university of chicago là gì - Nghĩa của từ university of chicago

university of chicago có nghĩa là

where fun goes to die, on the south side of chicago.


I knew this really cool kid but he ended up at u of c. he now writes angst-ridden poetry and has forgotten what sunlight looks like.

university of chicago có nghĩa là

An elite private university where the work is hard and the name recognition sucks, but the monetary payoff (for some majors, at least) is ridiculously awesome.


"So where did you go to school?"
"The University of Chicago."
"Sweet, me too! What fast food restaurant are you working at?"
"No, no, not the University of Illinois at Chicago. The University of Chicago. I got a degree in Economics there and now I'm making 120k a year on Wall Street."
"Oh. Would you like fries with that?"

university of chicago có nghĩa là

1. strange people
2. too much work due to the student body's love of procrastination
3. squirrels are cuter than the girls
4. guaranteed lower gpa
5. don't go here


wow, when i got to the university of chicago, a number of things happened: my gpa crashed, and my boner disappeared.

university of chicago có nghĩa là

1. It's U OF C not UIC, morons.

2. The really good school your relatives will have never heard of.



Person 1: "Oh, you go to UIC? Cool!"
U of C student: **sigh**


Grandmother, on hearing you're at the University of Chicago Chicago: "Oh, that's nice dear. But I thought you were smart? Why are you going to a state school?"

university of chicago có nghĩa là

noun. The best school in America. Known for its rigorous curriculum, intelligent students, brilliant teachers and ugly females. The University of Chicago is better than all of the Ivies. Washington University in St. Louis thinks it compares with UofC but, thats just not factually correct. Usually, the smartest person you know goes to University of Chicago. Harvard is the UofC of the NE, Stanford of the West and Oxford of the European continent.


Student recently accepted into University of Chicago: Whew. Student recently accepted into Yale: Why are you relieved shouldn't you be excited you go accepted into the University of Chicago? Student recently accepted into University of Chicago: I'm relieved I don't have to go to Yale.

university of chicago có nghĩa là

1. Ranked the 8th best overall university in the country by U.S. News and World Report. 2. The worst four years of your life. 3. The school that people in Korea know about but people in Chicago don't. 4. Not UIC (University of Illinois in Chicago)


Person 1: Where do you go to school? Person 2: University of Chicago. Person 1: Cool! I have a couple of friends that go there! Person 2: No, you don't. It's U of C, not UIC. Or, Man 1: Is that a woman or a tree with warts? Man 2: Impossible to tell, but she/it looks better than my
last girl friend from this school. Let's pop some more
anti-anxiety pills, smoke some weed, and drink a bit and see if she'll talk to us. Will you back me up in case I get scared? Man 1: Please, does E=MC^2? Of course I'll back you up. Man 2: Thanks, man. Hey, if this doesn't work out, let's go
home and study!

university of chicago có nghĩa là

Most Over Rated School in the Country.


My daughter went to University of Chicago, now she is working as stripper because she can't get into med school. she has $125,000 in student loans.

university of chicago có nghĩa là

Best school in the country that is not in New York. President Obama sent his kids to the school, and that is just one of the abnormally high status attendees who went to the school. The school is filled with rich snobs who look down at anyone who doesn't have a 4.0 GPA or is mentioned in some article in some famous newspaper about some overachievement. The kids who go there are abnormally smart but they know how to party. They study hard, but they party harder. Abnormally rich parents send their kids to UCLS when they are in Kindergarten so that they are brainwashed so early and don't know anything besides A+'s and expensive cars and penthouses. Unless your the kid of one of the teachers. Then your lucky to get in on half off the tuition. Whenever you tell anyone you go to UCLS, kids are amazed because they just hear University of Chicago.


Random public school kid, "Hey which school do you go to?" Rich private school kid, "I go to the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools." Random public school kid, "Whoa you go to the University of Chicago!?!? but your really young!?!" Rich private school kid, "No dumbass. I'm 15, and even though i skipped to grades, I'm not going to go to college before i can drive." Random public school kid, "So which district is it part of." Rich private school kid, "No dumbass, we're not part of a district cuz we're a private school." Random public school kid, "Whoa you go to a private school!?!? So are you really rich??" Rich private school kid, "I live in a 2.5 million dollar condo in downtown Chicago. and my parents drive 2 new $100,000 mercedes cars, an Aston Martin, and a vintage ferrari. So what do you think.

university of chicago có nghĩa là

Where fun goes up in flames, to be reborn from its ashes. Just like your dreams.


At the University of Chicago, you will die, reincarnate, and die again. Rinse and repeat for all aspects of your character. Trust me, it's fun!

university of chicago có nghĩa là

hard-as-fuck school that no people outside of academia know about. don't go here if you're planning for your future beyond college. girls are flat hipster-nerds with teenage-boy figure. guys are round, short, jewish from NYC or Chicago suburbs with old-woman physique


Student 1: I'm going to the University of Chicago!
Student 2: Yeah I get shit tons of mail from there, why are you going to a big public school in Chiraq? I thought you got into Princeton and Columbia? I'm going to either Northwestern or Wash U, which are the best schools not on the coasts

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