and experience. Clinical knowledge is a cognitive understanding of a set of known clinical rules and principles, based on medical literature, which guide our decision-making processes. Experience is an acquired understanding of medical outcomes gained through years of practice applying various outcomes related to various particular conditions, the majority of which cannot be learned sufficiently through reading and acquiring cognitive knowledge. This important distinction arises because there is an immense number of medical subjects in the literature that could be researched and taught. In addition, there are so many variables in the medical decision-making process that outcomes based on knowledge versus those based on experience are often discordant. It is practicably impossible to teach physicians all of the knowledge acquired by experience, because the environmental variables are constantly changing so the body and nature of our experiences evolve through time, reflecting particular outcomes under specific conditions. Cognitive knowledge, however, is always associated with a limited scope of outcomes that are out of date, by necessity – there is a time-lag between subject outcomes and the reporting of them. For example, this distinction could come sharply into focus when choosing a physician to remove your kidney in surgery: would you choose one who has mastered a surgical textbook, or one who has the experience of 300 successful operations?

CDSSs can be classified into two types of systems:

Knowledge-based support systems that are defined by a well-established set of rules that guide decisions, based on the interpretation of the medical conditions judged in the medical literature to be the best practice.

Non-knowledge based systems that do not use a set of defined a priori rules, but instead use artificial intelligence algorithms to induce the rules through machine learning methods, allowing the system to learn from hundreds or even thousands of encounters, rebuilding the “model” set of rules as environmental variables change. These systems can be based on neural networks, genetic algorithms, support vector machines, decision trees, or any other machine learning technology, which “learns” to recognize patterns in data sets case by case.

Hybrid CDSSs

Hybrid CDSSs have been developed to allow the end user to synthesize the results from both knowledge and clinical experience, and make a clinical decision based on the results of both. (examples in the literature include Santelices et al., 2010).

In such a hybrid system, multiple predicted outcomes are posed for the physician, based on data input from knowledge and experience bases, and furnished with associated probabilities to permit the selection of the appropriate decision. As we continue to learn more about cognitive science, and distil this knowledge into principles, we can apply them to improve these “intelligent” systems to help us make the best clinical decisions possible at the time. This practice of continuous incorporation of patient data, cognitive knowledge, and clinical experience is referred to often as “rapid learning.” Rapid learning approaches that continuously update the CDSS as new data become available provide an ability to create decision models that adapt to the availability of new treatments, interventions, and metrics (variables) that can be input to the modeling process. This paradigm is shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2. Illustration of the pathways in a hybrid CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System); these have been developed to allow the end user to synthesize the results from both knowledge and clinical experience, and make a clinical decision based on the results of both. Copyright © 2013 Nephi Walton.

Many CDSSs provide information on drug interactions and can generate allergy alerts. These alerts, however, are very basic, and do not include any information on many other factors, such as dose, time of administration, and the context in which the medications are given. Consequently, many physicians discount these warnings. On a given work day, it is very common for a physician to dismiss dozens of these warnings, as he or she prescribes medications in the hospital. In some instances physicians become so used to ignoring these warnings that they may accidentally disregard an important one. It is time to make these alerts more “intelligent,” by using predictive analytics to predict levels at which problems occur, and to set thresholds to control when alerts will be generated. In addition, these alerts should provide information about the effectiveness of the drug for the given clinical scenario, and suggest more effective options, if a suboptimal treatment is selected. Such a system could include analysis of a patient’s antibiotic prescription history before presenting a list of drugs for choice, or checking its database for any information about the susceptibility of the patient to a bacterial invasion if the chosen antibiotic does not provide broad enough coverage.

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Creating a Learning Health Care System in Oncology

Richard L. Schilsky MD, FACP, FASCO, Robert S. Miller MD, FACP, FASCO, in Oncology Informatics, 2016

1.7.5 Clinical Decision Support

CDS systems can be defined as “HIT applications that relate individual patient health data to established knowledge bases and thereby assist in clinical decision making and health management” [70]. Providing personalized insights to oncologists with CDS is one of the primary objectives of CancerLinQ. There are countless areas in oncology where data are needed to make clinical decisions but are largely absent. As the number of new molecular diagnostic tests proliferates, propelled in part by the explosion of cancer panomics, and the number of therapeutic agents expands proportionally, it will become increasingly challenging to practice high-quality cancer medicine without computerized CDS.

