the war of 1812 là gì - Nghĩa của từ the war of 1812

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

A silly war that broke out between UK/Canada and the USA that resulted in nothing good in which both sides lost a lot of men and gained nothing for it.
Now used as a stupid excuse for superpatriots from both CUNTries to slag each other off.
The was had significant victories and losses for both sides.
For example:
The Yanks captured Toronto
The Brits captured Detroit

The Yanks burnt Toronto
The Brits burnt Washington DC

The Brits failed to capture Baltimore
The Yanks failed to capture Montreal

The Brits were basly defeated at New Orleans
The Yanks were badly defeated at Queenston heights


Think I've made my point clear.
The War of 1812 was a draw, the Americans didn't win and neither did the British.
But of course with pricks such as JB and Kung-Fu Jesus using this dictionary the phrase is going to be nothing more than an exucse for Brits and Americans to horribly bash each other

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

A war that Americans are taught in school that they won. Basically, it was a pathetic attempt to Annex Canada from the British, and ultimately got their capital burned to the ground.


American: We won the war of 1812!
Smart Person: Can you smell something burning? Oh, yeah, its the white house.

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

Another great defonition on urbandictionary where pseudo-historians get on here and argue about who won when it dosnt matter.


get over it no one cares.

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

From the British point of view, an annoying distraction from the main task of beating Napoleon.

From the American point of view, time to fight back against the British policy of pressganging US citizens into the Royal Navy.

From the Canadian point of view, a War of Liberation against a piece of naked US aggression. The US believed it was their "manifest destiny" to control the whole of the North American continent (hence also the war against Mexico). This remained their dominant philosophy, well into the twentieth century and arguably they still haven't got it out of their system.


The continued existence of the Dominion of Canada proves that the US lost the War of 1812. The British had already revoked the pressganging policy a few days before hostilities began. If it wasn't for the absurd Louisiana campaign, no myth of victory, or even a draw, would have persisted.

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

The outcome of the war was a stalemate: neither side benefited when the Treaty of Ghent was signed. However, during the war a British blockade forced the United States, a mercantile nation, to seriously industrialize because its lucrative trade with Europe was disrupted.

Also, Americans began, for better or worse, to develop their own distinct culture that distanced itself from Britain. With some exceptions in more sophisticated cities like New York and Philadelphia, and a few major southern plantations, European high culture and intellectualism were taboo in America for many years after the war. This was the era that saw the emergence of rural "white trash" American folk heroes like Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone.


...and that is what American schoolchildren are taught.

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

a war which all though technically between America and Britain since Canada was part of Britain at the time, did involve Canada since it was largely Canadians fighting and the American objective was to annex Canada. All though some people think the British won because they burnt down the white house, and some people think the Americans won because the British surrendered at New Orleans, and yet other people think it was a draw, in reality the British won by virtue of succeeding in their objective, the prevention of America taking control of the Canadian colonies.


The Americans wanted to take over Canada, but they didnt
The British wanted to prevent the takeover of Canada, they succeeded
who failed? who didnt?

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

BACKGROUND A war between the British Empire and the United States of America from 1812-1815 CE. Generally considered a spin-off conflict or associated minor conflict to the Napoleanic Wars, because the original issue of the war was the United States' issues with Britain and France who blockaded American shipping that resulted from the larger war and thus violated America's rights as a neutral nation. James Monroe was president at this time. Other notable leaders were Governer Prevost of Lower Canada, General Isaac Brock, Native leader Tecumseh, and General Jackson. Because of the geography of the conflict and the United States of America's contemporary status as a minor power, the only way for America to vent its rage against Britain was to attack Britain's possessions north of its borders. The British provinces and homelands of the emerging two nations of future Canada, Upper Canada (Ontario), and Lower Canada (Québec) as well as the American New England States were the primary theatres of conflict.


RESULT Treaty of Ghent ends War of 1812, restores status quo ante bellum. Significant loss of life and property, including vital government infrastructure from the burning of York, Upper Canada, and Washington, D.C. Despite the obvious ill feeling generated by the conflict, the Treaty of Ghent provided for the creation of commisions to deal peacefully issues between the United States and Great Britain, and later on Canada. The aftermath of the war also was notable as a dark period for the native tribes of North America, as the destruction of Tecumseh's Confederacy broke the power of the eastern Native tribes and paved the way for unchecked American expansion at their expense. LEGACY Probably the most misrepresented chapter of North American history, generations of obsessively jignostic Canadians and Americans have bent the historical facts to conclude that their nation "won" the conflict. The British, being the sane ones in this cherade, don't really care that much. Canadians tend to assert that it was their militia had handily defeated the USA and burnt the White House. This is false, a British fleet did the deed. Canadian militia merely held their ground. Americans tend to claim victory over the Battle of New Orleans, when this battle happened after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, and the British force could not be reached in time to inform them.

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

Due to disputes between the United States and Britain over impressment of US Soldiers to the British Navy and the naval blockade by Britain on Napoleonic France aswell as disputes over the Northern Territories in Canada, America declared war on Britain.
During the course of the 3-year war, America won a series of naval battles, although failing to make an impression into British territory on land due to British aggression. The most prominent of American victories being those at York (Toronto) and after the war had ended officially, at the battle of New Orleans. British forces invading America lost the battle of Baltimore and succeeded to burn Washington DC (which was saved by a heavy rainstorm).
The territory Britain did capture was handed back after the war, as were the gains of America...


What a stupid pointless conflict.
And what happened to the blockade on France? It continued! And Britain smashed the French Navy at the Battle of Trafalgar and pummeled Napoleon at Waterloo, with the help of the faithful Prussians. Thanks Germany, we know who our REAL friends are!

Just kidding, thankfully now Anglo-American relations are just peachy.

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

A battle that happened a long time ago yet still manages to raise pointless controversy from the idiots on both sides over who really won. IT WAS A TIE, NOW GET OVER IT!


stop using UD to argue over stupid things like who won the war of 1812, cuz it was a tie, maybe do a little studying before you make your self look like a whining idiot

the war of 1812 có nghĩa là

A pointless war in which Great Britain and the United States beat the shit out of each other and got nothing for it.


Canadian:We won the War of 1812 eh?
American:Nooooo!! We burned down Toronto haha!!!
Canadian:But we burned down the White House eh?
Britain:No we did.

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