So sánh tokina 11-20 vsi nikon 10-20

There is no doubt that the Tokina lens is a fine optic and the f/2.8 speed will be very useful for low light photography. This includes not only getting good exposure settings (faster shutter speeds, lower ISO values) when you need them but also for a brighter viewfinder image. This can be useful for low light candid action shots although the limited zoom range might be problematic for good people pics like you have on your stream (I find that my best wide angle people pics are shot at 20mm or longer)

But if price is important to you than perhaps you should also consider the Nikon 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6 ($307) which has a wider focal length range and is also much smaller and lighter.

I think it all depends on what sort of use you plan for this lens. If you want it for landscapes than the f/2.8 speed doesn't really matter much.

Remember too that the 10-20 AF-P has VR, which for me was a game changer, allowing very slow shutter speeds in museums and historic buildings with low light (remember that VR is no help when photographing moving subjects - that's where the f/2.8 lenses help).

The D7000 was a fine camera when it came out but improvements to sensor technology have overshadowed it. You might want to rethink your camera requirements and consider a used D7200 or perhaps even a used D3300, both of which will take the new AF-P lenses. 61 months ago(permalink)



K3v1n5 says:

yankee photographer1:

I'm coming late to this discussion, but I feel I should mention a caveat to your recommendations.

Since the 10-20 AF-P lacks a VR switch, VR must be activated or deactivated via a camera menu setting that is only available as standard on the very latest Nikon DSLRs. It is absent from both the D3300 and the D7200, and although an appropriate firmware upgrade is available for the former, there isn't one (AFAIK) for the latter.

So the 10-20 will be fully compatible with neither an unmodified D3300 nor a D7200, as VR will be permanently active, though just how big a problem this may be is obviously down to individual preference (I have used a 10-20 with a D7200 and it was a non-issue for me). 56 months ago(permalink)

easy reading [deleted] says:

Good points ![](//

51169194@N08); non of the AF-P lenses will work properly on the D7000 cameras. Nikon has released firmware updates for both the D3300 and D7200 bodies now, allowing them to function 100% with these lenses.

56 months ago(permalink)



K3v1n5 says:

yankee photographer1:

Hmm. According to the D7200 firmware section of Nikon's download centre, the AF-P support added from 'C' firmware version 1.03 only addresses standby timer and focus compatibility. There is no mention of VR.

On the other hand, full AF-P compatibility, including VR, is addressed from version 1.01 of the firmware for the D3300.

So, on the face of it, the D7200 still isn't fully compatible with AF-P. 56 months ago(permalink)

easy reading [deleted] says:


51169194@N08) Wow. I thought the latest D7200 updates included that control function - guess I was mistaken.

I could have sworn I read it somewhere........

Thanks for setting the record straight. 56 months ago(permalink)



K3v1n5 says:

yankee photographer1:

If Nikon were going to introduce these firmware upgrades at all, then admittedly it does seem strange that they would 'go the full distance' to make the D3300, D5300, and D5500 fully compatible with AF-P, while addressing only some of the compatibility issues with the D7200, and yet that is the only conclusion that can be drawn from the precise wording of the upgrade descriptions.

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