At the time of publication of this text, a specific CDS solution has not been determined. It is anticipated that the ASCO clinical practice guidelines [71], derived from high-quality evidence by expert ASCO panels and addressing disease-specific clinical situations or modalities, such as tests or procedures, may serve as a robust source of content knowledge for the development of CDS in CancerLinQ. CancerLinQ will include a feature that will identify relevant guidelines to present CDS that is relevant to the characteristics of an individual patient to assist physicians in treating specific patients. Furthermore, the clinical insights gained by oncologists from the redacted data sets in the system may be used as feedback to inform the refinement of existing guidelines and suggest new clinical areas where guidelines may be necessary.

CancerLinQ will also include observational CDS, which will enable a physician to query the system about a specific case to learn about the treatments and outcomes for similar patients. CancerLinQ will match a particular patient’s data against the experience of similar cancer patients whose data reside within the system and provide the oncologist with aggregate information pertinent to the possible treatments available to the patient and the range of outcomes experienced by other similar patients. Boxes 1.1 and 1.2 provide representative use cases of the CDS capabilities envisioned for CancerLinQ.

Box 1.1

Personalized Medicine CDS Use Case

Phillip Alk is a 72-year-old white male who presents to his primary care physician with nonproductive cough and pleuritic chest pain. He is otherwise healthy except for high cholesterol, for which he takes atorvastatin, mild hypertension, and gastroesophageal reflux treated with omeprazole. He has no fever or weight loss and a Karnofsky performance status (PS) of 90. Mr Alk smoked cigarettes for a few years during college but has not smoked in the last 50 years. A routine chest X-ray reveals a 3 cm nodule in the right middle lobe (RML) confirmed by follow-up chest computerized tomography scan that also demonstrates scattered 1 cm nodules in the left lung and ground glass opacities in the right lower lobe. Routine blood chemistries are normal except for a serum creatinine of 1.8 mg/dL. A core needle biopsy of the RML nodule is performed and reveals malignancy consistent with adenocarcinoma. Upon receiving the diagnosis, the patient is referred to a local oncologist for discussion of treatment options.

Dr Gene Profile is a practicing general oncologist in a group of six oncologists. He has been in practice for 20 years. His practice was a participant in ASCO’s QOPI program for the last 8 years and transitioned to participation in CancerLinQ when offered the opportunity to do so. The practice’s QOPI reports revealed high adherence with measures of adjuvant chemotherapy use and appropriate antiemetic use but also demonstrated need for improvement in chemotherapy use in the last 2 weeks of life and counseling patients about smoking cessation. During his initial visit with Mr Alk, Dr Profile reviews the pathology reports and wonders if the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma reflects a primary lung cancer or metastases from another organ. The patient’s medical history and review of systems do not suggest other problems. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is performed for staging purposes and demonstrates the RML lung nodule as well as several smaller nodules scattered throughout the left lung. No other areas of increased fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake are noted. Dr Profile recalls seeing some literature in the office from a lab that offers gene expression profiling to assess carcinomas of unknown primary. He considers ordering the test but first consults the CancerLinQ clinical decision support system. He immediately receives a link to an ASCO guideline on carcinoma of unknown primary that recommends against use of commercially available RNA expression profiling panels due to lack of evidence of clinical utility in helping to establish a more definitive diagnosis. Dr Profile ultimately concludes that primary adenocarcinoma of the lung is the most likely diagnosis and records that diagnosis in the patient’s EMR. He immediately receives a guidance notification from CancerLinQ recommending a standard molecular work-up of the tumor to include testing for sensitizing and resistance mutations to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, EML4-ALK translocation, ROS1 and KRAS mutation. The notification includes a link to ASCO’s provisional clinical opinion (PCO) on integration of palliative care into standard oncology care as well as a link to ASCO’s PCO on EGFR mutation testing for patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer. Dr Profile orders the recommended tests to be performed on the patient’s tumor biopsy. Mr Alk is anxious to begin treatment but is advised to wait for the molecular test results to see if they impact Dr Profile’s treatment recommendation. Two weeks later, Dr Profile receives a report from a commercial laboratory of a 400 gene mutation panel that was performed on the biopsy. His hospital’s pathology department had determined that it is more cost-effective to obtain the multigene panel rather than the individual tests for the mutational analysis recommended by CancerLinQ. The report describes an L858R mutation in exon 21 of the EGFR gene, wild type KRAS, mutation in the p53 gene, mutation at the V600E locus of the BRAF gene, as well as alterations in other genes. Uncertain of how to proceed, Dr Profile uses the CancerLinQ physician portal to submit the molecular profiling test results and a brief case summary to the ASCO University Molecular Oncology Tumor Board. Two days later, he receives an explanation of the molecular profiling results that confirm his plan to prescribe an EGFR inhibitor drug for Mr Alk. Upon entering the order for erlotinib in the patient’s EHR, Dr Profile receives a notification from CancerLinQ of a possible drug interaction with omeprazole and is advised to discontinue that medication. He is also advised to carefully monitor the patient’s renal function in view of the toxicity profile of erlotinib and the patient’s preexisting renal insufficiency.

