What are the 2 orientation in page layout?

Microsoft Word provides numerous formatting options to suit different document needs. Often the general setting will suit most users but other times you may find the need to change page size and orientation in Word to design a different document like an application form, certificate, or brochure.

Normally, the default format would be “letter” which is the standard size for a page (8.5 x 11 inches). This size is easy to work with and print since it fits into any printer or copier. If that is what you would wish to use, there is no reason to learn how to change size and orientation of one page in Word.

Orientation is restricted to portrait and landscape. You could refer to them as vertical and horizontal. When the page is vertical that is portrait orientation, which is usually what most document orientation is and when the page is horizontal, then it is a landscape, that is more common with brochures and other similar documents.

Why Setting Size and Orientation is Important?

Experts who deal with documents will always advise that certain settings are set before you start working on a document. The reason for this is that it will ensure consistency in the appearance of the documents. You can give your documents a professional touch by having the right size and orientation.

There are however other settings that you need to adjust as well. These include header, footer, margins, and page numbering. These can be set depending on the document you are designing and the settings can be saved as a template.

Setting the size and orientation is a great way to come up with a customized document appearance unique to just your organization.

Changing Page Size in Word

Now how to change page size and orientation in Word? Before you change page size, confirm that you have access to a printer that can print your preferred size. Once that is done, be sure again that the size you want is not already set as the default.

Step 1

With your new document open, click on Page Layout in Word.

Step 2

From the drop-down menu that appears, click size.

Step 3

Another drop-down menu will appear with several page sizes. The sizes have names and the dimensions below. Choose your preferred size.

If you do not see the size you prefer, you can customize your own page size.

Step 4

At the bottom of the drop-down menu, click on More Paper Sizes to reveal a dialog box headed “Page Setup”.

Step 5

On the dialog box, choose custom size and enter your desired values for Width and Height. Click OK and the size will be changed to your preference.

Changing Orientation

Remember, there are 2 options for page orientation in Word. If you have never made changes to your page, then it will be in portrait and you want to change to landscape.

Step 1

Click on Page Layout and a drop-down menu will appear.

Step 2

On the drop-down menu, choose Orientation.

Step 3

Another menu will appear with the option for Portrait or Landscape. Choose the orientation you want.

The orientation will change immediately.


As you change the page size and orientation in Word, you may also want to adjust the margins. This is the space just before the text and after the edge of your page. The normal setting for a margin is a 1inch space between the text and the edge of the document. This space can be adjusted to suit your need.

A user can choose from predefined margins, or they can set their own margin. The predefined margins include Normal, Narrow, and Moderate.

Narrow space is 0.5 inches all around while moderate is 1 inch at the top and bottom, 0.75 on the sides. As you change the margin size, you will discover other options and their sizes.

Changing Margins in Word

Step 1

Click Page Layout while in Microsoft Word and the menu will dropdown.

Step 2

Click on Margins and it will reveal different margin options with icons of the appearance as well as measurements.

Step 3

Choose the predefined margin size you want and the margin dimensions will change immediately.

If you would rather create a customized margin, then skip step 3 and continue to 4.

Step 4

Scroll to the bottom of the margin options and click Custom Margins.

Step 5

In the dialogue box that appears, enter the values you want for top, bottom, left, and right.

Step 6

Look at the preview and if it appears as you would like it to, click ok and the margin will be changed.

Changing Margins by Adjusting the Ruler

Your document has a ruler on the top boundary and another on the left. These rulers can also be used to adjust the boundaries of the document. It may take more concentration to do this and that is why most people choose to use the methods described above. However, if you prefer to use the ruler, here are the steps to follow.

Step 1

Ensure that the rulers are displayed, on at the top, and another on the left of the page. If it is not, click the icon just above the scroll up arrow on the right of the page.

Step 2

Use the horizontal ruler to adjust the left margin. Dragging it to the left will reduce the margin and dragging it to the right will increase the margin.

Using the same ruler, you can adjust the right margin by clicking on the right pointer of the horizontal ruler and then dragging it to the right to reduce the margin or to the left to increase it.

Step 3

Use the vertical ruler on the left of the page to adjust the top and bottom margins. Click on the top pointer and drag it upwards to reduce the margin and down to increase it.

To adjust the bottom margin, click the pointer at the bottom of the vertical ruler and drag it upwards to increase the margin and downwards to reduce the margin.

Types of Margins

When you click margins on the Page Layout menu, you will notice that there are different options of margins and they have names. Knowing these types of margins makes it faster to adjust the margins according to your need.


Mirror margins are used when printing a document on two sheets. Both pages will have the same margin dimensions. This means the page on the left has the same values as the one on the right. This type of margin is appropriate when printing on both sides of a sheet. It ensures that the way the text appears on one side will mirror the opposite one.

Gutter Margins

If you intend to bind the pages of a document, then gutter margins are the right choice. This setting will provide additional space on the side or top to allow binding without affecting the text on the page. When you choose this type of margin, word will set the value at 0” and the user will determine the best-suited value for the margin. You must know how much space will be needed when binding.

Wide Margin

This margin type provides a lot of space all around the page. It can be used appropriately when writing a poem or a greeting card. Word provides a standard measurement, but the user can still adjust it even more.


This is the opposite of the wide margin as the margins are thinner. It makes it possible to maximize space usage. You can use this type of margin if you will not bind the document in any way.


As the name suggests, the margins are neither wide nor narrow. It is the middle ground. Word setting is 75pt all around but you can still adjust it accordingly.


That is the standard margin. Most people are comfortable with normal margins. Some countries may have different values for normal margins.


You can choose to adjust these settings before you start to add text to the page or you can do it after. However, after adjusting the settings, check the preview settings to ensure the page appears as you want it to. It is also advisable to see what it will look like when it is printed. Some settings may make it hard to print the entire page on a particular printer or a size of paper. Print preview makes it possible to see what it will look like when printed.

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What are the 2 pages orientation?

The two most common types of orientation are portrait and landscape.

How do I create a 2 PAGE LAYOUT?

Printed Double Page Layout.
Click the "File" menu in your Word document..
Click the "Print" tab on the left side. A preview of what the print will look like appears on the right..
Click the "1 Page Per Sheet" button to open a drop-down menu with more options. ... .
Click "Print" to print the document in the double page layout..

What are the types of orientation?

There are several types of sexual orientation; for example:.
Heterosexual. People who are heterosexual are romantically and physically attracted to members of the opposite sex: Heterosexual males are attracted to females, and heterosexual females are attracted to males. ... .
Homosexual. ... .
Bisexual. ... .

What are the two page orientation of Word 2010?

Click the Orientation command in the Page Setup group. Click either Portrait or Landscape to change the page orientation.

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