Topic for research proposal

  • For each section, write your purpose. If this is an introduction, then fill in with the topic of the study. If this is the central part, then write about data, experiments. In the end, describe what you came to in your research.
  • Create a list of used literature. To write a review of the literature, it is necessary to divide authors into groups. If they are chemists, then write them first, but do not mix them with other scientists, such as biology or physics.

What The Main Elements of The Research Proposal Include?

When you conduct research, it is assessed not only by how you described the theoretical part, but also the overall content of the document, how much information resources you used, and whether you structured the elements correctly. Research structure is how you express thoughts competently and consistently by dividing the text into chapters and paragraphs. And also, the article cannot do without graphs, tables.

The student's research paper should contain the following elements:

  • Title page;
  • Abstract;
  • Introduction;
  • The central part represented by chapters;
  • Background;
  • Questions of research;
  • Research methods;
  • Conclusion;
  • References;
  • List of symbols (if necessary).

The volume of all work should be 20-30 pages of good content. If you are writing text using Word and Google Docs computer programs, then use font size 12-14, Times New Roman; line spacing - 1.5-2; the size of margins: left - 30 mm., right - 10 mm., top - 20 mm., bottom - 20 mm. If you set all the parameters correctly, then, in the end, you will get a paper where you can write about 30 lines, and 60 characters will fit on one line, this is already with punctuation marks and spaces.

Title Page

The title page is the first page of the work and is filled according to strictly defined rules. The title page must contain the following information:

  • full name of the educational institution in which the research work is carried out;
  • the title of the work, which should determine the area of ​​research carried out, be as short as possible and accurately correspond to the content of the research;
  • surname, name of the student;
  • name of the specialty;
  • the genre of work, for example, final qualifying work;
  • surnames, initials, scientific degrees, and titles of scientific adviser and reviewer;
  • the city in which the educational institution is located;
  • year of defense of the research work.

After the title page, a table of contents is placed, which lists all the research paper titles and indicates the pages from which they begin. The headings in the table of contents must exactly repeat the headings in the text. Headings must not be shortened or given in a different formulation or sequence. The table of contents should be placed at the beginning of the work, as this makes it possible to see its structure immediately.

Writing the Abstract

The abstract should reflect the purpose of the research, the main content, and novelty of the article compared to others, related in topic and purpose, and the results obtained. The abstract performs the following functions:

  • makes it possible to establish the main content of a scientific article, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the full text of the paper;
  • used in information systems, including automated systems for information retrieval.

The content of this paragraph should be consistent with the purpose of the annotation. Simultaneously, make the text concise, understandable, and try not to tire the reader with your data. Although this part is in front of the scientific article itself, it can be drawn up after working on the main content; then, you understand what to write about in the resume, because this is accurate information.


In this part of the work, the chosen topic's relevance, goals, and objectives are briefly formulated. You also need to indicate the study's subject, what methods for the experiment you used, whether you got the results you expected, and whether these environments can apply in life. After you have formed the goals, write a hypothesis, this is a scientific proposition that concerns the experiment and will need to prove or disprove.

The introduction notes the signs of research novelty, its practical, theoretical, and social significance. Scientific novelty can be determined by the difference between the obtained results and the known ones. In this case, it is necessary to classify the degree of novelty and reveal the essence of new results.

The novelty of the results lies in the extent to which you could study the phenomenon and draw conclusions that have not been discussed by anyone before. You also need to explain why your results are useful for society and apply them to achieve positive discoveries. If you look from the other side, the novelty can be laid based on a new topic. For example, such experiments have never researched, scientists have never set such tasks before themselves, or have never put forward such hypotheses. At the end of the introductory part, it is essential to describe what structure the article has and what it is made of to navigate the text.

Main Part

In the chapters of the central part of the research work, an analysis of the theoretical material obtained from literary sources is given. The research methods and techniques are examined in detail, the practical part is highlighted, and the results are generalized. The central part of the research work is divided into chapters, paragraphs, points. Each element of the central part is a complete semantic fragment of the work. The central part of the work contains:

  • review of literature on the topic and choice of research direction;
  • description of sources of information;
  • presentation of the general concept and primary research methods;
  • the content of theoretical and experimental research;
  • analysis and generalization of research results.