After 3 months on treatment, Mr Alk’s cough and chest pain have fully resolved and his CT scan reveals complete resolution of all pulmonary nodules. He continues on treatment but 3 months later notices a return of his cough. When these new symptoms are recorded in his EHR, Dr Profile receives a message from CancerLinQ advising him to consider erlotinib-induced interstitial lung disease as a possible complication of treatment. A repeat CT scan reveals new pulmonary nodules consistent with recurrent and progressive lung cancer. Dr Profile recalls that the molecular testing of Mr Alk’s tumor had revealed a BRAF V600E mutation. He wonders if a new BRAF inhibitor, recently approved to treat melanoma, could possibly benefit his patient. He uses CancerLinQ’s observational clinical decision support function to query the CancerLinQ database and receives a report of 30 patients in the system with adenocarcinoma of the lung and a BRAF V600E mutation. Of these, 20 had been treated with vemurafenib and 10 had experienced significant tumor shrinkage. Dr Profile prescribes off-label vemurafenib for his patient. Within 2 months, Mr Alk’s symptoms have worsened, his performance status has declined, and his cancer has progressed on CT scan. He consults Dr Profile about other treatment options, particularly whether he should give chemotherapy a try. He is advised to transition to hospice care at this point in his illness.

Box 1.2

Observational CDS Use Case

Mr Jones is a 72-year-old African American man with advanced prostate cancer whose disease has been well controlled with conventional antiandrogen treatment. However, during the past month he has developed increased skeletal pain, rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and new visceral metastases detected on CT scan. Mr Jones consults his oncologist about treatment options and receives a recommendation to change treatment to abiraterone acetate, a recently approved CYP17 inhibitor that inhibits the extragonadal conversion of pregnenolone to testosterone, a pathway frequently exploited by castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Abiraterone was approved by the FDA in 2011 based on a randomized clinical trial that compared abiraterone plus prednisone to prednisone alone and demonstrated an improvement in median overall survival from 10.7 to 14.8 months. Mr Jones is inclined to proceed with this new treatment until his oncologist tells him that the cost of treatment is about $6000/month. Mr Jones is concerned that he cannot afford the expected copayment of $1200/month and will have to forego further treatment. His oncologist recalls that the antifungal drug ketoconazole inhibits the same enzyme as abiraterone and has been reported in several small clinical trials to have activity in advanced prostate cancer. He explains to Mr Jones that ketoconazole was commonly used off-label to treat patients with castrate-resistant prostate cancer until the FDA approval of abiraterone. A generic drug, ketoconazole is considerably less expensive than abiraterone, costing approximately $500/month. No clinical trials have ever been performed that directly compare the effectiveness of ketoconazole and abiraterone. Mr Jones wonders if ketoconazole might be an acceptable alternative to abiraterone in his case and one that he could much more easily afford.

Mr Jones’ oncologist is a participant in ASCO’s CancerLinQ learning health care system. Using the observational clinical decision support function of CancerLinQ, he enters Mr Jones’ characteristics into the system and requests a report on treatment administered to similar patients and the outcomes achieved. Minutes later, CancerLinQ provides a report on several thousand similar patients in the system. Of these, 15% had received treatment with ketoconazole and 25% treatment with abiraterone over the past 4 years. The patients in each group experienced similar survivals of about 12 months, although patients receiving ketoconazole experienced higher rates of fatigue and nausea. Upon learning of these data, Mr Jones opts for treatment with ketoconazole and receives a prescription from his oncologist to begin immediately.

