scene king là gì - Nghĩa của từ scene king

scene king có nghĩa là

Scene Kings are a part of the internet fad to gain lots of friends on sites like Myspace, Stickam, Buzznet, & others. They are either good friends with one another or worst enemies, but never neutral.

They are usually feminine (eyeliner, girlpants, bright colors) and have a huge following of fangirls. Most of them are famous for nothing, but some model, act, own clothing stores, or sing. Most of them are related to, date, or are friends with Scene Queens.

Scene Kings also can almost always be googled or found on youtube.


Clint Catalyst (Famous Scene King for being a model and LA scene socialite)

Kaiden Blake (Famous Scene King for modeling, writing, and singing)

John Hock (Famous scene king for his stickam shows)

Matthew Lush (Famous for being a 'role model' for the gays)

Jeffree Star (Hollywood transvestite most popular for modeling and singing and probably one of the more popular scene kings)

Alex Evans (Scene King known for modeling and singing)

scene king có nghĩa là

A scene king is a boy that has excessive friends on popular websites like MySpace, LiveJournal and most recently Stickam. They take photographs of themselves in ridiculous angles to make themselves look a lot more attractive than they are in reality and may even also photoshop their already distorted images to further improve the quality. Their appearance basically consists of incredible hairstyles that include an array of many different colors, hair extensions, piercings such as snake bites, septums, monroes, guages etc., tight shirts and skinny jeans. They are often egotistical and stuck-up. They attend hardcore shows to make an appearance and start drama, even if they don't even like the bands playing.


guy1: hey look at that faggot scene king
guy2: let's hate mosh his ass
scene king: omg i'm so fabulous

scene king có nghĩa là

some stupid nick-name that people on Urban Dictionary made up for scene kids in order to obtain a lot of thumbs up votes.


Idiot: Hey look at that Scene King

Scene Kid: what the fuck are you talking about?

Idiot: You know.... famous myspace scene kids!

Scene Kid: wow your a fucker. Why dont you go define shit head on Urban Dictionary you dick face.

scene king có nghĩa là

Teenagers that are famous off the internet!!!
Here are some examples of scene kings:
John Hock (The famous Stickam hacker)
Sonny Moore (from first to last and recently his solo project)
Paul Griffiths (Babycakes clothing owner and owner of THESECRETPARTYLTD)
Oliver Sykes (singer)
Mathew Lush (Self proclaimed "Gaygod")

Scene kings usually date scene queens.


Scene kings always have perfect hair!

scene king có nghĩa là

self proclaimed 3 year olds who usually use their last name in their myspace display name just because they are ego obsessed. 99% are unoriginal and just copy off of others, for example- Paul griffiths (owner of babycake clothing) uses the same image as bape shoes because he has no origanality in him, and just plays off of other peoples ideas. John hock stole much of his looks from corey pattakos but he is still known as an original?

Little do these people know that scene is dead just like emo. Now the new craze is hipster, but scene kings can't accept that its over and they are nothing more, so they try and sell their t-shirts to 12 year old acne covered emo kids who just found out about a thing called the internet.


"fuck copyright laws, I'm Paul griffiths and I'm hot, they can't touch me! Plz buy my shirts it will make you cool! Look at me, fat chicks think i'm hot and comment my pics! i'm still not cool enought to be one of the original scene kings."

scene king có nghĩa là

Some One who has lots of popular friends, loves music and does anything for attention. wear tight shirts doesnt matter where you shop, make it cute though! scene kings usually have haters and they things like "your gay" or "your a fag". being scene is harder than you think you have to have perfect hair and if its not that you got to look your best.


kid: eww look at that fag
kid2:omg wat a loser
scene king:eff you
scene kings:

scene king có nghĩa là

People on MySpace, usually teenagers, who take loads of pictures of themselves.

And wear bbycks clothing, of course.


Examples of Scene Kings:

Paul Grifiths
Alex Evans
Erik Dieterich
Jeffree Star

scene king có nghĩa là

Scene Queen: Girls who -are Dating someone in a famous band
-Having their own clothing line
-Have over 1k friends (any less is "poser-ish" unless you got hacked)
-are a cosmetologist
-Model/Does Photography
What Scene queens look like:
-Wear a lot of eyeliner
-Very big hair, either teased to the point where it looks like an animal, or dyed many different colors. Normally short and choppy at the top, but very long near the bottom.
-Either naturally skinny, or photoshopped to the point where they don't look like themselves anymore.
-Bright, neon makeup and clothes.
-A lot of jewelry, like Hello Kitty necklaces, rave kandi, Diamond laser cut necklaces, etc.
-Has one or piercings, like Monroes, snake bites, angel bites, septum, gauges etc.
-Scene Queens normally take a lot of picture of themselves.
-Ages 16-19, any younger are posers. Scene King:
Scene Kings are like Scene Queens, but in male form.
Jeffree Star, for example. Unlike most scene queens, He is famous for actually having talent.
Most scene kings have one or more ability that they are famous for, i.e, being in a band, being an artist, or famous photographer. What Scene Kings look like:
-Hair that is longer in the front than anywhere else, normally choppy or dyed, or both.
-On special occasions ONLY, they may wear eyeliner. No other time else.
-Mostly all their pictures are photoshopped, giving them the airbrushed/perfect look.


Scene Queen/Kings:

scene king có nghĩa là

Scene King is a guy who is well known in the music and myspace industry. Takes pictures of their privates to be 'mistakingly' placed onto the internet. Makes really ugly expensive clothing that people just love to buy and take pictures of to put onto their myspace. Most of the world wants to have their babies, even the guys would love to havie their babies.

Some kind of scene version of a pimp, but, only without all of those girls. Someone that Audrey Kitching, and William Beckett might have dated.


Girl: Oh my god! Pete Wentz is such a Scene King! I want to have his babies and buy all of his expensive clothing!

Boy: Oh no! Pete Wentz is mine! I own his penis in bed!

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