stroudsburg là gì - Nghĩa của từ stroudsburg

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

An ass backwards town in Monroe County, Pennsylvania for several centuries and counting with an interesting mix of locals who work for peanuts and have no health insurance, they can usually be found at the Cinder Inn wondering why they are getting priced out of the area. Deeper thinkers here often ponder why outsiders are moving in before realizing someone with a backhoe decided to put a major highway through the center of town awhile back. You'll also find legions of newer residents from the greater New York City area, many of whom are minorities that commute to the city and make real money, keeping the local bus company, Martz' share holders smiling in the process. Don't bother to subscribe to the local newspaper, the Pocono Record, which should only be purchased in a pinch if your training small pets and desperately need a piddle pad. School taxes are way high since everyone tries to get friends and neighbors a job with the corrupt school board, where they do very little while making a killing, cranking out some of the dumbest seniors in the western hemisphere; insuring the Walmart in town is always staffed with a full supply of talent. You can always move here since there's plenty of foreclosures in countless developments to insure any unfortunate potential home buyers with a minimal down payment and pulse there very own Pocono dream home/nightmare in northeast PA.


Resident #1: East Stroudsburg is a corrupt, sorry excuse for a town. Resident #2: It could always be worse, you could've been born here.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

stroudsburg was mainly a town where there was woods everywhere and it looked so nice with all the trees,but suddenly over the past 5 years..its turned into a nightmare with all these new yorkers coming thinkin they're the shit..meaning they have to cut down the trees and make more buildings and houses and a bunch of crap that no one needs. and don't even get me STARTED on how many furniture stores we have. you go past a furniture store and you dont see a single car in the parking lot. there was also NEVER a problem with gangs and all that crap, but now, my baby sister sees a gangfight while we're driving passed the raymore and flannigan furniture store. what has stroudsburg turned into? a mini new york.
stroudsburg sucks, but it grows on you and you gotta love it, especially if you've lived here most of your life.
lets just blame the new yorkers!


stroudsburg resident: many furniture stores are they gunna make around here?
other stroudsburg resident:gee..i dont know man. so far theres about 13 of them.

new yorker: stroudsburg sucks ass.
highschool kid: well then maybe you should go back to new york nigger!

news reporter:the new development has done damage to the creek near by. its foul sewage is ruining everything.
man watching news reporter: sonofa bitch!! you know what it is??! its these god damn new yorkers moving in here!

kid:damn...what the shit happened to all the trees?

other kid: they just made a god damn 9 story school for 2 grades.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

A town in eastern PA you spend your entire childhood trying to leave but when you get out you miss it, and you've got no idea why.


You move, go to college or just wake up far away and you're like damn I miss Stroudsburg, not the town so much as the little things.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

probably one of the whackest towns you will ever have the displeasure of being in or hearing of. its small and has way too many people in it because everyone from NY insists on moving here. dont bother driving anywhere on the weekends...theres too many tourists causing mad traffic. its either filled with a) dirty ass icp dirtbags who live for sitting outside the mall on friday nights b) "minorities" who actually put some excitement in the newspaper but arent minorities anymore c) hicks...enough said or d) skanky ass dirty std having little smuts. its boring as fuck so everyone does the same shit....drink, smoke, or fuck. and then the 5.0 stay up our ass but its not our fault there aint shit else to do. besides go to walmart....or the excitment filled stroud mall. STOP COMING HERE MOTHER FUCKERS!


"i really need to get out of fucking east stroudsburg"

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

one of the most boring places on earth.. packed with new yorkers thinking they're tough cause they're from the "b.x." or somthin stupid, ive lived here my entire life and all i hear are these city kids complaining that its boring.. i always tell them that they should move back if they dont like it here, nobody wants them here and they're all corrupting the whole area.. stroudsburg used to be empty in the 90's but as soon as 9-11 happened they poured in. again nobody wants them, there is over 82% new yorkers or other city people in stroudsburg high school, it is packed. so please do all us natives a favor and move back "yo".


city kid: yo man, this place be dumb borin yo

stroudsburg native: shut up and leave then, stop complaining you cant always have it your way.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

One of the most boring towns in Eastern Pennsylvania. Filled with 'Gangstas' Skaters and idiots. The school system is terrible, as is most of the community. Mostly due to the influx of New Yorkers who consider this to be the 'country'. The school's are almost filled completely with Skaters, Preps, and idiot ghetto 'thugs'. 95% of them are morons.


Please, do yourself a favor, avoid Stroudsburg at all costs. Really.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

Quite possibly the most terribly edjumuhcayted, crime filled small town in all of eastern Pennsylvania. Stroudsburg doesn't even have a real fire department, but it DOES have a 'volunteer fire department' which takes about an hour to get to a fire, but by then the house is a smoking pile of rubble. The police here are just freaking terrible. Also infested with asshats,cuttermans, and skater punks.


Visit Stroudsburg, get robbed, get hit by a car on Main Street.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

shittiest town you'll find in Eastern Pennslyvania. Filled with "gansta's" "skaters" "punks" etc. etc. Is also soon to be considered the 'sixth borough of new york city'. is inhabbited with all the idoit new yorkers (we never get any of the cool ones, just the idoits)


Can't wait to graduate and move out of Stroudsburg.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

It is a very small city in the Poconos, PA. It is one of the few places that has sidewalks and a slightly urban, or suburban feel with the old city look... almost, because it is small. There are plenty of transplants, as in most of the Pocono Mountain area. The city has a mix of country-ish people and the previously urban. It is in a tourist area. A small mall, a few decent eateries aside from the tourist attractions of its general location. There seems to be a conflict between the people that have lived here for a very long time, perhaps generations, and the recently emigrated.


A racist white man from stroudsburg (3 generations) makes a comment about the urban influx.. and this breaches his intellectual insights about the capabilities of the human mind and its capacity. Race is a purely theoretical concept to this man, and the years of watching news geared to a white-middle class audience have done him in.

stroudsburg có nghĩa là

A shitass town in eastern Pennsylvania where pittbulls run free in residential neighborhoods.


Stroudsburg is a place where your palistinian neighbors let their pitbull run free in the community so it can kill your cats. Also here in the 'burg' you call the cops to do something about this neighborhood menace and they ask to see your dead cat. You show him your mawled kitten and then he proceeds to ask you where the dog is. You tell him next door. So he goes and sees blood all over the dogs face and then leaves. Everyday i walk outside this dog is in my yard. I keep telling it that there is no more cats to eat because she killed them all,but she keeps coming back.
Stroudsburg is full of fake ass thugs(wankstas)and wiggers. It sucks don't go you'll regret it.