Your task in the central part is to demonstrate to the reader the research problem, why your hypothesis is essential, and what methods you used to prove its meaning. In the central part, we recommend using illustrations, such as pictures, graphs, diagrams, tables, so it will not look boring. If your text contains quotes, it is essential to indicate the source of the information so that the reader can not only find confirmation of the words but also do not take it for plagiarism.

Questions of Research

When starting a new research project, it is essential to develop sound research questions. This is an essential step as it will guide your research activities. Well-written research questions have several characteristics:

  • they must be clearly defined and free from jargon;
  • the questions should be focused enough to bring your research to its logical conclusion. It should summarize the unsolved problem that you want to investigate through literature study, experimental research, or theoretical work;
  • they must be resolved within your limited time frame and other available resources (money, equipment, assistants, etc.).

Good research questions are not permanent. Don't be afraid to change your research questions, revisiting them as you study. For example, key data may be missing, or new research has been published that questions your premises.

What Research Methods Are There?

A huge number of research methods applicable in research work can be combined into methods of the empirical level, the experimental-theoretical level, and simply the theoretical level. Consider the possible research methods in a student's research project:

  1. Study of literature and other sources of information. This research method collects information on a research topic from books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, and the Internet. Before collecting information, it is necessary to highlight the basic concepts that are important for research and find their definitions.
  2. Observation - this research method is a purposeful perception of a phenomenon, during which the researcher receives information.
  3. Another method is polling. There are three main types of survey: conversation, interview, questionnaire. The conversation is conducted according to a pre-planned plan with the highlighting of questions requiring clarification. When conducting an interview, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions, asked in a particular sequence. During the interview, the answers are recorded.
  4. Questionnaire - This research method is a massive collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed give answers to questions in writing.
  5. Experiment - This research method consists of conducting a series of experiments. An experiment includes creating certain conditions, observing what is happening, and fixing the results.
  6. Text analysis - this research method is a process of obtaining information through the interpretation of the text.

How To Describe The Approach?

This part takes 500-1000 words. In this section, you describe the steps taken to carry out the research and prove to the reader the validity of the methods chosen and the scientific validity of the results and conclusions drawn.

It is essential to describe each of the sections in as much detail as possible so that the reader clearly understands why you choose such research methods. This can achieve in the following ways:

  • show that the research methods chosen are determined by the nature of the research object, the target population's nature, and the resources available. However, by no means cite resource constraints when researching a significant factor in methodological selection;
  • show by providing links to relevant research papers that other researchers have used the same research methods in similar situations;
  • indicate that from the theory of scientific research, the methods chosen are the best.

How to Write About Data Analysis Techniques?

Analyzing research data is a key step. It is a set of techniques and methods to check how to correct the assumptions and hypotheses and answer the questions asked. For a student, this is a difficult stage because, from professional qualifications, he will give accurate results and useful information.

Methods for analyzing social information fall into two large classes by how this information is presented:

  1. Qualitative methods focus on the analysis of information presented mainly in verbal form. In their pure form, they are usually used in the research of the idiographic type.
  2. Quantitative methods are mathematical and are techniques for processing digital information. Many of these methods are borrowed from the exact sciences, but some are specially developed by sociologists and psychologists to measure social phenomena.

How To Write About Research Results?

The purpose of the Results section is to present the data obtained after the study in an objective, systematic, and concise manner using text supplemented with illustrations. This section aims to present the results; interpretations or conclusions should not be included in this section. Therefore, this is one of the shortest sections in theory, but it can also be one of the most difficult sections.

This is because researchers often find it difficult to limit themselves to presenting the bare facts: they tend to include the explanations and inferences they draw from the results. This can make the Results section subjective, unclear, and confusing to the reader. You should present the data collected during the research as objectively, logically, and concisely as possible. Highlighting the most important results or organizing them into sections is an excellent way to show that you have covered all the information you need.

How Do I Insert Cite Sources?

The list of used literature is a list of information sources based on which the work was performed (cited, mentioned in the text, used in the research process, but not reflected in the work's main text). The list is made in alphabetical order.

If a student uses facts and quotes from other people in his work, he must write what material is taken. There is no need to add to the list those works that have not to use, but you consider them authoritative. This is a delusion for the reader. We also do not recommend specifying encyclopedias or information from journals in the bibliography. There is a separate place for them in the footnotes.

All materials that are not vital for understanding the scientific problem, auxiliary and additional materials that clutter up the central part's text are placed in annexes and notes. Take a look at the literature review example:

Topic for research proposal