What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?

Different types of media have been used by brands or companies to communicate with their target audience. The importance of media cannot be understated – because it allows people to receive relevant information. Media has been used as a source of information, entertainment, and as a way to learn new things. Over time, the forms of media that are primarily in use have changed.

Media can be classified into three types – print, broadcast, and internet. While print media is the oldest form of media, in current times, internet media is the most relevant.

  • Print Media
  • Broadcasting Media
  • Internet Media

A long time ago, print media used to be the only method of delivering relevant information to the public. Print media is the oldest form of media, and has been used for entertainment, advertisements, and as a source of information. It was the only way the public could gain access to news and important information for a long period of time. While print media is usually thought of as newspapers or magazines, it can include numerous other forms as well:

Newspapers – Most newspapers have been printed daily or weekly, and covered news about world events, politics, sports, and local/national events. They also covered entertainment news, such as information related to celebrities or fashion.

Magazines – Magazines were printed less frequently – on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Magazines usually covered news and information about one specific niche.

Books – Books, both fiction and non-fiction, are a means to convey relevant information or to entertain the reader.

Banners, Billboards, Brochures, and Flyers – These forms of media were primarily used for advertising purposes, or to relate important information about a brand or company to the public.

Broadcasting Media

Broadcasting media consists of videos, audios, and any other audio-visual content that can provide relevant information to the public or entertain them. It includes the following methods of sharing information or messages:

Television – Television is one of the media forms that are still widely used. There are numerous channels that show different types of content, and usually carry advertisements that target a certain demographic.

Radio – Radio used to be a popular form of media in the past, but it is losing ground in recent times. Nonetheless, a number of people still use the radio to listen to music, the news, and receive weather updates.

Movies – Movies have been one of the most popular forms of media that have been accessible in the past century. Movies can be entertaining, or they can carry a message to promote a social cause. It may also be used as a method to promote different cultures. 

Internet Media

In recent times, the internet has become the primary platform that is used for communication and for the delivery of important information. The internet now fulfills all the tasks that traditional media used to fulfill – such as getting the news, finding entertainment, receiving crucial information, or as a platform to advertise to people. Websites on the internet can provide content in the form of text, audio, and video. The different types of internet media includes the following:

Social media – These are websites that allow users to interact with each other, or generate/promote content.

Forums – These are places of discussion, where different users can talk about a particular topic that interests them.

Podcasts – Podcasts have taken the place of radio shows, where people can listen to certain hosts talk about topics that interest them.


Information can come from anywhere and everywhere! Social media, blogs, podcasts, personal experiences,  interviews, books, journal and magazine articles, expert opinions, newspapers, and websites.

The type of information you need will of course vary depending on the question you are trying to answer.

Different assignments require you to search and find information from a variety of sources. This page will help guide you to understand where to go  to find certain types of information.

  • Introduction
  • Print Media
  • Broadcasting Media
  • Internet Media

As mentioned previously, media is a means of communication, such as radio and television, newspapers, magazines, and the internet, that reach or influence people widely.

In general, we can classify media in to three main categories:

  • Print Media
  • Broadcasting Media
  • Internet Media

What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?
What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?
What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?

Take a look through the following tabs to see examples of the different media available. 

What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?


  • Newspapers are printed and distributed on a daily or weekly basis and can be available online. The information within can include  news related to sports, politics, technology, science, local news, national news, international news, birth and death notices, as well as entertainment news related to fashion, celebrities and movies. 


  • Magazines are printed on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Magazine articles contain information about finance, food, lifestyle, celebrity,  fashion, sports, etc.


  • books focus on a particular topic or subject, giving you the reader the ability to absorb more information and knowledge about the subject or topic area.

What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?


  • There are many television channels out there! You can have a general channel which will include a variety of programmes such as documentaries, series, travel, news, film, lifestyle, politics, drama etc. Then you can have a dedicated channel for the type of information that is shared. Each channel will deliver a different type of content. For example, you can have a channel for news, another channel for drama, another one dedicated to movies, sports, animation, nature, travel, politics, cartoon, religion and so on. Television is the foremost and top broadcasting media due to its reach to the audience.


  • Radio uses radio waves to transmit and broadcast entertaining, informative, and educative content to the public. Due to its high reach to the audience, radio is widely used for advertising products and services. Radio is one of the oldest means of entertainment.


  • Films have world-wide reachability. It’s the best type of mass media to promote cultures and spread social awareness. 

What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?

Social media can provide instant, far-reaching news faster than traditional news outlets or sources. But, you will need to be careful and vigilant as there is an increasing need to verify the accuracy of this information. Find more about evaluating information and checking facts.    

Social networks or websites

  • Social media networks include sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Quora, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. They are very easily set up, user-friendly and widely used by people around the world to connect with each other and to share information. Although we can find any type of news here, always err on the side of caution as the news shared may be misleading because of the lack of regulations on the content shared.

Online forums

  • An online forum is an online "virtual" location or place where we can comment, message, or discuss a particular topic. Forums allow us to share knowledge with other people with the same interest. 


  • A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.  A podcast can be a series of audios focusing on a particular topic or theme.  Anyone can share and communicate their knowledge with the world.

What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information cite at least 3 types of media?

The three types of media are commonly known as news media, social media, and web media, but you might also see them referred to as earned media, shared media, and owned media. Some other forms of modern media are print media, television, movies, and video games.

What are the 10 types of media?

Here is the essential information about the main types of mass media and their political contents..
Newspapers. The core of the mass media of the departed twentieth century was the newspaper. ... .
Magazines. ... .
Television. ... .
Public Broadcasting. ... .
Commercial Radio. ... .
Music. ... .
Films. ... .

What are the advantages of the different types of media as source of information?

Advantages of Media Education: Media educates the mass. With the help of television or radio shows, the mob discovers various facts about health affairs, environmental preservation, and many more topics of relevance. Updated: People receive the latest news in a short time.

What are the 6 types of media?

There are 6 main types of Mass Media:.
Traditional Media..
Print Media..
Electronic/Broadcasting Media..
Outdoor Media or Out of Home Media (OOH).
Transit Media..
Digital Media/New Media/Internet..