sprinkle it là gì - Nghĩa của từ sprinkle it

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

a code name for spirits mixed with juice or any other innocuous beverage

Ví dụ

Neb: Hey, you want some juice?
Chibbles: Na, son, juice is for fags.
Neb: Are you sure? Its got sprinkles.
Chibbles: Ah hellz yeah! I likes sprinkles.

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

A hand shake type movement where the fingers of both hands flutter with the other.

Ví dụ

Neb: Hey, you want some juice?

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

Chibbles: Na, son, juice is for fags.

Ví dụ

Neb: Hey, you want some juice?

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

Chibbles: Na, son, juice is for fags.
Neb: Are you sure? Its got sprinkles.

Ví dụ

Neb: Hey, you want some juice?
Chibbles: Na, son, juice is for fags.
Neb: Are you sure? Its got sprinkles.

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

Chibbles: Ah hellz yeah! I likes sprinkles. A hand shake type movement where the fingers of both hands flutter with the other. Give me some sprinkles! a pretty person that you must stalk, obsess over, and leave a slurpee on their doorstep. they can't be the same gender as you, though! that's a jimmie! ;)

Ví dụ

I stalk Chrissy P and Patty J because they are my sprinkles. We left Chris a blue slurpee from 7-11 and Pat a fudge round. Both with anonymous notes

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

Verb: Gender-neutral term for male or female ejaculation.
Noun: Gender-neutral term for the male or female ejaculate. Dude, I went down on her and she sprinkled all over my face. Oh man, I totally filled her up with my sprinkle. a topping for dessert, usually icecream
mostly for kids

Ví dụ

kinda chalky tasting
come in colored and chocolate When I went to the Jigger Shoppe, I got sprinkles on my icecream. 1) to pass on knowledge to another

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

2) to pass a physical object

Ví dụ

3) to spread information Term originated in the Bay Area.

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

Featured in E-40's 1995 song "Sprinkle Me"

Ví dụ

"I'm finna sprinkle you fools with some of this G-A-M-E"

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

The sexual act of ejaculating upon your partner's face to create a base of semen upon your canvas and then sprinkling sprinkles (preferably rainbow sprinkles) to top off your partner add a cherry, chocolate syrup, and other condiments to expand your sprinkling.

Ví dụ

"We talked about what really went down, she sprinkled me with some new information" Everyone is partaking in something good. You say, "sprinkle me some". The act of chucking rainbow sprinkles at a bitch's face after ejaculating on it, making it appear like a cupcake or a similarly decorated treat.

sprinkle it có nghĩa là

Man 1: I sprinkled a bitch last night
Man 2: Fuck yeah! I love cupcakes!

Ví dụ

A small baby shower, or a baby shower for a second kid. Our first was a girl, so my friends threw me a sprinkle so I could get non pink clothes for our new baby boy.

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