Viết về người anh hùng bằng tiếng Anh

Viết một đoạn văn bằng tiếng Anh kể về một anh hùng chống ngoại xâm mà em biết

In ancient times, our country was under Han control. They were very cruel, they raped our people and try to force wealth.

At this time, Me Linh district had two talented daughters: they were Trung Trac and Trung Nhi. Both women were good at martial arts and aquire their country. Trung Tac with husband was Thi Sach. Thi Chau was the same generals with his wife. The enemy attacked To Dinh as the history of Giao Chau at that time, he attempted to kill Thi Sach. Water debt, enemy house, Hai Ba Trung raise flag upset. Where are the two women going? With an army of guns and guns fighting the victory and victory, the two men to liberate Luy Lau. General battle of To Dinh fled to the country. Two women crowned the king, called the Queen of the Queen.

In the year 43, the enemy sent the Master, the retired general of the army to suppress the uprising. The two leaders of our troops are brave but brave so powerful, so weak, the two women jump into the river Hung Giang. Our people are under the oppression of the Northern enemy. However, the brilliant mirror of Hai Ba Trung still shines brightly.

History of our country has many struggles to hold water and claim independence of sovereignty. Therefore, our country has many great foreign heroes invading the country that originated from the ordinary people. Hai Ba Trung too. Hai Ba Trung entered the heroic page with the fight against the yoke of the East Han (40-43) in their hometown of Bac Ninh. Trung Trac's husband was brutally murdered by To Dinh, she decided to fight with her sister Trung Nhi in Luy Lau City, Thuan Thanh District, Bac Ninh. Before the war, they read the oath

One please wash the enemy

Two resumed the Hung family

Three husbands unearned

Four pleases this office

During the insurrection of the two women, a lot of female general participated and together they set up the feuds that killed the enemy soldiers, sent the To Dinh to flee home. After mastering Me Linh, Trung Trac became the king of Trung Vuong, completing the mission to succeed Hung. In 43, the invaders invaded the invaders, Hai Ba Trung resistently resisted, but the enemy was overcrowded and strong, the two lost the battle and committed suicide in Song river. Despite the failure, the uprising of two female generals has made no small contribution to the fight against foreign invaders.

The two grandmothers are the generals of the nation, the whole nation does not forget their great merit.

(National hero: King Quang Trung - Nguyen Hue)

In the 16th century, the country fell into civil war by two lords: Trinh Lord tyranny the Lê Emperor in Tonkin and Lord Nguyen tried to build and expand power in Cochinchina.The civil war of our country is a favorable condition for Northern feudal invasion.

In 1786, the Tay Son brothers set up the flag of revolt and mastered many places. In 1788, Thanh troops massed troops into Thang Long. Nguyen Hue immediately rose to the throne and commanded all forces advancing north. Accelerated military and in just five days of fighting, King Quang Trung Nguyen Hue completely liberated Thang Long, to expel the Qing troops from our country.

Liberating the country, Quang Trung King to build the fatherland. Sadly, all his reforms are underway, he suddenly died. The hero of the cloth, the peach flag when it was only seventy. King Quang Trung lost in the hearts of the Vietnamese people respect, regret and relentless pride of a heroic anti-foreign prominence.

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