Top notch 3 third edition workbook answer key unit 8 năm 2024
Show End of Preview - Want to read all 9 pages? Access Now Unformatted Attachment Preview 6/11/23, 5:59 PM Top Notch 3a workbook answer key - Third Edition Workbook Answer Key Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable. UNIT 1 Exercise 1 1. appropriate 2. inappropriate 3. inappropriate 4. appropriate 5. inappropriate Exercise 2 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d Exercise 3 Answers will vary. Exercise 4 Correct order: 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3 Exercise 5 1. did he 2. isn’t it 3. didn’t you 4. won’t he 5. are you 6. was it 7. aren’t I 5. were there Exercise 6 3. will / ‘ll be; won’t you 4. hasn’t gotten; has she 5. wasn’t; was he 6. doesn’t like; does she Exercise 7 Possible answers. 2. You’re not married, are you? 3. You like to be addressed by your first name, don’t you? 4. You are 20 years old, aren’t you? 5. You don’t live in Hong Kong, do you? Exercise 8 Answers will vary. Exercise 9 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a Exercise 10 2. had already given; hadn’t yet taken 3. had already read 4. hadn’t yet had 5. hadn’t yet exercised 6. had already gone Exercise 11 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b Exercise 12 Answers will vary. Exercise 13 2. customary 3. nice 4. not usual 5. punctuality Exercise 14 1. false 2. false 3. true 4. true 5. no information 6. false Exercise 15 Answers will vary. Exercise 16 1. You should join your family for dinner hour. 2. Children speak when spoken to. 3. Don? ... Purchase document to see full attachment User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service. Studypool
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