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Real-Time Clinical Decision Support at the Point of Care

Ana Margarida Pereira, ... João A Fonseca, in Implementing Precision Medicine in Best Practices of Chronic Airway Diseases, 2019

Clinical Decision Support Systems

To provide the best healthcare to their patients, health professionals need updated, evidence-based information [17]. Electronic resources that present relevant medical information at the point of care, integrating patient-specific data, are known as clinical decision support systems (CDSS). CDSS can be defined as “software that is designed to be a direct aid to clinical decision-making in which the characteristics of an individual patient are matched to a computerized clinical knowledge base, and patient-specific assessments or recommendations are then presented to the clinician and/or the patient for a decision” [18].

CDSS have become increasingly useful for health professionals and patients to access filtered information (Fig. 19.2). These systems should help close the gap between optimal practice and actual clinical care [23,24]. They are designed to assist the health professional-patient encounter at multiple points (from initial patient-clinician interaction to diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up) and are expected to significantly enhance both the quality and safety of healthcare at all levels [19,21,25]. Moreover, they can be seen as a pathway to address some of the inefficiencies of healthcare by rationalizing the use of diagnostic tests, treatments, and referrals [19].

Figure 19.2. Key components of clinical decision support systems. Clinical decision support systems use a knowledge base, an inference mechanism (e.g., an algorithm, a prediction rule, Bayesian networks, machine learning) and patient data from one or several sources, to provide different forms of decision support [19,20]. Benefits and limitations of clinical decision support systems are presented in the figure [19–22]. CDSS, clinical decision support system.

CDSS encompasses a variety of tools [16,19,21], including computerized alerts, reminders or visual summaries of complex data, documentation templates, and contextually relevant reference information, among others (Fig. 19.2). They have been implemented in several clinical areas, such as pharmacology and pathology [25], and have been used in the management of various chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia [21].

One of the core components of CDSS is patient data, which includes specific data related to the patient for which the decision will be made. Also, assessing and integrating the patients’ perspective at the time of the clinical encounter can enable health professionals to adjust their management meaningfully. Indeed, clinical decisions such as treatment change and screening for the need of additional medical services (e.g., psychologic care) may be based on patient-reported data [26]. This is also true outside of healthcare facilities and clinical visits, e.g., when patients are at home or in the community, where patient-reported data can support patients to optimize their self-management. In fact, between each clinical encounter, it is the patient who makes health-related decisions, such as to follow or not the agreed treatment plan.

Assessment and monitoring of patients’ preferences, health, well-being, and behavior have the potential to inform the management of chronic diseases at the point of care [27]. Using patient-reported outcome measures (PROM), which are health measurements reported by patients about themselves and include (but are not limited to) symptoms, functioning, health perceptions and health-related quality of life [28], is one of the ways of assessing the patient’s perspective. However, collecting PROM at the point of care with the conventional paper-and-pencil method of administration can be time-consuming and hinder its use at the time and place (e.g., clinical encounter; home) of patient healthcare. Therefore, PROM are being successfully integrated into real-time CDSS [29,30].

The widespread implementation of CDSS in clinical practice has been delayed by both the difficulties inherent to the creation of an adequate CDSS and the acceptability of its use within the clinical workflow [22,25]. Nevertheless, published studies of CDSS are increasing rapidly, and their quality is improving. A systematic review of 70 randomized controlled trials identified that CDSS with (1) decision support provided automatically as part of clinician workflow, (2) decision support delivered at the time and location of decision making, and (3) actionable recommendations provided, are strongly associated with clinical practice improvement [31]. These favorable features should be considered in the improvement of current CDSS as well as in the design of new ones.

CDSS at the Point of Care for Chronic Respiratory Diseases

Chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) are among the most common chronic diseases [32]. The CRD with higher prevalence and social impact are asthma, rhinitis, and COPD [33]. Despite their significant burden, current evidence suggests that CRD are poorly detected, managed and monitored in the healthcare system [34,35].

