SharePoint list view change title

SharePoint Online: How to Remove the Title Column from List?

July 6, 2021 0 Comments remove title field from sharepoint online list, sharepoint online hide list title, sharepoint online hide title column, sharepoint online how to remove title column, sharepoint online remove title field

Requirement: Remove Title column from SharePoint Online List

SharePoint Online: How to Remove Title Field from List?

When you create a new list, it comes with a Title column by default. You can rename the title column to something relevant to your list. E.g. Ive created a Metrics list and I can change the title column to Metrics Name or something similar. However, There are times you may want to remove the title field from the list. To remove the Title column from the list, do the following:

  • Navigate to your list where you want to hide the title column. Click on Settings >> List Settings
  • Click on Advanced settings on the list settings page >> Select the Yes option for Allow management of Content types and hit OK.
  • Now, in the list settings page, youll see Content types link with Item content type >> Click on the Item link under Content type.
  • Click on the Title column link under Columns. This will lead you to a page where you can hide the column completely by setting Hidden under the Column settings option and hit OK.

Now go back to the list, and you wont see the Title column when you try to add/edit/view items.

One last step you may have to do is: Hide the title column from views! Under list settings, Select the view which has title column and simply unselect the title field to remove it from list views.

SharePoint Online: Hide the Title Column using PowerShell

We can hide the title column from the list using PowerShell as well:

#Config Variables $SiteURL = "//" $ListName = "Metrics" $FieldName = "Title" #Connect to PnP Online Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Interactive $Ctx = Get-PnPContext #Get the Title Field $Field = Get-PnPField -List $ListName -Identity $FieldName #Hide the Field $Field.Hidden = $True $Field.Update() Invoke-PnPQuery

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