Six strategic business objectives of information systems examples

Starting  in the early 1980s with the first desktop computers, information technology has played an important part in the U.S. and global economies.

Companies rely on IT for fast communications, data processing and market intelligence. IT plays an integral role in every industry, helping companies improve business processes, achieve cost efficiencies, drive revenue growth and maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.




Operational Excellence is an element of organizational leadership that stresses the application of a variety of principles, systems, and tools toward the sustainable improvement of key performance metrics.

Much of this management philosophy is based on earlier continuous improvement methodologies, such as Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Scientific Management. The focus of Operational Excellence goes beyond the traditional event-based model of improvement toward a long-term change in organizational culture.

Informational system, technology an important tool in achieving greater efficiency and productivity. However, improvement of efficiency to attain higher profitability. As example, Walmart’s Retail Link system link suppliers to stores for superior replenishment system.






A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth. Information systems and technologies create opportunities for products, services, and new ways to engage in business. In addition, information system and technology a major enabling tool for new products, services and business model.





One of the trends in information systems in recent years is the increasing strength of customer/supplier intimacy. Organisations have been using information systems to increase loyalty and develop stronger relationships with customers. Having a strategy on customer/supplier intimacy makes customers and suppliers important stakeholders within the organisation and they will feel more valued.

With the increased use of the Internet, developing a strong relationship with both customers and suppliers is crucial for survival in such a competitive market where consumers have access to any information.
In relation to suppliers, information systems have enabled suppliers to have access to production schedules of the firm and so, they have more notice of when to have materials ready. On the customer side, information systems allow firms to keep track of preferences so they can make future recommendations to customers or they will not need to ask the same questions every time the customer uses their good/service. An example of this is in hotels when an information system can store information about preferred check-in times, tv programmes etc.




The thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options.

When trying to make a good decision, a person must weight the positives and negatives of each option, and consider all the alternatives. For effective decision making, a person must be able to forecast the outcome of each option as well, and based on all these items, determine which option is the best for that particular situation.

Without accurate and timely information, business managers must make decisions based on forecasts, best guesses, and luck, a process that results in over and under-production of goods, raising costs, and the loss of customers.


A superiority gained by an organization when it can provide the same value as its competitors but at a lower price, or can charge higher prices by providing greater value through differentiation. Competitive advantage results from matching core competencies to the opportunities. Implementing effective and efficient information systems can allow a company to charge less for superior products, adding up to higher sales and profits than their competitors e.g safaricom. Competitive advantage also achieving any of the previos four business objective represents the achievement of a competitive advantage as well. Besides, competitive advantages also delivering better performance, charging less for superior products and responding to customers and suppliers in real time

UPS’s IT systems address what strategic business objectives?? ? Customers were served best by UPS’s information system address in order to achieve its strategic business objectives. UPS maintains the highest level of customer service with a spending budget of more than $1 billion a year.

Table of contents

What Are The 6 Strategic Objectives For Using Information System?

There are six reasons why information systems matter for businesses today: (1) Operational excellence (2) New products, services, and business models (3) Customer intimacy (4) Increased decision-making (5) Competitive advantage (6) Survival (1) Operational excellence Businesses invest in improving their operations every day.

What Are The Objectives Of Strategic Business?

  • Improved Operational Efficiency. .
  • New Means of Making Money. .
  • Customer and Supplier Relationships. .
  • Improving the Decision-Making. .
  • Keeping a Competitive Advantage. .
  • Survival of the Fittest.
  • What Problems Do Ups’S Information Systems Solve What Would Happen If These Systems Were Not Available?

    This software saves UPS 28 million miles and burns 3 million gallons of fuel each year, but it wouldn’t be possible if the company didn’t use this. In order to become environmentally friendly and save money, UPS uses this technology.

    What Strategic Business Objective Do Ups’S Information System Address?

    Among UPS’s strategic business objectives are: Keeping clients satisfied and the provision of excellent customer service. UPS spends more than a billion dollars a year on customer service.

    What Are The 6 Strategic Business Objectives Of Information Systems?

    As a result, business firms invest heavily in information to satisfy six strategic business objectives. New products and services, as well as business models. Having strong customer and supplier relationships.

    What Are The Strategic Objectives Of Information Systems?

    To achieve six strategic business objectives, businesses invest heavily in information technology: Operational excellence: Increase efficiency, productivity, and change in methods and practices used in their operations.

    What Are The 6 Common Corporate Objectives?

  • Aiming high is what corporate objectives are. An objective is the end point from which your organization can achieve its overall objectives.
  • Survive. .
  • Profit maximization. .
  • Profit satisficing. .
  • Growth. .
  • Market share.
  • What Are Strategic Objectives Examples?

  • Increase internal revenue over the next three years.
  • Decrease overhead spending.
  • Budget additional funds for marketing initiatives.
  • Increase stockholder shares every year for the next five years.
  • Reduce waste over the next year.
  • Create more diverse revenue streams.
  • Increase market position.
  • What Are The Four Types Of Strategic Objectives?

    Premise control, implementation control, special alert control, and strategic surveillance are the four types of strategic control. By combining all of these perspectives and methods into one, you will maximize the success of your business.

    What Are Strategic Goals And Objectives?

    A company’s strategic goals encompass specific financial and non-financial objectives that are aimed at achieving within a particular period of time, typically three to five years.

    What Strategic Business Objectives Do Ups’S Information Systems Address 4 What Would Happen If Ups’S Information Systems Were Not Available?

    Those products would provide UPS with a higher level of customer service, and UPS would attempt to provide that information to its customers based on what they were paying at the time. In the context of the customer, these technologies provide value since they enable him or her to complete their tasks faster.

    What Strategic Business Objectives Do Ups’S Information Systems?

    was to provide the best service to our UPS information system addresses. Keeping high-quality customer service at UPS is a multi-billion dollar business every year. The performance of the UPS is also improved as a result.

    What are the 6 strategic objectives for using information systems?

    Specifically, business firms invest heavily in information to achieve six strategic business objectives: Operational excellence. New products, services, and business models. Customer and supplier intimacy.

    What are the 6 strategic business objectives to achieve a successful business?

    Operational Excellence. This relates to achieving excellence in business in operations to achieve higher profitability. ... .
    New Products, Services, and Business Models. This is part of growth strategy of an organization. ... .
    Customer and Supplier Intimacy. ... .
    Improved Decision Making. ... .
    Competitive Advantage and Survival..

    What are the strategic objectives that a business can achieve with information systems?

    Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives: Operational excellence: Efficiency, productivity, and improved changes in business practices and management behavior.

    What are strategic objectives examples?

    Examples of strategic objectives.
    Increase internal revenue over the next three years..
    Decrease overhead spending..
    Budget additional funds for marketing initiatives..
    Increase stockholder shares every year for the next five years..
    Reduce waste over the next year..
    Create more diverse revenue streams..
    Increase market position..

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