CDSS were considered to be at the point of care when used by the health professional and the patient to aid decision-making and when implemented at the time and place of patient healthcare in diverse settings, such as tertiary care, secondary care, primary care, pharmacies, community and home [36,37].

Several CDSS have been developed for CRD, with the largest proportion being dedicated to asthma, followed by COPD and a few to rhinitis. The available systems for CRD were designed mainly to support CRD:


assessment (e.g., diagnostic advice, disease control)[20,38–42];


treatment (e.g., drug therapy management; multi-component interventions)[43–55];


long-term management (e.g., self-management approaches) [56–76].

Most CDSS for assessment and treatment have the health professional as the end user, while those dedicated to CRD long-term management are directed mainly to the patient. Examples of CDSS developed for CRD are presented in Table 19.1. In different healthcare settings, CDSS demonstrated to have impact on the healthcare of patients with CRD, namely on diagnosis [20,40,42], prescribing practices [43–46,60,61,64], patients’ health status [45,47–49,56,57,60,61,69–71,77,78,81], and adherence to recommended healthcare standards [46]. However, the evidence available is mostly from small-scale studies with heterogeneous interventions, populations, and settings. Also, the evidence has been mostly based on clinical outcomes, and the need for more research on workload, efficiency, patient-reported and economic outcomes has been identified [21,36].

Table 19.1. Examples of Clinical Electronic Systems to Support Clinical Decisions Developed for Chronic Respiratory Diseases

AssessmentTreatmentLong-term managementAsthma•

SpidaXpert [38,39]

CHICA, Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation system [40]

FeNO Interpretation Aid [41]

Clinical Alerts on Influenza Vaccination [43]

Computer Reminder System for drug prescribing behavior [44,50]

Asthma management program based in GINA [49]

Computer-Generated Evidence-Based Care Suggestions [51]

Computerized evidence based guidelines [52,55]

Asthma Crystal Byte [47,48]

NAEPP-based clinical decision support [46]

Automated telephone outreach intervention [45]

Automated interactive voice response system [53]

Mobile telephone-based interactive self-care system [77]

Blue Angel for Asthma Kids [78]

Self-management algorithm based on the Asthma Control Questionnaire [56,57]

LinkMedica [58,59]

MyAsthma [60,61]

Telephone-Linked Communications-Asthma [62,63]

eAAP, electronic asthma action plan decision support tool [64]

t+ Asthma application [65]

AsthmaCritic [66]

Home Asthma telemonitoring [67,68]

m.CARAT [79]


Clinical decision support system based on intradermal skin tests [42]

MACVIA clinical algorithm within the Allergy Diary [54,80]


SpidaXpert [38,39]

Clinical Decision Support Systems for preventive management [20]

Computer Reminder System for drug prescribing behavior [44,50]

Computer-Generated Evidence-Based Care Suggestions [51]

EDGE, sElf-management anD support proGrammE [69–71,81,82]

WEDS, Worrisome Event Detection System [72,73]

Met Office COPD Health Forecast & EXACT PRO (Exacerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Tool, Patient-Reported Outcome) [74]

Smartphone-based collection of COPD symptom diaries [75,76]

AsthmaCritic [66]

A detailed description of each CDSS presented in Table 19.1 is available on the Web at //www.dropbox.com/sh/nti5d02cjlq0wmy/AAAnTzev_jsAot3j99nvOpSVa?dl=0. Three tools to support clinical decisions at the point of care, in which development the authors have been involved with, are described in more detail below.

FeNO Interpretation Aid

FeNO Interpretation Aid is a web-based CDSS that aids the interpretation of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) values [41]. FeNO Interpretation Aid estimates reference FeNO values for a patient, based on individual characteristics such as gender, age, and height by using published equations and rules [83,84]. The patient's measured FeNO value is then compared to the reference value and is shown as a percentage of predicted FeNO. FeNO Interpretation Aid provides case-specific recommendations aiding the user in the interpretation of the FeNO value. It is accessible online for testing at //feno.med.up.pt.

