valentines là gì - Nghĩa của từ valentines

valentines có nghĩa là

What you call the boy/girl your temporarily "dating" for Valentine's Day. Something invented to make the rest of us single people feel like lonely shit.


I wish I had a Valentine.

valentines có nghĩa là

An amazing brown hair, hazel eyed young man. He is strong and has sexy abs and can often be described as "Orgasmic" He usually has a 7-8 inch penis.


-Hey look! He has a big dick!
-What a valentin....

valentines có nghĩa là

a tall, handsome, consumer of food who never gains weight, no matter how much he eats.


wow that guy just ate 3 pizzas, how's he so thin? oh right, he's a valentin.

valentines có nghĩa là

the day of fornication and depression


today is valentines and my boyfriend dumped me.

valentines có nghĩa là

A male who is usually from/of Russian background, cocky, can get extremely egotistical, is found to be most likely born as a Leo. With honor and humble pride, he strictly believes in what he knows is right and doesn't permit anyone or anything to falter his thoughts. Symbol is of a lion because of how demanding, closed off, powerful way he can react. Is known to be a really deep person who could pass as a motivational speaker or someone who sees the positivity and consequences for himself and make his mind on what he knows fits for him. Valentins keep secrets. They have difficulty trusting just anyone and it is really difficult to earn their trust. One who disproves themselves to them, they close their heart off to them for awhile. Valentins get hurt easily. Inside is a bottle filled to the top with painful emotions and it would take years to empty/release it all. They have been hurt in the past and have trust and honesty issues with people they meet. Deep rich brown eyes, brown hair, their usual tall height and addicting laugh makes them a hit with people around them. They carry a charisma that makes others want to be close to them, but they themselves don't always realize it. Although they are known for being such douches at times, they aren't capable of being hated. They are loveable, caring, understanding, amazing people. People underestimate them until they get to know them... Not close with them? You're missing out from living on high.


Nolan: Babe, that friend you have is a total knockout, how'd you find a guy like that? Eve: I worked the magic, haha, nah, Valentin and I met after climbing the same palm tree back in Tampa. Nolan: He's a Valentin?????? Eve: The one and only. Nolan: Mann, I need to find myself a Valentin. Eve: You can only dream :) Nolan: I already am.

valentines có nghĩa là

A person you'll give a gift too on valentines day. A friend, sometimes more than a friend. Someone you like or love or care about.


My valentine was my friend this year.

valentines có nghĩa là

this young man is stunning. He has abs, blonde hair which he always styles or chooses not to on some days happening rarely. He has a big penis usually ranging from 6-8 inches. A lot of girls like him but not all het him. He will always love you and he is super caring.


"Wow, I need a Valentin."

valentines có nghĩa là

Literally giving your heart to someone for one day in February... if they accept, they are known as a "Valentine". There are several different ways to ask:
1. The "Grade School Method" - Will you be my Valentine? Check YES NO or MAYBE
2. The "Charlie Brown Method" - Creating a hand crafted and laced heart shaped Valentine's Day card to the one you love
3. The "Tiffany Method" - Utilizing a popular public website and a classic wordsmith game to give your heart away. *see example*


E =1
L =1
Y = 4
S =1
I =1
A =1
N =1 The "Y" lands on a double letter score.
The "N" lands on a triple word score.
(Check the board... All the way on the right side, halfway up. It's legit.)
Plus I used all 7 of my letters. That's 50 bonus points. Sooo.... ELYSIAN:
A seven letter, 92 point word to describe you.
You are worth every point... and then some. You know I say everything in a very round about way. Part of my charm? Haha, so I did all of this, just to ask...
Ai Elo, you feel like being my Valentine?

valentines có nghĩa là

Valentine is a super classical and sexy name, those who are named after Valentine are most of the time misunderstood by their loved ones, and you can blame on their impulsive/intensive behavior for that. Valentine is tremendously good in bed and an excellent good kisser. It's always on the mood for partying, loves huge crowds but hates long lines, they are the best lover, boyfriend or girlfriend you could ever have, or ask for. Valentine is a unisex given name from the Roman cognomen Valentinus, which was itself a derivative of the cognomen Valens meaning "strong, vigorous, healthy" in Latin. Saint Valentine was a 3rd-century martyr. His feast day was the same as the Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, which resulted in the association between Valentine's day and love. As an English name, it has been used occasionally since the 12th century.


A random person: Oh boy here it comes, the hurricane Valentine

valentines có nghĩa là

The phrase "Valentine" was coined sometime after July of 1947, by either the Ebe Alien culture or Chuck Norris himself, as a technological trade that would allow corporations to scam millions of lonely hearts like Paris Hilton. It is understood these technologies, and holiday ideas are just some of the many things that the Aliens have provided us in exchange for the thousands of helpless abductees, cows and crops who are assaulted each year.

Valentines day has become as much of a worldwide epidemic as people who expect you to remember and much less care when it is their birthdays.


On valentines many ladies will perform favors for flowers and candy versus the old rent payment, it gives the many guys who'd never would have had a chance otherwise, a break.

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