What are the factors of integrated marketing communication?

Some marketers are known to remind their clients or bosses that the average consumer has a shorter attention span than the average goldfish. It can be an effective rejoinder for when a marketing campaign produces lackluster results – “Look at what we're up against!” – as well as it when it resonates: “Look at what we prevailed over!”

Like many small-business owners, you may be less interested in the factors affecting the marketing communication mix – the distractions – than what you can do to overcome them. This makes sense, and not only because it can be tricky to track down scientists who specialize in goldfish behavior to explain their purported 9-second attention spans. In an era of unprecedented messaging, a better use of your time is to learn what you can do to capture consumers' attention.

No matter what marketing channel you prefer, start with ensuring that your messages are consistent. Then consider five tactics that should elevate your online and print communications so that they better capture consumers' attention – before telling your marketing team to “go fish” them out.

Similarities Abound in Factors Affecting Promotional Mix

From a distance, the five elements in the promotional mix seem disparate, LaunchMyStartup points out. Yet, with the exception of one – personal selling – they all face similar challenges. Consider:

  • Advertising probably faces the most vexing hurdles since research shows that consumers, and especially millennials, are mad multitaskers.
  • Direct marketing faces stiff competition from similar sources, but research shows that once a consumer takes hold of and saves a direct mail piece, he's likely to follow up.
  • Personal selling, the element that once elicited the least enthusiasm from marketers, is enjoying a spate of restored credibility. And why shouldn't it? It's personable, measurable and least prone to uncontrolled interruptions.
  • Public relations is probably the most difficult to pinpoint because the challenges depend on the activity. Like personal selling, open houses, tours and other public events can focus consumers' attention because they're one-on-one activities. But reading – a press release, blog, newsletter – can easily succumb to the same interrupting forces.
  • Sales promotions can effectively capture attention and blunt interruptions through immediacy; consumers have every incentive to “act now” when they're being enticed with coupons, discounts, flash sales and two-for-one deals.

Research Probably Reinforces Your Suspicions

Like other small-business owners, you may feel almost giddy when you hear that consumers are spending more time online than ever before – up from 45 hours a week in 2004 to 65 hours a week in 2017, according to Nielsen research published by MarketingProfs. A deluge of new online platforms during this time is largely responsible for this increase. However, it would be incorrect to say that these platforms are riveting consumer attention; if anything, they're diffusing it. Millennials, for example, have been found to switch platforms an average of 27 times per hour – nearly every other minute.

It would be equally unfair to single out millennials. Wyzowl says that consumers of all ages suffer from what might be called “marketing communication attention disorder.”

  • Adult attention spans have plunged from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8.25 seconds in 2015 – more proof that more platforms are a diffusing force, not a focusing one.
  • The average website visitor reads less than 30 percent of the words on a page, and 20 percent is more likely. 
  • Website visitors spend less than one minute on a page. Other research shows that they ditch a page that doesn't load promptly and move on to another.

You're Competing Against Multitaskers

So what are people doing while they parse marketing messages? Only the eyes of their smart TVs may know for sure. CU Solutions Group says that “consumers, especially millennials, are shown to be deeply distracted when interacting with all forms of media.” While watching (or at least facing the) TV, they may be on the phone or another mobile device, scanning the internet or doing household chores.

Even when you think consumers would be focused – when they're actively shopping – they're often at work, Forbes says. They also show an ability to run errands, eat out and push a vacuum cleaner while they're shopping online.

At this point, reality must be sinking in: Against this frenzied, almost manic backdrop is you and your small business, and you and your marketing messages that run through your promotional mix. You know you can't change some factors affecting your marketing communication mix. The proof is probably all around you, even among employees who can't seem to move from their desks to the coffee machine without their phone. Everyone seems to be doing something while being distracted by something else.

Combat Factors Affecting Your Marketing Communication Mix With Consistency

Before considering imbuing your marketing initiatives with the five attention-getters, consider following a fundamental theory of effective communication: Be consistent. This doesn't mean crafting stiff, robotic messages. It means creating communications that:

  • Feature a similar message
  • Look similar
  • Sound similar
  • Carry the same tone

Your customers will benefit, BabelQuest says, because consistent messaging helps your customers:

  • Quickly identify you in a crowded advertising space
  • Remember who you are
  • View you as credible and reliable – qualities they may extend to your products or services
  • Develop a trusting relationship with your company, a huge benefit since people regularly say they prefer to do business with companies they know and trust

Rivet Consumers' Attention

If you've been plowing through marketing books, you may note that the techniques used to capture consumers' attention have gone through a progression of terms: pulling, breaking through and punching through, among them. All of them strongly imply a fierce action, and it may seem that way behind the scenes as you follow recommendations from Entrepreneur:

  • Open with a bang. If it's verbal communication, as with personal selling or some PR tactics, it's your opening line. If it's written communication, it's a provocative headline and maybe even a bolstering subhead.
  • Craft the clearest message possible. It shouldn't be open to interpretation or too clever by half. The more direct and concrete, the more readily the message will be understood.
  • Focus on a solution, which is what most consumers are looking for. Your market research should clearly show what your company does better than anybody else, This is your unique selling proposition, and it should play a prominent role in every communication.
  • Play to emotions, especially if you can use humor or boost consumers' ego by making them feel smart or ahead of the curve. As crucial as your overriding message is, a fundamental tenet of communication is that people may forget what you say, but they remember how you made them feel.
  • “Leave” with a hook or reason for the consumer to return if he has to leave the interaction to mull over your offer. It should be something of value, if not something hard to resist.

It doesn't take long for any small-business owner to learn what works better than anything else with blunting distractions and capitalizing on the positive factors affecting their marketing communication mix: trial and error. In other words, you may strike out with one initiative and hit a home run with another. You will never know until you wind up and pitch a message. In time, you will prevail and eventually make a splash with all those “goldfish.”

Which factors should be considered when creating an integrated marketing communication plan?

Identify Your Customer. The first step in developing an integrated marketing communications strategy is to determine your audience. ... .
Set Clear Objectives. ... .
Craft the Campaign. ... .
Measure Your Success. ... .
Refine and Repeat..

What are the 5 integration marketing communication?

As we've mentioned previously, Integrated Marketing communications can be used harmoniously with five primary communication tools. These are advertising, direct marketing, internet marketing, sales promotion and public relations.

What are the 3 5 most important elements of an integrated marketing campaign?

It's with each of these interactions that recognition is gained and trust is built..
Set Goals + Objectives. ... .
Define Your Audience. ... .
Choose Your Channels + Allocate Budget. ... .
Create Adaptive Assets..

What are the 4 elements of the integrated marketing mix?

The marketing mix, also known as the four P's of marketing, refers to the four key elements of a marketing strategy: product, price, place and promotion.

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