Identifying biomarkers with potential for better characterization of subject variability and with predictive value may improve outcomes and enhance personalized medicine [85]. The best example of a biomarker with results at the point of care is the measurement of FeNO, a non-invasive biomarker that primarily signals airway inflammation triggered by IL-4 and IL-13 [86], that is both easy and quick to measure, providing results in less than five minutes. The use of FeNO as a diagnostic and decision-support tool for asthma management has been gradually increasing in routine care [87]. However, several individual factors that affect FeNO values have been identified, including age, height, weight, sex, atopy and smoking habits, possibly causing difficulties in the interpretation of FeNO values by the physician [88]. Currently, the interpretation of FeNO is based on absolute values, which are rarely used in respiratory diagnostics, namely in lung function tests [87]. Given the multitude of factors that influence FeNO and its large variation in the general population, the use of equations to calculate reference values may be a more clinically useful and biologically correct approach [89,90]. This reinforces the need of specific systems that can calculate adjusted cut points for a given patient at the point of care.

MACVIA Clinical Algorithm and Allergy Diary

The Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif en Languedoc-Roussillon (MACVIA-LR [fighting chronic diseases for active and healthy ageing]) is one of the reference sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. A central focus of this initiative has been the optimization of treatment in patients with allergic rhinitis, which differs depending on allergen exposure, age, symptoms, disease control, cost and patients’ preferences [54]. In an attempt to address this pressing need, MACVIA developed a clinical algorithm to be integrated into a CDSS to optimize allergic rhinitis control [54]. This clinical algorithm is based on a step-up/step-down individualized approach to allergic rhinitis pharmacotherapy (Table 19.2). Soon, this CDSS will be available in electronic forms for health professionals and also within Allergy Diary, a mobile application on both Android and iOS, which will enable its testing in large-scale, real-life, clinical trials.

Table 19.2. The Step-Up Approach of the MACVIA Clinical Algorithm [54]

StepsDescription1For mild symptoms, use intranasal or oral non-sedating H1-antihistamines.2For moderate-to-severe symptoms and/or persistent AR, use intranasal corticosteroids. The dose of some intranasal corticosteroids can be increased according to the package insert.3For patients with uncontrolled symptoms at step 2 (current or historical), use a combination of intranasal corticosteroids and intranasal H1-antihistamines. However, depending on the physicians’ experience, other therapeutic strategies can be used.4It is possible that an additional short course of oral steroids might help to establish control and continue control by step 3. Intraocular chromones or H1-antihistamines can be added to improve the control of ocular symptoms.

The MACVIA Allergy Diary app incorporates the patients’ perspective. The app assesses information on allergy rhinitis symptoms experienced by the user, who assesses daily symptom control, using the touchscreen functionality on his/her smartphone, through four consecutive visual analog scales (VAS) measuring overall, nasal, ocular, and asthma symptoms [80]. VAS represents a reliable and valid measure to assess allergic rhinitis symptoms control [91,92].

The mobile phone messaging feature also helps the management of allergic rhinitis, by providing prompts to assess disease control, to take medication, and to visit a health professional, if appropriate.

The future integration of the MACVIA clinical algorithm with the Allergy Diary is a good example of a tool to promote integrated care for chronic disease management and is included in the action plan of the AIRWAYS-ICPs (integrated care pathways-ICPs for airway diseases) initiative [93]. Briefly, ICPs are structured multidisciplinary care strategies with details regarding patients’ healthcare with a specific clinical problem [94], which promote the translation of guidelines recommendations into clinical practice [94,95]. AIRWAYS-ICPs initiative is working on a collaboration to develop practical multi-sectoral care pathways in European countries and regions to reduce chronic respiratory disease burden, mortality, and multi-morbidity while maintaining patients’ quality-of-life [14,93].


m.CARAT is a mobile application that aims to support long-term management of allergic rhinitis and asthma [79]. Patients can fill out the Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) [96] and record their exacerbations, triggers, symptoms, medications, lung function tests, and visits to the physician or the hospital. The graphical visualizations and tabular summaries of all the self-monitoring data promote patient empowerment and discussing this data with the clinician should help shared-decision making, aiding the creation of an adequate treatment plan for that specific patient [79].

In addition to the self-monitoring feature, m.CARAT also enables patients to set medication and tasks notifications, receive tailored information and news and synchronize all records with an online database at the CARAT Network Website (caratnetwork.org).

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Grouped Knowledge Elements

Margarita Sordo, Aziz A. Boxwala, in Clinical Decision Support (Second Edition), 2014

18.1 Introduction

A clinical decision support (CDS) system is a computer-based system that analyzes available data to guide people through a clinical decision-making process. The availability of data may be considered to be the most fundamental prerequisite of a CDS, because analysis and guidance depend on it. Its usefulness further depends on the data being well-structured and unambiguous. Coding of data items is essential in order to understand and be able to manipulate them. Chapter 17 reviewed approaches to standardizing the terminology and information models used for data items. The latter includes the need for the data type of each item to be specified, including units for quantifiable data types or categorical values for dictionary/directory-based data types. Lack of ambiguity of these aspects of a data item is essential when data are communicated between the user and the computer.

Two frequently occurring tasks in the clinical workflow where the health care provider and the computer communicate are during clinical documentation (both in structured data input and in report production) and in computerized-provider order entry (CPOE). These tasks are facilitated by grouped knowledge elements, i.e. structured documentation templates and order sets respectively. A structured documentation template is an organized collection of data items relevant to a particular clinical context (e.g. patient presenting with a headache) that can be used to collect or present codified information about a patient. An order set, similarly, is an organized collection of actions that can be ordered by a health care provider for the care of a patient in a specific clinical context (e.g. orders for a patient being admitted with stroke).

These grouped knowledge elements may be considered as vehicles for providing clinical decision support. In a passive sense, they remind the health care professionals about questions to ask the patient, specific observations to be made during an examination, tests to be ordered, or medications to be administered that are relevant to that clinical context. Documentation templates that display information can organize information in such a way as to play a mnemonic function, by facilitating identification of important data, recognition of trends, or making other associations. More actively, those who design the groupings of knowledge elements can use them to drive the behavior of the health care professional user. For example, in an order set, an intervention that is known to be more effective, per current evidence, can be made easier to order than alternatives by having that intervention be selected by default. Additionally, order items and documentation items can be dynamically presented on the basis of the context, e.g. a documentation template can suggest asking about past history of rheumatic fever only if a murmur is noted as having been heard on auscultation. By anticipating needs for data entry or access, or for orders, such grouping not only provides CDS but also facilitates workflow, by eliminating extra steps that would otherwise be needed.

The specification of an order set’s or a document template’s structure and content is a form of knowledge. Standards are being developed for such specification to encourage the collection of higher quality, more interpretable, more comprehensive data, and to encourage reuse of document specifications, or parts thereof, where appropriate. This chapter will review those efforts, in terms of their degree of maturity and harmonization, and how they relate to clinical decision support.

The management of a collection of grouped knowledge element specifications has not received much attention in the clinical informatics and standards development communities. This is a knowledge management (KM) task, the purpose of which is to reconcile collections of document specifications in an enterprise, and encourage convergence on and reuse of those that foster best practices and conformance with enterprise goals. Knowledge management for grouped knowledge elements is only recently being recognized as an important challenge, as KM systems begin to be introduced into health care enterprises to manage their knowledge content. Examples of approaches to curating documentation specifications, and supporting authors and editors in creating and updating them, are discussed in Chapter 28.

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Transformative Technology

Antonia Arnaert, ... Zoumanan Debe, in Health Professionals' Education in the Age of Clinical Information Systems, Mobile Computing and Social Networks

What are some examples of clinical decision support systems?

Examples of CDS tools include order sets created for particular conditions or types of patients, recommendations, and databases that can provide information relevant to particular patients, reminders for preventive care, and alerts about potentially dangerous situations.

How many types are there in CDSS?

The two main types of CDSS are knowledge-based and non-knowledge-based: An example of how a clinical decision support system might be used by a clinician is a diagnosis decision support system (DDSS).

What are the types of decision support system?

Types of decision support systems.
Data-driven DSS. A data-driven DSS is a computer program that makes decisions based on data from internal databases or external databases. ... .
Model-driven DSS. ... .
Communication-driven and group DSS. ... .
Knowledge-driven DSS. ... .
Document-driven DSS..

What are decision support systems in healthcare?

Clinical decision support (CDS) provides clinicians, staff, patients or other individuals with knowledge and person-specific information, intelligently filtered or presented at appropriate times, to enhance health and health care.

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